Historically, Persian horseback warriors wore high heels as far back as the ninth century. The extended heel was developed specifically for riding, so the rider’s foot wouldn't slip out of the stirrups.
High Heels Originated For Practical Reasons
High heels migrated from Persia to Europe. The Royal and Albert Museum in England has paintings of Persian soldiers wearing pointy high heeled boots, like cowboy boots where the heel keeps your foot in the stirrup and makes you a better soldier. The heel represented virility, and power.
High Heels Migrate To Europe In The 16th Century
Walking around In the streets in 16th Century in Europe was hazardous. Both men and women wore high heels to avoid soiling their feet on the human waste that was being thrown out of high windows into the poop-laden streets. Heels minimized the damage for both sexes. With no public sewage system, no outhouses and plagues abounding, heels were good risk management for bacteria. The custom of men walking on street side began as a way to protect women from waste landing on their heads rather than cars hitting them.
High Heels = Wealthy & Virility - "Well Heeled"
Eventually, King Louis switched to having red heels on all his shoes and decreed that only the upper echelons of society could have matching red heels. Red heels indicated high status in the king’s inner circle.
"Tottering on stilts and crowned with towering piles of horsehair, the Grand Monarch and his courtiers proclaimed ?
themselves larger than life and hairier than Samson at the height of his virility.">Aldous Huxley
Catherine De Medici wore high heels in 1533.
Christian Laboutin would have been happy to supply both sexes with high heels.
Why Do We Still Wear High Heels?
The main reason we wear heels is to look more attractive. People still love to strike the pose in shiny leg lengthening high heels although they can be painful to walk in, and can damage your feet.
High heels keep podiatrists in business. They tense your knees and require effort to walk in. They tip your weight onto the ball of the foot and stress your joints, causing arthritis and bunions.
High heels are associated mostly with women today, but historically they were genderless and were the height of fashion for both men and women. Do you think high heels for men will make a big comeback?
photos Pixabaysource: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06709w2
I may have had a couple pair of platform shoes back in the day!
oh yeah! Big time in the 1970s platform soles and heels and big bell bottom pants that went right over them! Groovy baby!
They already have, for gay men anyway. Have you seen the photos/videos floating around FB?
I have almost those exact red heels in beige (I'll send you a pic with one on my foot). They are TOO HIGH I cannot walk in them! I did not realize how tall they were and never see them back lol
Actually I have a friend who wears high heels and he is already tall! I think it's a trend.I think beige shoes are super leg lenghening because they match the color of legs haha!
They are :)
only women are adept at wearing good high heels @annhoyblog. as your photograph looks beautiful wearing high heels.
It's not my photo, but she is super attractive, and I wanted to make that point.
Probably not for men since we don't go that high of a heel. Most of men shoes still have a little bit of padding for height but they don't go more than 1 inch. After 1 inch, it's just making it obvious that you're compensating and that doesn't project confidence.
Women, probably yes, since well, it does what it's supposed to do.
Yes, even men's cowboy boots only have about a one inch heel. It is about projecting confidence, so true!
As a straight man - I cant ever imagine wearing heels - however if I was a woman, and had THAT figure, I doubt I would ever wear anything else. Might have to find a comfy pair though, I hear wearing heels is painful @annhoyblog
Yes, heels have been adding attractiveness since the 9th Century, and continue to do so!
Oh heels are back. I wear heels on my back. Like.... everyday.
Lol. Women definitely wear them better.
I have seen girls perform miracles in heels.
....If you can call jumping fences and escaping from police a miracle.
Great post Ms Ann :) Steem on Alliance fam.