I was wondering how we have written text online when I was thinking about how my work as a technical writer / translator will change in the future.
Japanese may like to write. One of my friends who was an editor said only in Japan and Germany there were a lot of small publishers. A statistic said Japanese blog posts were written the most and its 37% of all the posts published in 2006 Q4. It was impressive for me back then.
The language used in blogs around the world is the most Japanese
Now I roughly look back the history of writing especially writing things online. I'm happy to receive your feedback.
Diaris in 900s
In a history class we Japanese learn about The Tosa Nikki, a travel diary written in 900s. According to Wikipedia The Tosa Nikki is "the first notable example of the Japanese diary as literature." It influenced following literature such as The Diary of Lady Murasaki (紫式部日記 Murasaki Shikibu Nikki).
Was Japan preparing to be a blog nation more than 1000 years a go? Maybe ;)
Internet around 2000
In the beginning of the Internet people made websites by typing html. Still blog services were not popular even Blogger that was bought by Google later was already there in 1999 (!) The first version of well known CMS Wordpress was released in 2003. People were started writing online.
Blog & SNS
After CMS such as Wordpress came, blog services came in fashion around 2005. People could quickly made an account on a blog service as we do these day without setting up a server, CMS, coding ... Somewhere I saw a data or read about a research that English speaking users used blog more for a discussion using the trackback function while Japanese users didn't.
SNS came in fashion around the same time. Google Orkut was launched in 2004. Following Orkut Japanese SNSs such as Gree and mixi started their services. Facebook was started in 2004 and opened to public in 2006. It came to Japan in 2008.
Many more people started writing text on the Internet.
People started making Money
Together with blog services, using affiliate services became in fashion. Google adsence, Amazon associate and affiliate providers were popular. It was a big change but still we are depending on the advertisement model. As I didn't feel so much comfortable pushing products and services, mostly I used Amazon associate to introduce books I enjoyed reading. I guess only few could make really money by affiliate.
Instant media
Following the blog and SNS trend, Twitter came in 2006 and Instagram followed in 2010. Both provide users a easy method to post online and gained in popularity. Instant media made more and more people upload their contents.
Steemit as a service to reward authors
Though there was the mobile app boom started around 2007-2008 triggered by the release of iPhone, it seemed there was not a major paradigm shift for 10 years. However started by Bitcoin in 2009, cryptos and decentralized systems grew steadily in behind. Then Steemit came in summer 2016.
What is interesting about Steemit is that the advertisement model ("you don't have to pay for the service but we earn money by using your data and showing you ads") was changed and users started receiving reward by writing and curating on Steemit.
Since I want to know how Steemit finance itself in detail such as how does it reward us, how does it reward developers or witnesses, I will take time to read the white paper (blue paper).
Talking about voting, Japanese Hatena star is an interesting system to give digital stars to others regardless to platforms. I wonder I can upvote general blog articles in the future :)
So that was the short history I know from my experience being an Internet user since 1990s. Sometimes I feel deja vu on Steemit to the good old time of the Internet. Not so many people were there, users knew each other by a handle name in a community writing about what they know and talking about daily trivial things etc. Instant media are in fashion but I like to take time to write text with a small research. It is fan to write on Steemit and it is also a daily exercise for my writing work.
I'm happy to be online today seeing a big paradigmshift.
世界で最も多いのは日本語ブログ――Technorati調査 - ITmedia NEWS
今から1000年以上前にもうブログ大国の兆しが ;)
インターネットの初期にはホームページを作るのがはやりました。まだWordpressもない頃で、ブログサービスなんて・・・と書き始めてGoogleに買収されたBloggerの歴史を見てみたら1999年からでした。私はまだその頃htmlを手書きしていました ;) ちなみにWordpressのリリースは2003年です。
大体同時期の2004年にGoogleのOrkut、日本ではGreeやmixiといったSNSが出てきました。facebookは遅れてやってきたのかと思いきや設立は2004年で、一般公開が2006年、日本語版は2008年なのでちょっと遅かった気がしていただけですね ;)
明日、文学フリマ京都というイベントがあるので、行ってくる予定ですが、akipponn さんの考察を検証できるかどうかには期待しないでください(苦笑)私のお目当ては「詩」だからです。紙書籍の詩集が欲しいので。
私は昔詩の同人誌に挿絵を寄稿していたおかげで、何人かの詩人さんを知っているのですが、Steemit に詩を載せるというのは難しいものがあります。日本語の、細かいニュアンスが分かりそうなユーザーは私は少ないと見ているので。俳句、短歌もそうです。小説だったら何とか出来そうな気がしますが、ここで日本語の小説を書く人がおらず残念です。
以前書きかけて放置になっている小説、いつかSteemitで書こうかな :) ちなみにタイトルは『ぼくは会社をやめた』です。詩、いいですね。数年前に友人の誘いでウィーンの小さな書店に詩の朗読を聞きに行きました。帰りに当たり前といえばあたりまえですが「そっか、詩人って職業もあるんだ」と世界にはいろいろな職業があっていいことだなと思ったのを覚えています。 @yadamaniart さんの書いているニュアンスの部分とは違うかもしれませんが、詩には文字だけでなくて視覚的に感じるものもありますよね。
ありがとうございます。こちらこそよろしくお願いします。はじめたのは早かったのですが、昨年秋に戻ってきてまだまだ初心者ですが ;)