Lets never forget the fact that both Horus of Ancient Eygpt and Quezecotayl of the Aztecs in South America were both described as being blue feathered Gods !! Strange and yet surely not coincidental ??
Wow great post as ever @tremendospercy ! Listen these stories trvelling down from thousands of years sound strangely like info i read concerning the Secret Space Program with David Wilcock and his friend Corey Goude who was chosen as being our ambassador to meet with a race of blue feathered Avian Alien race who are incidently the arch enemies apprently of the shape shifting lizards or Drakos alien race !
Check this link mate ) http://www.williamhenry.net/2016/06/the-blue-avians-and-blue-sphere-beings-do-you-know-what-love-can-do/
here is an artist impression made on the instructions of Corey after having met them !
Yes and I'll be getting into those deities in the next few posts. Western academia are incredibly arrogant when it comes to digging into our pre-history. The assumptions made regarding what may have happened in the distant past are disingenuous at best and deliberately obscuring the truth at worst.
I believe our past is deliberately covered up for many reasons, it's time to tell us the truth. We'll never progress in a positive sense as a race if we're blind to our true beginnings.