Deadly Plague : The Black Death

in #history7 years ago

The Black Death may be the most devastating epidemic in human history. This epidemic killed about 75 million to 200 million humans, and caused Europe's population loss to 60%. In the beginning, this outbreak was also known as The Great Mortality.

An expert from the University of Paris believes that this epidemic started on March 20, 1345. At that time there was a battle between the Tatar group, Turkey who fought with Italy. At the battle, they are stuck with the deadly plague. Rumors blowing claim that the Tatar group started throwing corpses at the enemy who fled to Itaia and then brought the plague.

But in fact this outbreak comes from the dry plains of Central Asia. Bacteria called Yersenia pestis was originally found in rats (black rats) which is then brought by oriental rat fleas. These lice then live and become parasites in the human body.

The people who brought the plague were mostly traders who went to Central Asia. The epidemic then soon spread on the deck of the ship and those who had contracted the plague then took it when they returned to Europe. That is why cities close to the harbor became the starting point for the spread of this deadly plague.

In the middle of the 14th century in 1347 the epidemic began to spread throughout the continent in Europe. The initial symptoms felt by the sufferer are chills, fever, and headache. Then followed by a whitish tongue and swelling of the lymph nodes.

In just a week's time, people affected by this outbreak of their skin will be blackened due to subdermal bleeding. The Black Death Outbreak is also called Bubonic Plague. The name of The Black Death is taken because of the effect of this disease is blackened skin.

Apart from the declining number of European populations at that time, one of the most heartbreaking impacts of the Black Death epidemic was the decline in community morale. A writer named Giovanni Boccaccio wrote "The Decameron". He described the sadness of what happened in Florence in 1348 due to this epidemic. In his book it tells 10 men and women escaped to a villa outside the city to avoid this outbreak.

The fact that happened in the field is so. This sad event mostly hit middle-class people down. People near the house no longer greet their neighbors. Parents stop visiting their infected child. Most of those who have been infected then just stay indoors because no one is helping.

They are in the house until death to pick up. The neighbors also let the corpses have rotted in the house. Some outbreak sufferers are also mostly ending up dying in city streets. The doctors and some concerned people then took the corpses that were inside the house or lying in the streets to then buried en masse.

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This was truly a catastrophic event. The consequences, beyond the mortality, were demographic and caused cultural changes throughout the world.

In this antibiotic era, we can conquer most bacteria, however, are we safe from a super bug? Are we safe from a virus that can spread as fast as the Black Death did?

I think with our current technology and knowledge we are able to survive through it. although there may still be victims who will fall