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RE: Boskop Man: Ancient Humans With Extraordinarily Large Skulls - How Smart Were They?

in #history8 years ago

Isn't impulsiveness and overconfidence a trademark of any younger person? The thing about social issues is the much more unpredictable outcomes of it, what will the other person think, what will they say, etc. I believe that it causes those issues that you speak of.


I'll claim that my own levels of that were higher and consisted of a longer time period than the norm. I don't think I slowed down until I was 41. I'm not going to brag about my arrest record or speeding ticket collection, though, lol. The point here was that high IQ doesn't correlate with wisdom, and I think that the social disconnect that smarter folks often experience also hinders them from roles as a leadership class.

As to social disfunction on the part of the more intelligent, I think there are two things that drive that:
1 - Smarter people tend to resist going with the herd because they either don't see the point of the group activity (group cohesion vs. action efficiency); this causes social disconnect
2 - Smarter people often have a hard time communicating their ideas and viewpoints; again causing a social disconnect. i.e, going back to Idiocracy, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded

I won't claim that ALL smart folks are nerds (full disclosure, I consider myself to be one), but there is a high likelihood of it. Some are smart enough to see the necessity of social organization, and some are naturally sociable.

Now somebody that has high levels of social ability AND intelligence? Better hope that guy has a high level or morality, too!