4 Controversial Discoveries That Science Can't Explain

in #history7 years ago

Archeology is one of the most important sciences and sheds light on our past. But what if our past is not exactly as we always imagined?

  1. Central heating in a Minoan palace 2700 - 1400 BC

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This unexpected discovery was made in Knossos, in the ruins of a palace. The ancient Minoans heated the building using cylindrical constructions with semicircular roofs that were placed under the floor and heated with fire. As a result, the heat spread throughout the palace.

  1. The first vertical shower of Ancient Greece. Early 2nd century BC

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The first showers (early second century BC) were found during excavations in the city of Pergamum . It was formerly a city of Ancient Greece and is now in Turkey. The construction was quite complex and consisted of 7 levels.

  1. Lines of Nazca, before the second century AD

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These incredible geoglyphs were found on the Nazca plateau, in the southern part of Peru, at the beginning of the 20th century, when humanity learned to fly. To date, approximately 30 drawings have been discovered (including a monkey, a bird, a spider, about 700 triangles and spirals). Thanks to the dry climate they have been preserved to this day, but there is still no explicit explanation of why they were drawn.

  1. The mystery of the Shroud of Turin.

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It is believed that the Shroud of Turin keeps the image of Jesus. According to the story, after Jesus was crucified, his body was wrapped in this cloth. Then he disappeared. If you look at the fabric well, it seems to have traces of your face, body and even blood stains. Scientists still can not agree on what this could mean.