For centuries we have believed that god exists, is this just a belief or there truth behind it? I am not saying that god doesn't exist, I am not saying that he does either, I am saying that there is something out there far more superior than us. Call him a god call him a supernatural entity an alien or a being with high intelligence it's all the same, but there is something far beyond present science that we seem to blindly ignore just because it's beyond comprehension. Our minds must not stick to limitations after all it's you who limits your own capabilities. Time and space is so infinitely huge that we forget that there is always a strong possibility of anything in this world to exist. Being the only planet to have life in this solar system we have forgotten that the universe is way way bigger than us. Once you understand how big the universe actually is, tell me why you think there shouldn't be life elsewhere? If you now come at a conclusion that life is possible elsewhere not just on this planet, tell me why it is so hard to believe that we have been visited before?
Earth unlike many planets holds an essence far more pretty than anything else in this solar system, the essence of life! Making it a habitable environment for over a billion species. A planet this unique is surely a hot spot in this galaxy. Humans have been on this planet for over 40,000 years but the earth has been around for over 4,000,000,000 years. Every historian knows that we have a huge void in our timeline. History is being restored each day, minute by a minute. thanks to all the amazing archeological discoveries over the years, a high number of people have started to consider the possibility of an extraterrestrial visitation and their work on human prefrontal cortex being the soul reason for human evolution.
This is not a new concept,but has been there for 1000's of years, we have believed this even without physical proof for centuries because it is common sense when you think about it. Over 57 ancient civilizations from all around the globe having the same ideology when there was absolutely no contact between them, cannot possibly be a coincidence, the numbers just don't add up. This is why after all my research into this world I strongly believe that we were visited by extraterrestrials in or past. Even without our knowledge they have a very strong influence on humanity and life on earth.
I believe in God, but I'm not devoted to the church or the saints.
Do not believe in the norm where God is worshipped with a form. Its nothing but stupidity. Everything and everyone you see are equal no man or woman superior making their practices senseless. You don't have to pray in a church or follow a saint to believe in God. All you got to do is, believe that he's existing and follow the path of peace and do good as much as you can
Yes, God is a being far superior to human beings, otherwise he would not be God, Is not it? Hahhaha
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