Yeah there are some pretty crazy folk tails illustrated by Ivan Bibilin, Amazing artist I think he escaped Russia after the Bolshevik take over, he was inspired by the Art Nouveau of central Europe...
I could imagine rural and uninhabited parts of the Russian taiga and Siberian wilderness being quite similar to the environment of Sam, there are probably many stories of "Russian Mountain Men" and trappers and their affairs with the various indigenous groups of northern Europe and Siberia, not sure if the encounters where more peaceful, I know in Scandinavia they baptized their indigenous population by the sword...
I guess in places far off from Europe like Siberia and Mongolia they still practice Shamanism to this day and many of the arctic and sub-arctic tribes are still nomadic moving with the herds of reindeer, Im also curious how much inter-exchange there was over the Bering Strait during these times, I mean Alaska was Russian for quite some time... Would be interesting to hear about these interactions...
wow sir friendly-fenix! dang, you should do some history posts if you enjoy it like it sounds like you do. That would be awesome. Russian mountain men! You're saying in Scandinavia they just killed all the indigenous people when they settled there?
I didn't know that Alaska used to be Russian! I never heard that before but it seems like I should have. how intereresting.
Yeah, I have been watching that Netflix show Frontier and "Aquaman" has this crazy Russian "bounty-hunter-nemesis", who just never seems to give up, they try to blow him up with dynamite and all sorts, nothing helps... =) Crazy TV-show...
The European indigenous people was forced to become christian, but these indigenous subarctic people are still around, I just saw a documentary on the topic they are like "reindeer cowboys". =)
Howdy today sir friendly-fenix! Is that big guy that stars in Aquaman also star in Frontier? I think that's the preview that you talked about or sent over before, it looked amazing. I could just sit around all day and watch those things and never get a thing done! lol.
That sounds totally incredible, about the Reindeer Cowboys, hardly anyone knows they exist, if you could find some awesome photos it would make a great post. I didn't know they had herds of reindeer anywhere! You constantly come up with some great information!
Yeah that show is good, you should get into it, the "Russian nemesis" is even bigger and even more horrible then the guy who plays "Aquaman"...
Here he is, I guess they travelled a cross the Bering Strait Back and forth back then, there where a few Russian outposts there too, in Alaska, or so I read...
Image source
There are tribes of indigenous people all over the Arctic part of Euro-Asia, some are quite similar to Native Americans, mostly nomadic or semi-nomadic... I guess now they all have houses watching Netflix and maybe reading this post on steemit... =)
haha! yeah maybe one of them will comment here! That guy looks like someone you don't want to pick a fight with! I wonder what those two things are hanging on his chest? We'll have to get Netflix someday.
Yeah he is the kind of a guy you rather avoid if possible... =)
P.S. By the way, Im having some technical difficulties, so Im trying to make my voting automatic, and Im going to give you an automatic vote, not sure how it works, but yeah I have to fix my gear, and such, so if I don't comment so much in the future don't worry. I'll be back!
Ok sir friendly-fenix I understand and I like that system of auto voting and I want to get on that sometime so I don't miss anyone. Are you going to use steemauto? Thanks for your support and friendship sir fenix! what does DS stand for?