Hear me out

in #historical3 years ago

There are so many New Year’s posts and I just like you used to be celebrate New Year’s but after much research I found that the word month comes from moon because that was the way the ancients used to keep track of time. This was kept up until Julius Caesar came into rulership and changed how we kept times. The quote on quote ‘problem’ was that keeping track of time all of sudden made no sense but time was kept before he came into rulership. The solution before he came into rulership was to add a 13th month every three years because there were 13 moons and this way the ancient could keep their feast days around the same time. Now what is has happened is we situate our time based on the sun and the solstices. This is why Christmas is often around the time of Dec 25th it’s actually a pagan merger. Christ birthday was never celebrated in the Bible. He actually celebrated feast of dedication John 10:22-24. (I know I stepping on toes but just wait) . Even further even astrology follow the ancient original calendar starting in March with Aries. This is when things grow after being dead all winter makes sense don’t it?! Finally, I rest my case with the following prefixes that denote in plain site when the REAL new year is OCTober 8 (oct means 8 an octopus has how many legs ) NOVember (9) DECember (10) you see where I’m going? Quintillion (5th month) Sexitilus (6th month) Septemius (7th) . I could be wrong on the spelling I’m sort of in a rush. Please also look up the origins of April Fools.

Look up the original names for the rest. Happy New Years in March everybody!


Thanks for the info . I will be researching👍