It’s like going from the first horseless carriage to a Tesla Roadster with essentially nothing in-between.
I want to help make the case in this Series of posts that Egypt may be 10,000's of years older than we have given it credit for, so here goes!

Ruins and Full Diagram of the Necropolis
Still an impressive ruin today, it is hard to imagine Saqqara in its original pristine glory. An artistic reconstruction shows how Saqqara may have looked at it’s height. If it were built today then we would regard it as a masterpiece of architecture.
even Saqqara’s mere existence flies flat in the face of the notion that the Egyptian civilisation was barely emerging from primitivism around this time.
it’s acknowledged but seldom addressed that Egypt appear to have been in it’s height early in the old kingdom (2613-2181 BC). Nothing produced in Egypt thereafter surpassed and seldom equalled the production quality of the old kingdom architecture and art.
An example is this Porphyry stone vase housed in the Museum of Cairo. Porphyry is a stone with a hardness index higher than that of steel files. It's impact resistant and heat resistant. You can leave it outside for millennia and it will be fine, the only way to break it is to drop it with great force.
We could not produce these types of vases today. Thin necks and hollowed interiors made out of the hardest of stones. Found by modern day archaeologists alongside items categorised as 1st dynasty or predynastic Egypt such as far less sophisticated pottery and fish hooks, combs and the like, perhaps it is possible that these works of art, again that we could not reproduce today may have been passed down as family heirlooms from before recorded history. They are virtually indestructible, if not smashed then they would certainly last for millennia.
Diorite is an extremely hard rock, making it difficult to carve and work with. How could the ancients create these unbelievable works of art with only access to copper tools, we can work these stones today, only with great difficultly and our highly advanced technology.
Nice post 😊seeing you post we are getting knowledge about egypt😊😊😊
Thanks, it's great to share knowledge about things I am interested in. In my next post I will talk about how the Sphinx is almost certainly older than the mainstream narrative suggests. A LOT older. ;)
You’re most welcome .. waiting for your next post seems it will be great 😊😊
Very interesting post! It was indeed a strong kingdom in Egypt in the past, but I believe in the creation of the world by God, which was created 5777 years ago.
Each to their own. I believe the stories in the Bible speak great truths about how to live your life. Although I don't believe tracing back the generations of people mentioned in their to be accurate in time, just really awesome principles to live by and life lessons to be aware of.
I have even more coming that suggests the sphinx is much older than 5777 years. It will be interesting reading even if you don't agree with the dates :)