By: @quekery
This week we are celebrating summer slump in winter. But maybe it's just dead on Hive because so many exchanges are having problems right now. LOOL
Welcome to the 8th round of HiQ's Flash. (Editor's note: Imagine this now in an epic read aloud voice. Or you're listening to the @hiq.smartcast, in which case you don't need to imagine it. LOOL) This week you'll get 2 community articles from us. Whether you like drawing or have gray hair, you're guaranteed to get your money's worth here.
There are also a few HfHs for you, even if the summer slump in winter didn't exactly make it easy for us. But for the lazy readers, there's also a competition that's bursting with hivitivity. We'll continue to work on climbing out of our personal summer slump in winter (editor's note: it's not as if our ToDo is getting any shorter. LOOL) and doped up with vitamin Web3, we hope you enjoy ... ★
Sketchbook Community
By: @themyscira
Whether cave paintings, slates, canvases or simply paper, we draw to give our impressions a special expression. To capture spiritual images of profound beauty or suffering or what a change in history has shown.
Something has always been captured in symbols and forms to preserve it for posterity or to show others what there is to learn. Great artists have known how to express graceful things in their paintings, even drawing in the golden ratio (Note from @quekery: *φ), and to this day they have remained a feast for the eyes for everyone in the world and so every drawing speaks a different language.
Visual perception is one of the most deceptive, but also one of the most important for the sighted. What would life be without the colour magic of the inner eye? Each person experiences art differently through the training of their sensory perception; one person can understand 100 different colours, another only 7.
This all manifests itself in the understanding of art and what is to be expressed. So it is clear that no two eyes can see or feel the same thing if one of them only sees black and white. LOOL
But don't get us wrong, black and white drawings are great if you use the right shading, a Rembrandt knew that. And that's where the Sketchbook Community comes in, where you can find a new Rembrandt or become one yourself. (Editor's note: This will be difficult, but it could be an NFT Rembrandt, LOOL)
Tell us what motivated you to create your pictures and what skills you use to realise them, so that others can share in your creative streak and be motivated themselves. Don't forget to put decent tags that include your subjects, such as: art, drawing, oil paint, etc. So here's to some new sketches in the Sketchbook Community. ★
Silver Bloggers
By: @tengolotodo
We sent our Scottish reporter out on a mission to the Silver Bloggers Community and this is how he reported back to HiQuarters.
Actually @tengolotodo is already a community moderator so we cheated a little. (Editor's note: But only a little bit. LOOL) First things first, Silver Bloggers Community is nothing to do with the metal Silver. No, it is concerning the silver that might be in your hair. So we know the community members are not precious metal hunters. (Editor's note: How do you know they are not? LOOL)
In the fast and cutthroat pace of Social Media, a place was lacking where pre-millennials could rest their weary bones, have a cup of coffee and slowly type on the keyboard to tell their daily living stories.
We find on Hive there are so many national teams, well not so in the Silver Bloggers Community, your nationality does not matter and you are made to feel welcome. With founders @lizelle and @fionasfavourites hailing from South Africa you might think the community is African focused.
But no, our reporter on the ground is Scottish and the other male moderator who by the way is also a bit madman hails from Europe as well. "What about the Americans?" I hear you say. North, Central and South the Silver Bloggers have got you covered! Moderator @coquicoin hails from Venezuela and there are numerous members who post regularly from some part of the Americas.
Like any community, engagement is highly valued and appreciated. Some of the most engaging members come from all over Asia who contribute and help grow the community.
Talking of communities, Silver Bloggers is an OCD incubated community so all members are put through a rigorous mental and physical assault course before being able to be curated by the mods. (Editor's note: Just joking, or are we? LOOL)
Isn't the community just a bunch of old boring farts?
Heck no! Do you know there are lots of Hivians who are totally qualified age wise to post in Silver Bloggers? In theory it is for pre-millenials who might be going through second, third...phases in life. But in reality Silver Bloggers bring together young-at-heart kindred spirits and younger 'old souls'.
There is a Silver Bloggers Discord server and there is an active threading account in where the @silverlions.leo account handles the weekly author polls as well as the weekend threading engagement contests.
So now you know you can find some of us there in the Silver Bloggers Community resting our writing hands. LOOL ★
By: @quekery & @bechibenner
As of today, we are renaming Hivestyle for Hivians to ... we forgot. LOOL
Splinterlands News
Not only is Rebellion soon to be launched at Splinterlands, but the pre-sale is already over and more and more cards are being presented. In our opinion, some of them are very well done.
Rebellion will also change a few things. Not only will the "Modern" game mode change, where Untamend will be removed and replaced by Rebellion. Rebellion will also change a lot in Wild. New abilities will be implemented and new summoners will also find their way into the game. This will definitely turn the old gameplay as we know it on its head.
They also announced in the last Townhall that Land 1.5 will continue and they have planned the release for next week. Anyone who wants to can try out Land on the Mavs test server - We wish you lots of fun and are excited to see what's to come (Editor's note: Like @mima2606. LOOL).
Hive CrossDex
Terablock is planning a proposal. The goal is to bring more DeFi options, crypto bridges and fiat bridges to Hive. Terablock has already developed bridges for DEC and SPS. We will keep you up to date on whether they succeed in their ambitious project.@terablock-hive is planning a CrossDex for Hive. To fund this,
Hive Art in Cuba
this post you can find out more about the event. ★On November 24th 2023 there will be an exhibition in Cuba featuring art by Hivians. The focus will be on female artists in particular. If you are interested in participating, please contact @newnow497. In
By: @bechibenner
In our last HiQs Flash there was, as every week, a competition. This time the goal was for you to guess how many Fillink cards are in a pack that we have opened.
You had one week to guess and the following people answered the call: @bitandi, @ynwa.andree, @joseal2020, @alicia2022, @tengolodoto.
User | Guess | Cards |
bitandi | 1 | Fillink |
ynqa.andree | 1 | Fillink |
joseal2020 | 1 | Fillink |
alicia2022 | 2 | Fillink |
tengolodoto | 2 | Fillink |
After all participants were identified and their picks were noted, someone from the team opened a Craftink booster pack to see how many Fillink cards were included. Here is the pack with time and date.
Since, as you can all see, there was only 1 Fillink in the pack, the following participants guessed correctly and will get to enjoy the incredible Craftink booster packs: @bitandi, @ynwa.andree, @joseal2020.
Because of our 7th birthday, there were also 7 packs to be won. For this reason, we decided to let chance decide between the 3 who guessed correctly who gets 1 more pack.
We used a random number generator to do this and here is the result:
The lucky winner is @bitandi, who gets 3 booster packs, @ynwa.andree and @joseal2020 get 2 each. We hope you enjoy the pack opening and may the Fillink be with you. (Editor's note: And the Houlouuuuus. LOOL)
The HiQ team will open another CraftInk booster pack internally and you have to guess how many Fillink cards will be in this pack. Write us your guess in the comments and mention 2 more Hivestylers. In the next HiQs Flash we will announce the winners and post a proof screenshot of our pack opening. For this competition you have time until the countdown is over. We will raffle off 8 packs among all participants. (Editor's note: We'll refrain from repeating last week's joke. LOOL) ★
This week you can once again take part in the popular HIQS Commentary Discount Sale 5/4 and buy up to 540 HIQS. This time there is a 10% discount on the current price (0.328 SWAP.HIVE). Just write
!HIQS HereYourWishAmount
in the comments. For 0.295 SWAP.HIVE per HIQS you can get the coveted item this week. You have 48 hours from when this post is published to do so. After the deadline, a post will be published on @hiq.shares that will process your orders.
If more than 540 HIQS are requested, the HiQ Smart Bot will distribute the HIQS fairly according to smooms' rule. In cases of abuse, we reserve the right to exclude users from purchasing. (Editor's note: Which still has NEVER happened.) ★
HiQ SUB Badge. Write quicklyIf you want to be informed about our latest issue, @CraftInk, the Commentary Discount Sale, or the other stuff then you should definitely subscribe to us and even get the coveted
into the comments, follow us on PeakD or any other dApp you trust: For the german issue follow @hiq and for the english version @hiq.magazine. ★★
Anyone who is stylish and smart has subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @adoore-eu @akida @alessandrawhite @alex2alex @alicia2022 @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @balvinder294 @bananofarmer @barmbo @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cliffagreen @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @coquicoin @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dotwin1981 @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @eikejanssen @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @ifarmgirl-leo @industriousliv @ironshield @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @ivanov007 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @kirstin @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @levi-miron @libertycrypto27 @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @mypathtofire @neoxvoter @nessos @newnow497 @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @rinchaelle05 @roky @saffisara @saggi07 @sandymeyer @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @surrealworld @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @themyscira @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @umuk @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @warrablog @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zitalove @zockerpeine
I think 1 fillink card in the next opening. @alicia2022 @nahueldare3627 look this
I am sooo sorry that I only discovered your magazine now, been on another planet for a bad couple of months, but will be keeping an eye out from here on; things should slowly get back to normal, I hope!
There is so much happening on Hive that we miss, this is a fabulous venture!Hi to the editorial team of @hiq.magazine, thank you so very much for featuring the Silverbloggers (thank you Ed, yep no time to be boring old farts in the 21st century not so;)
This is so cool! Finding the Silver Bloggers mentioned here. Thanks so much, @hiq.magazine team and Super Ed @tengolotodo. ❤
I think the pack will contain 2 Fillink cards this time. What do you think @ifarmgirl and @fantagira?
I think the pack will contain 2 Fillink cards this time
@birdbeaksd @zonadigital21 check this out
It will be so good to see talented people put up their artworks here
The ones you have posted are so lovely
I love them!
It's good that I guessed right about a filling letter, I was thinking for a while what to answer hehe, and when do they send the prizes?
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