Make sure to check this page often as I will be expanding the story with the other investigations I've completed. The siblings of these individuals all play roles in these events further validating my work.
The Identification process that is used in my work is defined as a multimodal biometric evaluation. Of those modes, they can be any number or all of the following accepted methods. Ear, dorsal hand vein, teeth, and facial landmarks (hard and soft).
The supporting evidence typically is seen by the match of any or all of the following. Spouse, sibling, parent, or distant relative. A phrase I say often is. "When in doubt, check the spouse." You will find the spouse will match, and in most cases, that person will be the sibling of the person of interest. There are numerous reasons for them to use this method which I go into detail on my site
AGAIN this is not a case of look-alikes. These people are all blood-related and as you will see their families are all playing important roles that enable them to manipulate the historical events we believe were real.
When you understand what they are doing and have done you will see that although the wars are real and people die, the reasons why we go to war are not genuine and the leaders of each side are related to one another.
These families are the owners of all the raw materials manufacturers that are needed to produce the killing machines as well as they own the Big Oil and Gas production companies needed to fuel them. Sustaining a war as long as possible is their objective. The longer the war the bigger their families profit. This is why they always push for war. You must understand that.
In addition to that side of the event, they also own the publishing industry as well. So they are creating the history of the world then profiting by publishing the books written about the events. Since they write the scripts for the theatre of war you can understand why its important for them to use their family members to fill the roles of those historic figures. The profit is unimaginable. But at the end of the day, it's the peasants who die for their lie. They (the family member actors) are recorded as heroes in the history books while the men and women who are the real heroes lay dead on the battlefield.
The actions of one family are responsible for the death of millions of innocent people. They are still in power to this day using fake names, but the bloodline hands the baton down to the next generation who continue the cycle. It will not stop until the people rise and take back what has been taken from them while making examples out of those in their families who continue to benefit from the bloodshed their relatives caused.
Click on the images and then view them in high res so you can see all the details.
I want you to understand the implications of this information. Wernher Von Braun, the World War II German V2 rocket engineer, the person responsible for bombing Europe, killing thousands, causing destruction across the globe, is Elliott Roosevelt. The son of Frankin D. Roosevelt, who was our President when his son was playing this role for the enemy.
In this case, the spouse matches and so do the parents.
As I always say when in doubt check the spouse. Not only does his spouse match Von Braun's, but even the parents of both Elliott and Wernher match. There is no denying this.
I was sick to my stomach when I discovered this. It's a massive attack on humanity, and even sicker since it's not the first time they did something like this.
We can trace the lineage up through Teddy Roosevelt's father. I believe he is General Grant, and his brother played General Lee. Remember Teddy's first wife was a Lee too.
The Civil War was a hoax and scam designed to cripple this nation. The Royals used freeing the slaves as a mechanism to put the tobacco plantation owners out of business. Since slaves were their workforce they would have no one to keep the productions running. Once the slaves were free the northern Royals bought out the plantations for pennies on the dollar and in most cases just took the land by force. Once they secured their spoils of war they reinstated slavery and were back in business. Note that most tobacco products are produced by Philip Morris a UK company that names all their products after UK Town and City.
This is also true to this day as the Royals own the Nicotine productions they sell to the vape shops. So even though cigarettes are being phased out for Vapes, they still own the industry through the Nicotine.
If you want to validate everything I'm saying you can easily do this by looking at the parents of the individuals I mention. Compare the father and mother of one person to the father and mother of the person I say they are. You will find they all will match. This also falls in line with the historical recount of the events, putting the individuals overseas during the time of the war.
Knowing Eliott Roosevelt was Von Brawn, and his father was the President of the US during WWII, and Elliott's cousin played Hitler, we are left with the question who was running the British side of the war? Winston Churchill of course. But when we dig down into his background, we find that he too is family and is Jesse Root Grant, the son of President Grant, who I say is the father of Teddy Roosevelt.
If you think this is far-fetched, then back up your opinion with some photographic evidence. As I see it and as the photographic and known historical records show all these individuals visiting Emperor Wilhelm at some point between WWI and WWII.
Winston Churchill also plays a role of Herman William Goering and is also the son of Pres. Grant. This is proven a fact by way of dorsal hand vein biometrics evaluations.
Combine all this along with, Jesse Root Grant, playing the role of Winston Churchill. You have both the US and British Leaders as one family, along with the leader of the German's also related. Don't forget this is not the first time they did this, and their parents all took part in the Civil War too.
I also have touched a little bit on the family tree being traced to Washington during the Revolutionary War. Don't you find it interesting that Gen. George Washington our first President, fought the king for our freedom and that King was also named George? How many sons did King George III have? Many. Funny he looks a lot like George Washington too. What do you think the odds are that George Washington is one of King George's sons?
Do you really think a handful of minute men could really defeat the massive British Red Coat Army? Please, come on, more like we were tricked into thinking we won so the British could then insert their agents into the new government.
Here we see the photographs of King George III who I believe is George Washington. We can see by the spouse that they are a match. Also, the Marquis de Lafayette, I believe, is Thomas Jefferson. Recall that after Jefferson was president he took the role of Ambassador to France. He was also friends with King George, and additionally was one of the largest landholders in Virginia. All of these items are shared by both Jefferson and Lafayette. I will save that information for another post.
BUT IT GETS BETTER If you know the work I've done on this family, you know who they became after the war. In particular Kermit Roosevelt who after playing the role of Hitler, also played the role of Walt Disney. Who better to run the OCIAA (Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs) for Nelson Rockefeller.
The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, later known as the Office for Inter-American Affairs, was a United States agency promoting inter-American cooperation during the 1940s, especially in commercial and economic areas. It was started in August 1940 as OCCCRBAR (Office for Coordination of Commercial and Cultural Relations between the American Republics) with Nelson Rockefeller as its head, appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.[1]
The Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in the Executive Office of the President was formally established and enacted by US Executive Order 8840 on July 30, 1941 by President Roosevelt [2][3] who named Nelson Rockefeller as the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA).
The agency's function was to distribute news, films and advertising, and to broadcast radio, in and to Latin America in order to counter Italian and German propaganda there.[4] The OCIAA grew to be a large Federal agency with a budget of $38 million by 1942[5] and 1,500 employees by 1943.
It was later renamed the Office of Inter-American Affairs (OIAA) with slightly changed powers by Executive order 9532 on March 23, 1945.
The OCIAA will be part of my upcoming JFK documentary. You will be shocked by the connections between this agency and the Assassination HOAX.
As part of the OCIAA, the US Government needed to produce all the propaganda for war in the US and Europe. Who better to get but Walt Disney who put Wernher Von Braun, his cousin, and son of the President under contract to work for Disney who was partnered with NASA.
Remember Wernher is the son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was the person who created the OCIAA that his son was contracted to work for. Very convenient.
It's clear when you put them side by side. Hitler was Disney. It's backed up with the ear examination that confirms they are one in the same.
If you don't believe me that Hitler (Kermit Roosevelt) was Walt Alias (get it? ALIAS as in fake name)Disney all you need to do is watch this video where I overlay Hitlers Burg, on top of Walt's home. They are one in the same and even the driveways match. Do you still say its a coincidence now? Just take a look at one of the windows of Walt's home. You will see a German crest still there to this day.
Hitler was Kermit Roosevelt, and the wife, played by Kermit's sister Edith, validates it.
Hitler's Father Played by Teddy Roosevelt, and the younger images played by Kermit Roosevelt's brother Leo Jr
It's clear when you put them side by side. Hitler was Disney. The ear biometric evaluation confirm this fact.
If you know who Kermit is, then you need to know who his brothers and sisters were and how they played a role in the hijacking of humanity. To learn more search for Bush, and Roosevelts, on my site