Super informative article, I didn't even realize there was no income tax for 137 years! I'm going to have to read more about this.
Knowing where the heads of the hydra is, is a valuable thing. It is important to know how they became a hydra in the first place. How did they gain power, and how do they continue to grow power.
This speaks to me of self awareness and self education. You're right, many people want a push button fix for many problems. As you say, it's not that clear cut, many of the problems and evils in the world are not physical things, they're ideas and ideals. You can't remove a person from power and expect the ideals the've established to dissipate.
It was the 16th Amendment which was supposedly ratified in 1913 that made Income Tax legal.
I should know this, my father is a CPA. I'll have to ask if he even knows this...test him on his history :)
It is not something they openly teach. In fact they have society so indoctrinated with the concept of Income Tax that they gladly ask the government to create more services that can only be paid for by stealing more money from people.
I believe that an income tax had been enacted during the Civil War, but sunsetted afterwards.
I haven't found anything about that. It would be curious to find if it is there as it was expressly prohibited by the constitution until the 16th amendment.
I had to do a quick Google for this
It is not the original source of the information I researched long ago, which is no longer available to me, through the inconvenience of several computer failures during the interregnum to this day, however, it seems to be factual.
Interesting stuff. Without an amendment that was actually highly illegal at the time they did it. More evidence that laws tend to be enforced when they are convenient to those in power, and ignored when they are not.