My Weekend Special #1: Kowloon Walled City, a case study for anarchy / 我的周末刊#1:九龙城寨的故事

in #history8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians! Today is a Saturday and to celebrate the wonderful weekend, I have decided to do random posts (entertainment, travels, etc) that completely deviates from my usual science and academia posts. In fact, I have decided to do this every weekend in English and Chinese Mandarin! Will be back on Monday with my usual science and academia posts.

大家好!今天是星期六,为了庆祝美好的周末,我决定要完全偏离我平常发关于科学和学术界的文章。 我将会发一些于娱乐, 旅行, 等的文章。我也决定练习一下我的中文, 所以决定以后我的每个周末的文章都会是英语和中文的 !小女子其实中文不太好,献丑了!我将在每星期一发我平常发科学和学术界的文章。

Recently, i have been watching a Hong kong TVB drama called A Fist within Four Walls (Yes, i am a sucker for all kinds of drama series). So far, I have been very fascinated by this drama and its settings.

最近, 我在追一套tvb的港剧 《城寨英雄》 对了, 我是追剧一族. 基本上, 我什么剧都看。我很喜欢这套剧集。我觉得剧中所讲的背景和时间很生动。


A Fist within Four Walls is a story that takes place during the 1950s and 1960s in this place called Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong. The story revolves around the group of hot-blooded youngsters who are highly skilled in martial arts, standing united together in this city against triads and mafia. The drama is still running and the last episode will be shown next week. I think TVB is back to make one of the best drama productions in 2016! Anyone who watched the drama can discuss the story in the comments below! From the drama, I found out that that this city has anarchy history which i think is is really interesting and makes a very good case study for anarchy. It sparked my curiosity for this place. So I did a little research on this city and would like to share with you guys.

城寨英雄 描述的是发生在五十 年代和 六十年代期间一个在九龙城寨的一个故事。故事围绕着两个有着热血和精湛的武术的青年。 他们为了让九龙城寨的居民能过正常的生活。他们聚在一起打击黑社会。戏剧仍在热播中,最后一集将在下周放映。我认为 城寨英雄是TVB那么久以来 的一个最好的剧集 !有朋友在追看吗?一起讨论剧情啊!从剧中,我发现这座城市是个无政府状很好的例子。这故事让我对九龙城寨起了好奇心, 所以上网查了一下它的背景。想在这里和与你们分享。

Where is Kowloon Walled City (KWC)?


During the 1950s and 1960s, it is a walled city where there is no presence of any government, be it China or British-run Hongkong, or even the British. Why, you may ask, I thought Hong Kong is in China? Now, a little city history here. During the late 1800s, Hongkong was ceded to the British by China via the signing of the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory of 1898. However, the Convention excluded the KWC. Geographically caught between China and the British-run Hong Kong government, it became unclear which country jurisdiction the KWC should fall under. By then, there were only 700 residents in the city.

在五十和六十年代,九龙城寨是一个没有存在任何政府管制的地方, 称“三不管” 英国不管, 中国不管, 香港也不管。为什么呢?原来在 1800 年代末期,香港被割让给英国,签了香港领土扩展 1898 年签署公约的时候并没有包括九龙城寨。由于夹在中国和英国香港政府之间,所以那个时候没有人知道 九龙城寨应该属于哪个国家的管辖权。那个时候只有 700 名居民在城市。

Life in Kowloon Walled City during the 1950s and 1960s


Due to absence of any government, it became a city of anarchy. It became the most preferred city for mafias, triads and criminals like rapists, murderers to escape to because no police or government can enter the area. Prostitution, gambling dens and drugs like opium flourished. To avoid expensive rental costs on the main Hongkong island, people and businesses like unlicensed dentist and food processors started moving to this city. As more people started to move in the city, there was more demand for space and the only way was to build upwards. The residents built the buildings upwards on their own without any licensed construction and building engineers.

由于没有任何政府的管制,它成为了一个无政府状态的城市。它成为了黑社会和犯罪分子首选的城市。犯罪逃跑的犯人包括强奸犯,杀人犯都逃脱去了九龙城寨。那是因为没有警察可以进入这地方。所以,卖淫、 聚众赌博和毒品都蓬勃发展。为了避免在香港岛上昂贵的租金费用,有一些人们和无牌的牙医和食物生意开始搬到这座城市。随着更多的人搬进九龙城寨,空间需求量加大了,唯一的办法就是往上建楼。而建楼的人都是没有任何牌照的建筑工程师。

During the 1950s, most of the residents largely lived under extreme conditions with rats and bugs, experienced threats and bullying from the mafia. Because of the lawlessness and no government was willing to interfere, residents formed the “Kowloon walled City Community Committee”, protected and helped one another against the triads in the 1960s.. I think this was really a true act of voluntarism and altruism. It actually helped to improve the situation a bit against the triads. With a common enemy, the mafia and triads, residents were able to come together united as one, helped out one another and battled against the triads. The mafia and triads problem was so severe that, it was only in 1970s when the Hong Kong police managed to seize control of KWC from the triads. It was eventually demolished in 1994 and is a park now. I find it a pity, really. It was a place rich of history and many hidden stories.

在1950 年代期间的, 多数的居民都是住在非常不卫生的环境。他们也常常受到黑社会的威胁和欺压。因为没有政府愿意出动干涉,居民就形成了"九龙城寨社区委员会",互相保护和帮助对方。我觉得这真的是一种真正的唯意志主义和利他主义的行为。有了这样的精神,居民的生活才有了一点改善。面对一个共同的敌人 (黑社会) ,居民就聚在一起起团结和黑社会搏斗。然而,黑社会问题还是很严重。只有到了 70 年代时,香港警方才成功抓了一些黑社会的首脑。然后, 九龙城寨就在 1994 年最终被拆毁了。现在变成了一个公园。我觉得非常可惜。 因为毕竟这个地方有着非常丰富的历史和我们可能还不知道的故事。如果有朋友知道九龙城寨的一些鲜为人知的故事,要跟我说哦。

Source: Wikipedia

There are a lot more incredible pictures of this place in the internet so if you are interested, i strongly encourage you to click the following link to have a glimpse of how the residents used to live in Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong during the 1980s.
City of Darkness

网上还有很多九龙城寨精彩的图片。如果你有兴趣,我强烈推荐您可以单击以下链接, 看看当年的九龙城寨的居民在八十年代是如何居住的。



对啊。 看了都哭了。。。 不知道左右拳和刁兰会不会在一起。。

wonerful story. A decentralized community.

Yes, indeed, i find it very interesting for such a decentralized community to find some success in trying to restore some peace in this city.

Yes, I have read about it and even wathed a movie (documental). A lot of people lived there...and in bad conditions. Now people live in modern and beautiful buildings... but don't even know their neighbours... I don't know what is better...

wow! Yes, i am sure there is some documentary film on it. Very special place. Good point that you mentioned. I don't actually know my neighbours .... I don't know why i did not make any effort too... But i think i should..

"city of anarchy" 那张图是写实的吗?住那么多人家?中间的人是不是终日不见天日呀?谢谢分享.

从原来的300人口到33000人口。 是啊 应该是不见天日的那一种。 我还真无法想像。。。。 不客气 :-)

Sounds like a favelas of Brazil , were you inspired by the recent olympics ? Had a look. Interesting! Someone should really write a post on more anarchy case studies!

Wow. Very interesting. I'll have to get over to that park one day and see the former site of the KWC. I'd never heard of it before.

Yes, please go and have a look. You live in Hongkong?

good to see your different faces!

LOL indeed. Anyway, just write what i want to write :-)

Has it been built any kind of memorial in today's park?

the park looks nothing like original building. I think what is left is the park and this little plaque in chinese

Nice. I think you should share more of these type of posts. Going to look at A Fist within four walls If found in english version. Keep sharing @coinbitgold

Will try my best. :-) I am pretty sure there won't be english version. But there might be english subtitles in some versions. the history of such city is interesting too

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Hah a what a coincidennce. Yesterday, I posted about a computer game being set in Kowloon Walled City :-)

What a co-incidence. I dun even know there was a game! good to know!

I watched a documentary on this city only a few weeks ago on You-tube. It was amazing. What a unique place! Thanks for the great post.