Rencong, a traditional Aceh weapon

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Rencong, a traditional Aceh weapon

This is a photo of my Rencong @bocenksteem

Rencong is a legendary traditional Aceh weapon for the people because of the soul and spirit of the Aceh people's struggle in expelling the invaders. Rencong inserted at the front of the waist as the meaning of hero(dead as a hero), Teuku umar is a hero saying "Beungoh singoh geutanyoe jep kupi di keude Meulaboh atawa ulon mate syahid (tomorrow morning we will drink coffee in Meulaboh city or I will die/syahid)".

According to historical records, Rencong is a traditional weapon used in the Sultanate of Aceh since the reign of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah who was the first Sultan of Aceh. Rencong position in the Sultanate of Aceh is very important, Rencong always tucked in the waist of the Sultan of Aceh, Ulee Balang and ordinary people also use Rencong. The gold rencong belonging to the Sultan of Aceh can be found at the History Museum of Aceh, from the historical evidence it can be concluded that Rencong was born since the time of the Sultanate of Aceh but the first creator until now unknown, but there is a legend that told that in Aceh there was a giant eagles, the people of Aceh then called it "geureuda". This bird terrorizes people's lives and eaten peoples plant, fruits and livestock also die because of it. Various traps have been used to catch this bird but not work also become more incentive to do terror acts. The king also took action by ordering someone blacksmith who has knowledge maqfirat iron to make a powerful weapon that can kill the bird. After praying to Allah SWT to guide the type of iron and metal to taken and the weapons that he will to make. In the end the blacksmith makes a piece of rencong such as the Bismillah Arabic script. It is on this basis that rencong is only used in fisabilillah jihat in the fight against invaders and tyranny in this country.

In the traditional ceremony of the Aceh Sultanate, Rencong is usually used during weddings, Meugang, Peusijuk, Tung Dara Baro (the bride's reception), and in every other important event. Rencong has various levels, Rencong for the king or Sultan is made of gold and carved Qur'anic verses, while the other Rencong is usually made of silver, brass, white iron, wood and ivory.

The Acehnese people connect mystical powers with Rencong's weapons. Rencong is still used and used as a fashion attribute in every Aceh ceremonies. The people of Aceh believe in the form of Rencong representing the symbol of Bismillah in the beliefs of Islam. Due to the history and popularity of Rencong, the world community dubbed Aceh the "Land of Rencong". Currently Rencong has become a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Heritage by Balai Preservation Nilai Nilai Budaya (BPNB) Aceh.
