
howdy there friendly-fenix! so you are being a party animal tonight? lol. I appreciate your comment and you have a happy New Year as well!

No... I hope I can be a party animal a few times during 2019...
People still think Im a bit of a party animal, (I used to be a big party animal), but Im rather relaxed now days... And how about yourself??

So you aren't doing much of anything tonight? We aren't doing a thing. lol. I'll probably be plugging away on steemit until 2 am and Mrs. J has been working 3rd shift but is off tonight and is pretty exhausted so she'll probably be in bed. Sounds like a couple of pitiful dinosaurs but I don't even know anyone who's having a party tonight, everyone I talked to said they were going to bed early. lol.

Sounds peaceful, thats good maybe 2019 will be a peaceful year. =)

haha! I thought it sounded boring as the dickens sir friendly-fenix! lol. It's fine, I don't need to have any kind of party. Some wine would be nice though! Do you have friends, family, or room mates that you live with or is that classified?

I have a dancing lady here, I know it sounds like a stripper, but its not...
Ha ha... Now I have to engage... Talk to you later! =)


oh thanks alot friendly-fenix! ha! you tell me something like that with no explanation and then leave. lol. I demand a full explanation when you have time. lol.