Von: @mary-me
It's that time again. Your favourite magazine on Hive is back. Despite the pre-summer slump, i.e. the spring slump, we have another packed issue for you. Read for yourself.
What is @CryptoCompany and who is its CEO and why is he MVP? Will this be the future Hive Metaverse? Not much is known about the 3D point-and-click adventure yet, but we know from reliable sources that it will be spectacular, at least for the HiQ. So subscribe to the account and stay tuned for what's to come.
The column is from our Hive Lady @kvinna. She wonders how the crypto rally will turn out for our beloved HIVE. Old hands are currently calm, but for many newcomers the current price is frightening.
This month's hot topic is clearly Proposal-Gate (editor's note: did anyone count? How many gates have we already had?), which @thatgermandude and @quekery have packed into a cover story for you. Look forward to lots of speculation and a bit of rage.
This issue continues with the topic of arbitrage and what we think about arbitraging with our beloved HIQS. Then, and appropriately, we actively beg for donations to keep our pool alive because of the proposal gate.
Nevertheless, there will also be a Commentary Discount Sale at the ultra-low price of 0.30 HIVE per HIQS. However, we won't be able to sell as many as last time because of the aforementioned proposal gate, you know what I mean. So hurry up and buy, there are 180 HIQS for sale.
@themyscira, who seems to have really become a kind of community representative of HiQ, at least this is now the 4th article in a row from her that deals with communities. This time it's about DIY, i.e. Do It Yourself.
What is happening at dCity? Are the taxes still like in real life? Are there new maps? You can find out about this and much more from @quekery further down in this block.
Last but not least, we round off the issue as always with gossip, Hivestyle for Hivians and the ever-popular letters to the editor. So dear Fomoians, take your time, treat yourself to a delicious cold drink of your choice and enjoy the HiQ №19. ★
➁ Column - From the moon ➀ HiQs MVP - @CryptoCompany CEO
Cover Story
➂ Proposal-Gate
➃ What is Arbitrage?
➄ Call for donations
➅ Hive DIY Community
➆ dCity - Like real life
➇ Gossip
➈ Hivestyle für Hivians
➉ Readers' letters ★
By: @PowerPaul
Get out the cocktails! So that we can all sit in the whirlpool with a tropical feeling and enjoy the wealth of a crypto and media mogul - thanks to @CryptoCompany. Curtain up and fomo on!
We can just barely stay calm. But you can already go completely crazy! Because what's already being traded behind closed doors as a hive metaverse, dear ladies and gentlemen, has the potential to be an MVP in perpetuity.
Dear readers, Groovys and Fomos, we are pleased to introduce now :
CryptoCompany CEO, a 3D point-and-click adventure game! In the main story, you learn about and master the various aspects of the Hive blockchain in a playful way. Coupled with various mini-games and competitions in multiplayer mode, you will never run out of fun as a crypto mogul on your tropical island.
The game is intended to activate new users for the Hive blockchain in particular. But seasoned Hivians will also find value in the game due to the integration of learning content in the game and associated achievements. Not to mention the small and large mechanisms so that the inclined Fomo can collect, farm and profitably invest his tokens.
In all modesty: Here you come as CryptoCompany CEO! And so that you can get off to a successful start, you should clearly leave a follow for @CryptoCompany - there are already rumours of specials for the early birds on board.
Are you the next HiQ MVP and can call yourself the most stylish user of the month?
NEW: Send 10 HIQS & get 100% votes for 1 MONTH!
Every month we look for the most stylish Hivian of the Hive. You can submit your photo too! Send 10 HIQS (+ possible bribe) to @hiq with the memo "HiQ MVP + link to your profile".
We will then publish your picture in one of the next issues. In addition, we will put you in our auto-voter for one month. That means: at least 28 days of 100% upvotes from the smart HiQ trail. ★
(only 1 Vote pro Tag)
By: @kvinna
A short report from the Hive rollercoaster ride and a nice blockchain story that we should remember every now and then, especially when prices are on the decline.
The HIVE is riding a rollercoaster with our emotions and on its downward ride it is taking coins and tokens with it. Well, it shouldn't be quite like that, then as much as we value our HIVE, it's probably only going down in price, just like the other cryptocurrencies.
What is the trigger: the falling bitcoin price, the increased key interest rate, a crashed stablecoin, the stock market, the entire economic and political situation or all of the above? Hasn't the HIVE exchange rate often been below the dollar, which it usually orbits so dutifully? Is it so different this time?
Experienced hivians reported that they were used to this and that one should now wait and hodl. But possibly the falling crypto prices now ride a rollercoaster sometimes even with the feelings of patient, strong crypto hodlers.
No one can see into the future, but let's see what we already have in the present:
A blockchain that enables exchange and that worldwide. Within seconds, we can help people on the other side of the world or even nearby with a vote, a donation, a delegation or a tip, but just as easily receive support in some form from others.
We can see projects near and far: Gardening, Farming, Cooking, Baking, Lifestyle, Handicrafts, Arts, Photography, Travel, Games, Kryptonews, 3D Printing and that's just a small excerpt.
You meet a friendly and helpful community. You can experience almost first-hand how people cultivate their land, care for their animals, produce instruments, develop games and much, much more. The best thing about it, however, is that you can ask them questions, exchange ideas, learn from each other, network, work together and all that on one portal.
Doesn't this give us something very special that allows us to remain independent of currency fluctuations? Even if the HIVE does not recover, we will still have the people, the numerous valuable items and our respective shares in this versatile, beautiful blockchain.
Our platform even has its own magazine, many competitions and a lot of communities for every conceivable area, as well as versatile people who make it even more valuable every day through their content and mutual support.
What could we do now while the HIVE is racing to the bottom? Hodln and buy up if you still have something left to invest to strengthen the blockchain through powerup? It would probably be an opportune time now.
Would a global economic crisis spare the dollar, the franc, the euro or the krona? Is there a really safe investment?
While the HIVE seems to be in the theme park, please remember that we still have this grandiose chain, so hit the keys, share your knowledge and exchange ideas. Let's strengthen the value of our Hivechain by posting diligently and sharing knowledge, because no crash can take that away from us. Hive on! ★
By: @quekery & @thatgermandude
Did we witness a 50% attack on Tribaldex or Hive Engine? What, you haven't heard anything about it yet? Then you've come to the right place - we'll clear it up.
For some time now, the account @americaman has come to our attention as a hard BEE Fomo Sapiens and Hodler. He was able to amass a six-figure amount of the token, but why is that important and what can you actually do with BEE?
BEE is needed to create a token or a Diesel Pool on the Hive Engine. Additional options, such as contribution contracts (the things that ensure that rewards are also in the pool) or the staking function of a token also cost a lot of BEE. (Editor's note: Or NFTs, or Tribe functions, or Outposts, or or or ...).
In addition, there is a BEE:BEE proposal system where you can submit a proposal and with 20,000 BEE Power you can get up to 2191.78082191 BEE in daily funding. The HIQS Diesel Pool was also provided with rewards through such a proposal, although we could not have done this without the support of the BEE-strong @blue.rabbit.
What has happened?
BEE worth about 60,000 $ is quite a lot, you're probably thinking. Especially when you consider that these BEE have been lying around unused at @americaman's for over half a year. To explain this, we have to bring a second account into play: @splinterskins.
Just under a week ago @splinterskins created three tokens, namely FURY, BRAIN and WHALE.
Shortly afterwards, three Diesel Pools were also created, each with SWAP.HIVE as a pair partner.
Stand: 25.05.2022
And three BEE:BEE Proposals were launched by the account @splinterskins.
Each of these proposals would like to have 275 BEE per day go into the respective pool as a reward. But why all this? Allegedly, the user wants to reward Splinterlands skin owners by airdropping a lot of tokens to the users, who can then fomo into the pool. Furthermore, the SL players could sell the tokens or use them as tipping tokens, which is supposed to be the main use case.
Sounds quite nice at first, doesn't it? But unfortunately there's a catch: the user who, according to the airdrop "algorithm", gets by far the biggest Airdrop is @americaman. He has also "donated" around 38,000 HIVE and 76,000 BEE to the project in order to multiply his airdrop. Since he is also the only donor and directly injected a countervalue of about 50,000 $, the suspicion that he is closely connected or even the man behind @splinterskins is obvious.
There were also other potential airdrop recipients. @splinterskins wrote a post mentioning all the airdrop recipients and everyone who responded with a comment received a small airdrop. So @americaman and @splinterskins are also by far the biggest stakeholders of FURY, BRAIN and WHALE.
The three proposals were voted for exclusively by @splinterskins, who staked 50k of his "donation". So three times 275 BEE per day go into three pools and @splinterskins and @americaman are also the biggest stakeholders of the tokens that are necessary to fund the three pools - financed with only one vote and from one account.
Was this really just a generous donation for three tipping tokens for Splinterlands fans? Or is it a scam? (Editor's note: After all, @americaman's massive stake was presumably acquired freely on the market through Splinterlands profits).
Of course, we also took a look at who was in the pools. We were particularly interested in whether @americaman and @splinterskins are in the pools to get the BEE rewards:
user | shares | percentage | SWAP.HIVE | FURY |
splinterskins | 172652.9246 | 52.0173 | 256.1345 | 118767195.2090 |
nectar-queen | 3791.9972 | 1.1424 | 5.6255 | 2608498.4164 |
megalithic | 4980.9665 | 1.5006 | 7.3893 | 3426385.2236 |
cardshrine | 18077.9811 | 5.4465 | 26.8190 | 12435764.5355 |
egistar | 18851.1219 | 5.6795 | 27.9660 | 12967604.7571 |
shebe | 6.4851 | 0.0019 | 0.0096 | 4461.1224 |
primersion | 848.7884 | 0.2557 | 1.2591 | 583877.8784 |
frawdielp2 | 4233.3323 | 1.2754 | 6.2802 | 2912090.9190 |
chiefquimbysdad | 1428.1299 | 0.4302 | 2.1186 | 982404.4020 |
humblebeast | 24481.9936 | 7.3759 | 36.3195 | 16841056.8695 |
s33rd3m0n | 245.2608 | 0.0738 | 0.3638 | 168713.8940 |
gambit-x | 34495.5557 | 10.3929 | 51.1749 | 23729342.6212 |
educateddropout | 26548.6017 | 7.9986 | 39.3854 | 18262667.5886 |
cdclarnz | 12255.0541 | 3.6922 | 18.1806 | 8430198.3646 |
igor-el-creator | 1.5719 | 0.0004 | 0.0023 | 1081.3085 |
earlwall | 8338.1511 | 2.5121 | 12.3698 | 5735777.8927 |
bobthebuilder2 | 676.4038 | 0.2037 | 1.0034 | 465295.2770 |
user | shares | percentage | SWAP.HIVE | BRAIN |
splinterskins | 158113.8830 | 56.9918 | 244.1804 | 102855240.8661 |
nectar-queen | 8523.4874 | 3.0722 | 13.1631 | 5544645.0409 |
megalithic | 10851.5433 | 3.9114 | 16.7583 | 7059077.2038 |
cardshrine | 27790.1359 | 10.0168 | 42.9172 | 18077863.0905 |
primersion | 8757.6534 | 3.1566 | 13.5247 | 5696973.1943 |
help.venezuela | 9655.3418 | 3.4802 | 14.9110 | 6280931.7971 |
frawdielp2 | 4624.9296 | 1.6670 | 7.1424 | 3008579.9452 |
zionazrael | 35801.7393 | 12.9046 | 55.2898 | 23289520.5441 |
cdclarnz | 12512.8082 | 4.5102 | 19.3239 | 8139752.7081 |
bobthebuilder2 | 647.4254 | 0.2333 | 0.9998 | 421159.0913 |
avidez | 153.7246 | 0.0554 | 0.2374 | 99999.9995 |
user | shares | percentage | SWAP.HIVE | WHALE |
splinterskins | 158113.8830 | 69.6610 | 328.7787 | 76338995.6770 |
nectar-queen | 1251.1361 | 0.5512 | 2.6015 | 604061.3091 |
megalithic | 1347.5616 | 0.5937 | 2.8020 | 650616.5203 |
cardshrine | 2700.0073 | 1.1895 | 5.6143 | 1303591.1047 |
primersion | 549.9924 | 0.2423 | 1.1436 | 265541.9414 |
frawdielp2 | 2795.5565 | 1.2316 | 5.8130 | 1349723.2437 |
juwel13 | 1734.4499 | 0.7641 | 3.6065 | 837410.1517 |
s33rd3m0n | 3041.1421 | 1.3398 | 6.3236 | 1468294.4420 |
educateddropout | 25928.7578 | 11.4235 | 53.9157 | 12518668.7818 |
bengbenggg | 9171.0363 | 4.0405 | 19.0700 | 4427869.8866 |
humblebeast | 989.3616 | 0.4358 | 2.0572 | 477673.9133 |
gambit-x | 4061.9577 | 1.7895 | 8.4463 | 1961154.6194 |
bobthebuilder2 | 505.2575 | 0.2226 | 1.0506 | 243943.5176 |
zionazrael | 14786.0570 | 6.5143 | 30.7458 | 7138859.1727 |
Stand: 25.05.2022
If it really is a scam and/or a misuse of the proposal system (editor's note: which we assume.), something must of course be done against this alleged 50% attack. It's just a shame that there are no protective mechanisms on the part of the hive engine. The existing BEE stakes are few and far between. Even the vast majority of hive engine wits have no BEE take worth mentioning.
As with the Hive Proposal System, there is a limit to the BEE that can be paid out daily. If this limit is exceeded by proposals that have received more than 20k BEE take votes, all lower proposals fall out of the funding, so that the sum of 2191.78082191 BEE is not exceeded.
The Hive Engine considered either raising the funding limit or voting a proposal upwards, which would kick all proposals below it out of the funding.
If the largest stakeholders were to vote diligently, it would be possible to achieve 60k votes, for example. But @americaman still has enough BEE up his sleeve, so that he could easily manage votes of around 120k.
The BEE:BEE proposal system has been deactivated for almost a week. This means that all proposals from the BEE:BEE DAO Fund no longer receive any money. And this also affects our proposal. At the moment we don't know how long this situation will last.
However, our contacts have told us that the proposal system will remain deactivated for a few months. Perhaps a good solution will be found in that time. In any case, all the solutions proposed so far have not satisfied the HE team.
Of course, @splinterskins no longer gets any rewards for his three pools. Each of the pools received 275 BEE for three days. If you count the 1150 BEE per pool in costs, certainly not a good deal. And there is no recommendation from us to fund these pools.
What's going to happen to us?
As long as the DAO Fund is deactivated, we are facing hard times. Therefore, we have taken emergency measures. As we already mentioned in @hiq.redaktion's last post, we have reduced the token sale distribution and will therefore only pay out 20% of the planned tokens for the time being. Feeding rewards will also be difficult. We plan to replenish at least 10% of the usual rewards.
For this, a donation comment will be planted under each post by @hiq, @hiq.magazine, @hiq.editors and @hiq.shares. (Editor's note: What hasn't gone so well so far ...)
But we continue to fight and are of course happy about any form of support, be it votes, donations or purchases of HIQS. May Fomokrates be with us. ★
By: @thatgermandude & @quekery
Arbitrage trading is common in the normal and the crypto world and at its core ensures that market prices remain stable across different markets, but for our special offer we need prohibit it.
The condition to make arbitrage trades is two or more markets where the same product/asset/token is available for different prices and the density of supply and demand is sufficient to trade significant amounts of that object.
Example: Assume that BTC costs 30,000 $ on Bittrex and 29,000 $ on Coinbase. Now you can sell 1 BTC on Bittrex and buy 1 BTC on Coinbase and (without taking transaction fees into account) you have made a profit of 1000 $.
In our case, there are three markets that are interesting: Hive Engine, our Diesel Pool and our Discount Sale. Here you can buy HIQS cheaply at our Discount Sale and then sell/swap them directly on the market or in the Diesel Pool, usually at a profit. This would defeat the purpose of our discount sales and quickly ensure that the market price on Hive Engine and the price in the diesel pool converge on the discount price.
To draw a comparison to the real world: If you, as an employee of a company, buy shares at a preferential price, you also have to commit to holding them for a while. We want to set this holding obligation at one month. (Editor's note: We still resent the sale, though, lool.)
Of course, we would prefer it if the tokens acquired in the discount sales were not used for arbitrage. The Discount Sales are primarily not intended to sell HIQS immediately at a profit. If HIQS are bought from us, this naturally supports HiQ and its team. However, if the HIQS were to be sold again immediately, the buying pressure could steadily decrease and, as already mentioned, the prices would level out.
Reminder: In addition to selling your tokens, you can also stake HIQS to get on the leaderboard or even get advertising space if you are one of the top 4 stakers. (Editor's note: @balte is number 1, but doesn't want an ad slot.) Alternatively, do it like Fomokrates and fomo into our pool.
This week there is another Commentary Discount Sale. For an inflation-adjusted 0.3 SWAP.HIVE you can buy up to 180 HIQS. (Editor's note: What, so little? Yes, our funding is unfortunately down for the time being, and without moolah you can only get 20% ... ) Just write
!HIQS YourDesiredAmount
in the comments. If more than 180 HIQS are requested, the HIQS will be divided fairly by the HiQ Smart Bot according to Smoom's rule. We reserve the right to exclude users who are not fulfilled by the God of Fomoness. (Editor's note: We have never excluded someone up to this point and hope it stays that way. It's nice that you are such exemplary Fomo disciples).
You have 48 hours. After that, we will publish a post on @hiq.shares to close the sale. ★
Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 3 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to [email protected].
1st | @balte | 001010 |
2nd | @psyberx | 000500 |
3rd | @blue.rabbit | 000205 |
4th | @kryptodenno | 000200 |
5th | @prinzvalium | 000124 |
6th | @reiseamateur | 000104 |
7th | @jedigeiss | 000100 |
8th | @danielhuhservice | 000090 |
9th | @themyscira | 000088 |
10th | @r0nny | 000080 |
By: @smooms
To stay true to our old selves, let's stick to our scrounging tips. The HIQS Reward Pool needs YOUR help. Enclosed is our appeal for donations. Real Hivestylers need your help.
As mentioned in the Proposal-Gate article, the hammer has hit us hard in recent weeks. The actions of a single user have been enough to cut off our funding. That's why we need YOU now.
Virtualy YOU, who is reading this now. Every little HIVEcent is precious to us here. We try to scrounge up funding for the reward pool via the comments under each post that we post via every channel available to HiQ.
Unfortunately, little has come of it so far, but YOU can change that now. Fomo hard into the upvote button for the reward pool in the comments. We would never forget this and you would get a very special place in our hearts.
Of course, this is not a must, but any help is important to us. If you can also spare a few tokens to put into the reward pool, we would be grateful - every HIVEcent counts.
Unfortunately, it is not yet foreseeable when the situation will improve. We are of course trying hard to acquire further sources of income in order to get everything back on track. Until then, we are unfortunately scrounging our way into your wallets.
Let it rain ... ★
By: @themyscira
Did you make something yourself? Or do you have it made for you? Don't know how to make papier-mâché animals? Neither do we, so let's turn our attention to the exciting things in the DIY Community.
Some users don't just count on frills, but really make an effort and invest time in their works. Of course, these works should also find a place in the HiQ, which is why we let our community representatives browse and participate in the community themselves.
From self-made cars and aeroplanes made from old aluminium cans to really great vase decorations, everything is wide-ranging here too. The users come up with really cool things when upcycling and we have to show you a small selection of them:
Image by @fixie
Image by @blanca56
Image by @pcojines
Guys, it really pays off to present your DIY projects in the Do It Yourself community. Come up with something and show us what you have created. We can't wait to see what you've made. So Do It Yourself, dear ones. ★
By: @quekery
Empty wallets, extremely high taxes, hardly any prospects for education and technologies and every purchase hurts painfully. No, we are not talking about Real Life here. We are talking about dCity.
Things haven't been going well at dCity for a while. Many players are frustrated or turning away. A look at the current taxes gives us real life vibes - 108 % ... When the economy isn't doing so well, as we know, it needs inhabitants - many, many inhabitants.
These are currently also in high demand. Those who want to specialise in human trafficking can earn quite a bit here. Human trafficking is currently very profitable for all residents. But students and indebted students are particularly valuable assets. Indeed, indebted students can be upgraded.
A student can become a student in debt with a certain probability. The older the student, the higher the probability of becoming a student in debt. (Editor's note: This game is completely realistic.) Good, so we students hodl until the professor (Editor's note: Or the soldier. lool) comes.
It is not only in the real economy that one has to invest to upgrade a student in debt. This also costs at dCity. Currently, you pay 20 SIM per indebted student. The investment can make students Homeless (chance: 5 %), Scientist (chance: 5 %), Worker (chance: 5 %), Hard Worker (chance: 5 %), Policeman (chance: 20 %), Eco Activist (chance: 15 %), Soldier (chance: 19 %), Economist (chance: 20 %), Professor (chance: 5 %) or Lawyer (chance: 1 %).
All cards except Worker, Hard Worker and Homeless give you extra benefits like tax rebates and other bonuses.
Since indebted students can be a way into the tax haven, you can buy the Student Pack for one week at the ultra-realistic life simulation dCity. This city promotion pack contains 50 indebted students and gives a bonus of 50 Tax Refund and 50 Popularity. The crisis measure costs 25 HIVE. dCity admits to repeat this measure from time to time. (Editor's note: To generate wealth, you simply have to sell your people).
Besides human trafficking updates, dCity also plans religions, data surveillance centres, the pocket of SIMulation and new gentrified buildings. ★
By: @themyscira & @quekery
Despite the presidential summer slump, Gossip is still around, albeit very little this issue. But we still don't want to leave you empty-handed. May Gossipkrates be with you.
Another Hivecamp?
Here he invited to an idyllic meeting in the Thuringian Forest, all blockchainers can come together for leisurely hikes, singing competitions and much more. That sounds really crazy and gets you in the mood for the summer. In addition, Hivians can exchange information about new tokens, cryptos and more, all while having a nice get-together. We could not observe any resonance. Unfortunately, visibility will not be particularly high due to the massive flags.
Who has an intensified summer camp idea here? Well the @greece-lover!
Trust no statistics
That's what @themarkymark must have thought when he flagged @arcange's hive stats post. Is this the end for stats fans? Or does everyone hate stochastics like normal people? Where will we find stats for new and old hands in the future? Fortunately, it's still available in . What's actually going on with French? And who is @maxpatternmann?
Dark times on Steem
If 1 STU Vote was recently worth almost 1.60 $ it is now worth about 50 cents. Reason: There is no more SBD as a payout. Good thing we are not fomoing into Steem.
Find of the month
You want to fomo into Quality? We have something for you. @andy4475 must have had a lot of flags to contend with and is extremely unhappy. He presents us with the comment of the month at the same time:
New posts by him are apparently no longer inundated with flags. Probably because he has a 69 reputation. We think that's great, of course. ★
Just when the tokens are hiding in the depths of Hades and spoiling the mood for many, we make a special effort to inform you hivestylishly. And you get some infomos on top of that.
PsyberX - Market, Market, Market
The time has come. @psyberx has successfully opened the gates to the in-house . Hivestylers who have received PsyberX assets through drops can trade them there. So @balte caught a tendinitis, because he had to open about 230 crates manually, which he got dropped. To raise fans into absolute fomostasis, there were also hefty LVL bounties for first legendary pulls of purchased crates. So far, 238 Crates have been sold, which cost 20 HIVE each without discount.
Remember, June 1st is HivePowerUpDay again, so set aside some HIVE already. Right now that would be especially important. Or what do you think?
Fun in German
Finally, the popular Lolzbot spits out some German jokes, including some of your own. You only have to type !WITZ or !LOOL (Note: not !LOL [Note: And don't forget CAPS.]) and the bot of @captaincryptic answers with a joke in german. (Editor's note: Proof reading by the one and only @mary-me.)
Fred's Wheel of Fortune
Every saturday @fredfettmeister's Wheel of Fortune is spinning for you. Here you can win various prizes. The rules are quite simple, if you don't want to miss anything, then write ABO in the comments of his post (Edior's note: THIEF!) and he will remind you. You can find more info
Hiveminds Starline
this post and get inspired by the fantastic pictures. But beware: at the latest after you've seen the video, you won't be able to say no to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Tickets are even available through Hive, how could it be otherwise?
On June 18th 2022, a very special event for all senses will take place. @yangyanje cordially invites you to a festival near Zurich. On offer are music, dance, painting and healthy, delicious food in a secluded place surrounded by beautiful nature. Be sure to check out
A Proposal needs support.
@imwatsi plans to develop and maintain Plug & Play and Global Notification System HAF based apps and needs votes for his proposal. You can find more info
Hive Gifs to give away.
nice gifs for you, which you may modify or use as you wish. He wishes to be seen more, so check out his blog to see what he has to offer.
@doze has made some very
Pay with HBD.
in this link.
The basic idea of @solymi is to list Hivians from all over the world who offer services and accept payment by HBD. All interesting details and explanation how it works you can find
Meme Bot 2000
There are no requirements to use this bot and it is free for everyone. You only need to write !MEME in a reply and that's it. More information about the project can be found here.
FREECHAIN - Teaser Trailer
For the long announced and highly anticipated documentary there is now finally a trailer here that definitely makes you want to see more. Absolutely recommended to watch. (Editor's note: @mary-me already has glassy eyes .... from all the watching, of course. What were you thinking of?) ★
By: @smooms
This time, too, we received a bunch of letters from users who, of course, sent them to us completely consciously. And as always, we also respond. And here is the 3rd line for the teaser.
@quantumg starts these round of readers' letters:
Thanks for featuring LMAC in this great article, which was again exceedingly interesting also in all other topics. I love that casual style. :-)
This is no casual style. This is the Hivestyle. Glad you like us.
A phenomenal magazine that, by the way, also contributes to a strong six-pack.
HiQ is a very phenomenal and misterious Magazine.
And it's phenomenality is only exceeded by it's power.
@mballesteros takes a deep breath and says:
I'm glad Hive has a lively, fresh, and humorous magazine.
The one and only magazine. Forged in the fires of STEEM, back in the dark ages no one likes to talk about.
Thanks for highlighting @LMAC, it's my art school but more than that, it's my home at Hive. There I've met wonderful people and talented artists and I've also learned a lot about the art of collage.
We like Hive. You have a lot of people sharing the same interests and it's a good way to connect with each other. We learned the art of magazining. :P
Will be happy that this announcement will attract more artists to the LMAC. Thanks for the mention and I wish you success!
We like to give that back to you. And happy collaging.
@agmoore is stoked about the one and only Hivstyle Magazine:
This is so cool. A sophisticated, cutting-edge Hive Magazine.
THE MOST sophisticated, cuttung-edge HiveSTYLE Magazine.
I love the tone and energy. Of course, I really love the focus on LMAC, a community dear to my heart. When you explain that the invitation to create art in LMAC is extended to everyone, not just artists, you're talking about me. I gleefully accepted @shaka's invitation to create way back in the early days, when there were just a few contributors. The response to my first, naive, crudely crafted collage was warm. Artists were kind, @shaka was gracious. I was hooked.
Us too. Our Community representative was stoked about the community. As were we.
Now I think I'm hooked on your magazine. News from the community presented in a crisp, fresh style. This is exactly what we need.
Preach it. Whoever doesn't know us has to. :P
Thanks for the focus on LMAC this week. And thanks for the heads up on Ladies of Hive. Sounds like another community where I might 'meet' some really interesting people.
When it comes to "meeting people" you may consider visiting Hive Fest or some other Real Life Hive Meetups taking pace near you. We plan on beeing on the next Hive Fest which will take place in Real Life hopefully as well.
@zyzymena, as a honoured Hivian tells us:
It's indeed a great honour to be featured in this magazine. Nice one.
The greatest honour. Name 1 other magazine on Hive that features other users... That's right. WE are the ony one. :P
@flauwy has more 1UPs than a cat:
Great to see another issue. !1UP
Great to see another happy flauwy comment. insert1uphere
@shaka thanks us personaly:
Thank you guys very much for the great article on the LMAC! We hope to welcome new faces from the HiQ community to our weekly fun contest. The current round was even sweetened up by the HiQ Team with a special prize - go have a look! 😎👍
How did the competition go? Were people having fun? Because that's what it's all about. FOMO, Fun and Fame. The 3 F's we are living on. As well as smart, stylish and sexy.
@captaincryptic is rather uncryptic while saying:
Thanks so much for the great write up on the LOLZ Project. And those pictures of me.... camera really does add 10 pounds I guess. !LOLZ
Those where the most appealing pictures of you that we found (Editor's note: On Pixabay. LOOL) We didn't have to use a lot of Photoshop to edit them, too. Most fomogenic MVP as of now. ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @thatgermandude, @themyscira, @kvinna & @powerpaul
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are great!
The opinion of individual authors does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff or the publisher. If an article is published under an alias, the true (profile) name of the author is known. We reserve the right not to print submitted text contributions if the content contained therein is questionable or massively violates the boundaries of morality and order. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adncabrera @alucian @andy-plays @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @cloudlynx @chrislybear @cultus-forex @dauerossi @ditsch @dieradikalemitte @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @flows @fredfettmeister @hatoto @ischmieregal @jeenger @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kheldar1982 @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @louis88 @mario89 @markus.light @mary-me @miketr @mima2606 @misan @mryoung1979 @mwfiae @nessos @platuro @powerpaul @pundito @quekery @querdenker @quelled @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @r0nny @satren @sebescen81 @shakkei @schmidi @simsibee @smooms @solarwarrior @solymi @syalla @tibfox @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @vasupi @vugel @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@thatgermandude was involved in:
- More fomogeneous than any APR
- Translator 0.2 - Judgement Editor
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Alu's buddy
- Proposal-Gate
- What is Arbitrage?
- Always more than 400 %
@powerpaul was involved in:
- It's called FomoSome with a capital F and a capital S
- Power of Paul
- Only genuine with a pulse over 180
- Gigantic HIQS Fomo sapiens
- "EDUCATION DUUUUDE" - HiQs MVP - @CryptoCompany CEO
@smooms was involved in:
- Fomocalyptica
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater 1
- Call for donations
- Readers' Letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of beebay
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@andy-vibes just slapped you with , @hiq.shares.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
@quekery was involved in:
- Fomocrat
- Rebranding
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Proposal-Gate
- What is Arbitrage?
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- dCity - Like real life
- Gossip
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of beebay
@themyscira was involved in:
- fomome fatale
- Gossip
- Hive DIY Community
- Lost... of Keys
- fomoed hardly into Hive
- Translator 0.03: Rise of the Kunoichi
- Stuffily
@mary-me was involved in:
- CEO of Fomolation
- Editorial
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of beebay
@kvinna was involved in:
- Has Hive marked in bold in the fomocable booklet
- Column - From the moon
- Meetup commissioner
- Relaxed about the HIVE prices
- Permanently astonished
- a.k.a. the decent one
There's no like big enough to thank you :)
Thank you sooo much! 😊
!HIQS 30
Excellent content again.
And I'd love for my name to be on that subscriber list because I do believe I am following you guys. And an update when you post would be super awesome so voluntarily yes please absolutely sign me up.
Really enjoy your content thank you very much for another excellent addition! I definitely try to save up and use the tokens that you guys are throwing me in the diesel pool to support you.
Oh yes Baby jeaaa! I like!
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@hiq.magazine, @las3rbone
He's working in the crust station.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(1/1)@hiq.magazine, I sent you an on behalf of @las3rbone
Warum nur englisch, oder kommt die deutsche Version noch?
Hast du etwa die deutsche Ausgabe der HiQ am Mittwoch unter dem Account @hiq nicht gelesen?
Asche aufs Haupt! Was postet ihr auch von verschiedenen Accounts! Da blickt man ja nicht mehr durch!
!HIQS 30
Why is the #HivemeetupVienna in the German version and not in in the english one?
Great to read the English version, once again thanks for the mention !LOLZ
It was a knick knack paddywhack!
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(1/4)@hiq.magazine, I sent you an on behalf of @andy4475
You must be killin' it out here!
10.000 PIMP@andy-vibes just slapped you with , @andy4475.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Hey Danke für die Erwähnung 😍 leider ist das Projekt nicht wirklich auf offene Ohren gestossen, Zeit ist bei mir das Asset das super begrenzt ist. Ich hoffe es findet sich jemand der die mir hilft
in our airdrop post. Every Splinterlands skin purchaser was equally eligible, in direct proportion to the amount of skins they had purchased and the amount they donated.Hi @hiq.magazine, this is Kraken from SplinterSkins.com. We described the process we used to determine 🔥🧠🐳 Energy airdrop eligibility
Donations to our airdrop could only multiply an existing airdrop, unlike most token sales — The playing field was level and the rules were the same for everyone. We described in detail how you can replicate our process and verify the airdrop list for yourself in this post. We explain our tokenomics here.
You shouldn't just take our word for the validity of the airdrop, however... That's why we're now offering up a 5,000 $HIVE bounty to prove it! 🎉
Nevertheless, I'm sorry that we didn't wait longer to obtain more feedback about our BEE:BEE DAO proposals. We were careful to follow the same guidelines as the other proposals, which each allocated 275 $BEE each to a token pool. Our proposals did the same as many other uncontested proposals from more established projects, but I can understand that we have a larger burden to prove ourselves as a newer project.
I also don't view the proposals as a zero-sum game, and I don't see SplinterSkins as competing with HIQS for funding - there was plenty for both of us! When the BEE:BEE DAO resumes, we will strongly consider voting for the HIQS funding proposal as well. I appreciate your publication, and I'd like to collaborate more in the future. Let's grow pies and build bridges 🥧 🌉 🤝
I'll be the point of contact on Discord for SplinterSkins going forward, be sure to verify my Discord username is exactly "Kraken—SplinterSkins.com#5553" with an em dash —
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
This magazine is PIMPED !PIMP
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@andy-vibes just slapped you with , @hiq.magazine.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District