Ahh .. the, santa "CLAUSE" - ))
'he' .. sneaks into OUR house, and 'gives' .. PRE_sent_S ??
What would have the " women’s councils " of the Iroquois nations said, about the "idea" of santa ?? - ))
The .. " addendum " .. so LOVE'LY !! - ))
" .. It's the WAY you are indebted to them, and (they to you) that makes life. Don't settle your debts, be indebted beautifully, and you will always have a place in the world."
"DEBT" .. a GIFT .. or a BURDEN ?? - ))
(( a personal 'choice' .. where WE 'assume' there isn't one ))
.. what an important distinction !!! !!!
WoW !!! .. these three posts !! !! !!
The'Y .. have "ADDED" allot of (( me'AT & B'onE ))
.. to my ((( BiG . QUEST(i)ON'S . SO'UP ! - )))
.. how to 'fit' it all toGETher ?? - ))
" Economics 'assumes' .. a division between different spheres of human behavior .." .. so the invention of "money" .. wasn't available, until the Language of "TIME" .. had taken 'root' (seeing is believing ). THE(N) .. the 'triBEs' were reduced to family units .. + .. IN"C"re'aseing & rRE'leasing .. the ap.PL'es " .. war, passion, adventure, mystery, sex, or death. " .. to economic COnTROLL'S
("me'a'sure'me'nt" .. an inaccurate way to determine self-worth ))
SO .. why has the Universe (the way it IS) ...
.. lead US all .. to here & NOW ?? ??
" ... The definitive anthropological work on barter, by Caroline Humphrey, of Cambridge, could not be more definitive in its conclusions: “No example of a barter economy, pure and simple, has ever been described, let alone the emergence from it of money; all available ethnography suggests that there never has been such a thing.”
What "value" .. have WE gained, by exploring OUR 'personal' DESIRES, in an ever increasing CONTRAST (separation) ??? Has 'infinity' expanded to HERE by accident .. .. are WE on an 'unsustainable' path .. forsaken, due to "out-side" circumstance ???
.. HELL NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
Although .. it feels like 'most' of the world, is seeking "GOODS" .. outside of them-self .. that, others "make US happy, miserable, and LOVED" .. and, few recognize .. that WE can "only give" what WE have got .. (sad face -((((
= WE CAN NOT GIVE "LOVE" .. if WE don't LOVE OUR-self (.)
.. it has NEVER BEEN BE(tt)ER .. "TO BE" alive !!! - )))
(( in all of the universe .. only "one" .. YOU !! !! !! - ))
.. now that's .. RARE !! !! !! !!
.. and .. SO_FA KING .. Dyn'AM-i-"C" !!!!!!!!!! - ))
IT'S OUR "eMO(ti)ONs" .. that are "THE most 'valued' Tre(A-S)urE" !!! !!! .. E'mo(ti)on'S are 'in' a constant FLOW .. so WE "give them freely" (kNOWinG'LY of not) .. PLAN't'IN'G them .. in one another .. creating 'future' experience .. "with" each other !! - ))
Itchy .. i'm really looking forward to your .. "SMT" POW WOW .. bRINGinG together, hONEst smiley folks .. to gather around, share food, fire, and smiles .. and to exchange freely (S W A P) SMT's .. to get OUR (P A W S) on one another >> in a way that says, "i never want to let YOU GO" !! - ))
.. thank you 'friend' ! - )
When i first came 'knocking' on your door .. it was 'as' an excited new neighbor .. thankful for the expanded "definition & character" that you represented .. for me, on OUR new PLAN-eT STEEM ! - )))))
.. and FUN'nY for me NOW .. reading this .. that when i arrived 'home' i found the "eggs & milk" .. you had given me !!!!!!!!! - ))
"They" weren't asked for, nor .. was "they" offered ...
.. "they" were given !! !! !! - ))
A most beautiful "DEBT" = a BOLD INVESTMENT !! - ))
ForEveR .. 'locked' on the B'LocK C'HaiN of STEEM !!! - ))
.. as my first "W'aLL'eT" entry !!! - )))
What a glorious 'can of worms' - )))
.. you are so FEEAR-LESS !!! - )))
.. i sure appreciate "T(HA)T" !!!
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
I appreciate all of the many loving fractal perspectives that radiate out from your fingertips ! They're pretty overwhelming sometimes, and I don't always know what to say...but they do get me thinking...fire up the ol' grey matter engine. It's really a nebulus more than an engine...but hey...