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RE: Butch and Sundance: The Wild Bunch

in #history6 years ago

They were a rare pair in their day. Most of the outlaws of the time were either/or sociopaths or psychopaths. Butch and Sundance were neither, they just didn't like to work.

Can you even imagine that sort of job interview? Holy Cow!

You Texans seem to think you have some kind of majority of 'red necks'. You don't. I've met rednecks all over this country. California even has a large population...

Thanks again for the really great series. You should consider writing a 'serial' novel or something...


Howdy this fine Sunday sir bigtom13! You're making me think a sociopath the same or similar to a psychopath? I assume that both have barely or no conscious. Yes I was reading about some of the guys listed that the authorities knew about and looking them up in wikipedia and wow, you wouldn't think Butch and Sundance would want to work with cold blooded killers but they did.
I'd like to know what the guidelines or parameters Butch had, because it didn't seem like he was very picky. lol. Maybe he most wanted people who would prove to be loyal even if they got caught. And that would take a hardened criminal.

The rednecks I think most of them are in Alabama, Lousiana, West Virginia, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee..all of those before Texas. But the reason I like the redneck jokes is because people all over the country can relate to them personally or they know someone who is! lol..and it's not being mean because I love rednecks and think they are some of the finest people, they just have eccentricities! lol.

Sir bigtom do you write this long of comments all the time? You're one of the best commenters on here, you should be in Asher's Engagement League. I usually win that thing but I think you could take over!

At any rate, thanks for your excellent, insightful, knowledgable, fine commenting sir!