The Top 13 Ways 9/11 Doesn't Add Up, Kaboom!

in #history8 years ago (edited)

I remember where I was on September 11, 2001. I first found out about the attacks on TV in my kitchen before heading to school. I first heard of the buildings’ collapse in the car on the way to school. I then spent all day watching the news with my fellow classmates. I was only 13 years old and classes had just begun for us us little tikes in our eighth grade year. Neither my classmates nor I had much understanding of physics, business, or politics and willingly fell in line with popular opinion regarding the attack on US soil. It wasn’t until after I attended college under the major of mechanical engineering that I saw the footage in a new light and with a few alarming questions regarding the events that took place.

Here are my top 13 ways 9/11 doesn’t add up, Kaboom!

#1. The collapse happened at near free-fall speed

Yes, this means that the tops of the buildings were received by almost no resistance from the underlying structure. It means that if you had hawked a loogie from the top of the buildings at the same time as the instances of collapse, it would have either barely beat you to the bottom, just matched your speed as you both fell, or landed on your head due to it’s slower terminal velocity due to wind resistance. Kaboom!

#2. The symetrical catastrophic failure of both structures

The buildings were made from steel support structures. Think railroad tracks. Think huge f*ing I-beams. If you have ever worked with steel in the slightest bit, you would know why it is one of the most useful materials we have. It is incredibly resilient. It can twist and bend given enough forces and weakening from heat, but there is no reason to believe one structure made of steel is likely to catastrophically fail symmetrically, let alone two. Kaboom!

#3. The ejection of a dust cloud large enough to make it’s way over to New Jersey

Science is familiar with these sorts of ejections of large amounts of fine particles into the atmosphere. These pyroclastic flows are caused by volcanic eruptions. This one was big enough to cover miles of the city in inches of ash. Ka-freakin-boom!

#4. The state of the materials at ground zero weeks after the collapse

Although I am familiar with the basic application of thermodynamic analyses of complex systems, I would be interested to see a professional conduct a before and after analysis of the amount of energy required for this event. At instance T1, we have the potential energies from the two buildings, and the presence of heat from the planes’ impact and fires. At instance T2, we have the ejection of a huge amount of fine particles and a molten hot pile of rubble that didn’t cool down for months after the collapse. I’m pretty sure that the equation wouldn’t add up without the presence of large amounts of explosive charges or the as has been proposed use of military-grade thermate. Kaboom/Nuclear Meltdown/I don’t know what!!!

#5. The timing of the collapse in relation to the color of the smoke from the fires

Upon review of the footage, the smoke being emitted from the fires turns black minutes before failure. Really hot fires emit a white smoke. Black smoke signifies a fire that is starving of oxygen. Think of putting out a campfire.

#6. The account of explosives being detonated in the lobby and elevator shafts

In order to take down a building of this size, you’ll need to go to work on the main supporting structures. That means blowing out the building’s cores and elevator shafts as evidenced by the testimony of firefighters and other eyewitnesses. Kaboom, kaboom!

#7. The accounts of construction being held in the building and elevator shafts weeks prior to the event

Need I say more?

#8. The symmetrical, near free-fall failure of building 7, hours after towers 1 and 2 fell

Apparently, building 7 lost all structural integrity due to thermal expansion from fires and collapsed symmetrically and directly into it’s footprint hours after the first two fell. [No Kaboom]

#9. The lack of visible 747 debris at the pentagon

A 757 hits the pentagon leaving behind no visible evidence and some pretty weak damage compared to WTC 1 & 2. No fuselodge, no wings or parts. Also, apparently this 757 managed to get it’s way into a controlled airspace without anyone seeing it. They say that the military was away doing test drills in Canada, but does it really make sense that this could happen? Do you think the US Military is just gonna let any jackass fly a Cessna full of explosives into the Pentagon. I don’t think so. Who the f** was sitting on the john when this went down?

#10. The fact that mainstream media already knew who was behind the attacks only hours after the first planes hit

Yeah, I guess the folks at the Pentagon figured out who hit them minutes after it happened. No evacuation. They ran from one end of the building to the other and looked it up on intel, then told the press all about it.

#11. The political actions that were ready to rock ‘n roll after the event took place

Let’s face it, the passing of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the joint support of Republicans and Democrats for the war in Afghanistan would have never gotten passed had it not been for the attacks on 9/11.

#12. The fact that the 9/11 Commission only used one source in their scientific investigation into the cause of the collapses

One source, seriously? Talk about bad science. Apparently, this guy from NIST is the end-all expert regarding scientific inquiry. I don’t know who this guy is or why he’s an expert in anything at all. Tell me, oh wise one, when is the next big earthquake gonna happen in LA so I can get the hell outta here.

#13. The idea that a couple of guys in turbans equipped with box cutters and How to Fly a 747 for Dummies guides could manage to even navigate these behemoths into their targets without missing

Yeah, apparently these guys went to some sort of flight school, but there is resounding evidence that they were highly incapable of using this technology at their levels of performance. I don’t know if we should go after these guys to arrest them or offer them jobs cause they must be pretty freakin’ smart. They managed to take down three buildings with two aircraft and caught us with our pants down by nailing the Pentagon too. I think we might have a place for you in our ministry of defense.
