In what is largely considered to be the deciding battle of the Civil War, this extremely bloody (and somewhat accidental) battle at Gettysburg concluded on this day, July 3rd, 1863.

Many people fail to remember that some of the civil war took place in points quite far north, and this drive traveled well into Pennsylvania. After what was considered a perfectly executed victory in Chancellorsville where Robert E. Lee faced an enemy force far larger than his own but achieved victory via superior tactics, he decided to invade the north even further. The idea behind this push was to penetrate deep into enemy territory and thereby encourage the French or British to join the fray as allies with the Confederates.
It was a disasterous failure and although the war would not officially end for nearly another 2 years, this is considered a major turning point in the tide of war and the South was "backpedaling" for almost the entirety of the remainder of the war.
and actual photo of the battlefield

There were tremendous losses on both sides with approximately 25,000 for the Union and 23,000 for the Confederates - 7,000 of which died in less than an hour during "Pickett's Charge" which was the proverbial "nail in the coffin" for the South's attempt on invading the north.
The Confederates would never invade the North from this day forward.

despite the fact that he was on the wrong side, Lee is considered one of the greatest American generals (from a strategic point of view - don't get your panties in a wad) of all time
One thing that many don't know about this battle was that it was never meant to happen. The South simply "waltzed in" to Gettysburg in order to obtain supplies for their army... only to encounter a sizeable force upon their arrival. Thus the Battle of Gettysburg began and unbeknown to anyone involved, the losses sustained in that battle would spell the end of the Confederate upper-hand for the remainder of the war.
Going to Gettysburg and seeing the battlefields and monuments was a moving experience for me.
oh i bet. I lived in Virginia for a time and they would have battle re-enactments from time to time, those were pretty special and also highlighted how exceptionally different combat was in the 1800's. It all seems a bit silly today actually since for a lot of it the infantry just stood in a straight line completely exposed in a field.
It makes you wonder how the officers who gave those orders could live with themselves after watching all those boys get slaughtered.
My family and I traveled all over this area when we were kids, but for some reason we never visited Gettysburg and I am not quite sure why. I would love to make it back there some day and see it for myself. Thanks for this great write up on the eve of Independence Day!
Every country seems to have very similar bloody battle grounds! Just different place at different time!
Where have all the young men gone?
When will they ever learn?
Have a nice cool day!
Hope the monsoon rain does not hit the north too hard!
In Virginia the other day they made a commemoration I think I saw it on the Internet some time ago where I stated that the Masons and Roschilt house supposedly have written the name of this war to have certain interests in the American Sulo. curious but as I have always said war produces backwardness in the human being.
American Sulo?
the actual photo makes me sad...