Howdy angiemitchell! well they don't have many programs for rehabiliation. In fact, Mrs. J and I are wanting to start a half way house for women when they get out because they is very little help available.
But my point is that the judges and juries here are extremely tough on people that get in trouble.
for instance, Mrs. J told me about a lady who had two glasses of wine and she got pulled over and was issued a DUI ticket, she went to court and was sentenced to 8 months in jail! She lost her job and everythiing else.
Another young girl broke into a vacant house that was on the market to be sold, she didn't even take anything, she was just being dumb and impulsive....but now she is facing 17 years for breaking and entering! She's only 19 years old.
So that's why I said don't get into trouble in Texas.
Howdy angiemitchell! well they don't have many programs for rehabiliation. In fact, Mrs. J and I are wanting to start a half way house for women when they get out because they is very little help available.
But my point is that the judges and juries here are extremely tough on people that get in trouble.
for instance, Mrs. J told me about a lady who had two glasses of wine and she got pulled over and was issued a DUI ticket, she went to court and was sentenced to 8 months in jail! She lost her job and everythiing else.
Another young girl broke into a vacant house that was on the market to be sold, she didn't even take anything, she was just being dumb and impulsive....but now she is facing 17 years for breaking and entering! She's only 19 years old.
So that's why I said don't get into trouble in Texas.
Howdy angiemitchell! well they don't have many programs for rehabiliation. In fact, Mrs. J and I are wanting to start a half way house for women when they get out because they is very little help available.
But my point is that the judges and juries here are extremely tough on people that get in trouble.
for instance, Mrs. J told me about a lady who had two glasses of wine and she got pulled over and was issued a DUI ticket, she went to court and was sentenced to 8 months in jail! She lost her job and everythiing else.
Another young girl broke into a vacant house that was on the market to be sold, she didn't even take anything, she was just being dumb and impulsive....but now she is facing 17 years for breaking and entering! She's only 19 years old.
So that's why I said don't get into trouble in Texas.
Howdy angiemitchell! well they don't have many programs for rehabiliation. In fact, Mrs. J and I are wanting to start a half way house for women when they get out because they is very little help available.
But my point is that the judges and juries here are extremely tough on people that get in trouble.
for instance, Mrs. J told me about a lady who had two glasses of wine and she got pulled over and was issued a DUI ticket, she went to court and was sentenced to 8 months in jail! She lost her job and everythiing else.
Another young girl broke into a vacant house that was on the market to be sold, she didn't even take anything, she was just being dumb and impulsive....but now she is facing 17 years for breaking and entering! She's only 19 years old.
So that's why I said don't get into trouble in Texas.