The literary work that marked a before and after in the knowledge of the elemental beings was published in the 16th century and named "Book of the nymphs, the sylphs, the pygmies, salamanders and other spirits" was written by Paracelsus an alchemist, Swiss physician and astrologer very advanced for their time, their work in general left to humanity important discoveries in the areas of science and mysticism. The book of the nymphs has served as an inspiration for other works of a large number of artists such as writers, painters and filmmakers at the global level, when they want to refer to the wizarding world.
Paracelsus from his childhood he showed qualities of prodigy was born and grew up in the Swiss mountains, always maintained contact with the nature, study its mysteries from the scientific point of view and got the explanation for many of its phenomena. He is known for his wisdom and contribution to the alchemy, it is said that in the book of the nymphs speaks metaphorically of some alchemical processes banned in his time, gave the name to the chemical element Zinc and made great efforts to transform lead into gold through processes of your investment.
The publication of his book was posthumous, since he died in the year 1,541, spent 25 years in order that his work saw the light in 1,566 when a first edition censored from his writings. In 1,591 published the version without censorship in the 50 year anniversary of his death, the editor mentioned in the foreword that it is the accurate translation of the original manuscripts of Paracelsus, which could never be checked because they were destroyed years before. The book was only available in German until recently, it was only in 1,983 when translated into Spanish for the first time and is the edition to which we can currently access.
In his book Paracelsus establishes an order for the elemental beings therefore divided in five parts:
Origin and Nature the elements (the four elements of Plato).
Habitat and rules of the existence of elemental beings.
Beings that interact with humans.
Miracles that grant.
Origin and Fall of the Giants.
This work brought to the era of the Renaissance knowledge about the elemental beings with a modern vision that combined magic and science. It was a source of inspiration for the brothers Grimm in the drafting of their tales and legends of popular tradition: The Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and The Sleeping Beauty. The success of these stories completely opaque the primary work that inspired them, reason by which few people know the book of nymphs and its author. The Brothers Grimm also distorted the original description of the magical creatures of Paracelsus, because it gave their characters human attributes alien to them.
For many people the work of Paracelsus is a species of glossary magic, but the reality is deeper still, apparently we are not yet ready to understand the magical world of the spoken of by the author, the exposes it as a reality that he knew very well, but readers perceive it as a fantastic story out all realistic context. It was written with the purpose that people can be reconciled with the nature and understand that the wizarding world coexists with the our and only finding harmony in the elements we can get in touch with him.

I thought it was important to know the most influential work historically of the mythological literature and the impact it has had on the children's stories that today we call fairy tales.
"Nature is the great doctor and man possesses in itself." Paracelsus.
Very interesting, I didn't know anything about this man or his book. thanks for posting this
I'm happy with your reading.
muy bueno tu post breili saludos
Gracias me contenta tu lectura.