At the conclusion of World War 2, the "Allies only in name" apparently couldn't wait to get started on another military conflict despite having literally just finished one and Korea was divided at the 38th parallel. A line that exists to this day.

The year was 1945 and the lines were drawn to be occupied by the Soviet Union in the North and The United States in the South. Tensions would continue between the two nations for many years until one day they decided to start shooting at each-other 5 years later.

So why was it divided in the first place? Prior to Japan's surrender just a week before, the Korean nation didn't really exist. Korea had been under Japanese rule since the country was annexed in 1910. While a lot of it was never fully implemented the Japanese had already begun making things like "having a Korean surname" illegal and gradually phasing out the Korean language. The attempt at erasing their unique culture is something that, rightfully so, lead to great animosity on the part of Koreans and much of that hatred still exists to this day.
Basically, at the conclusion of WW2, Korea didn't actually have a government. So the original intention might have been innocent enough, but it devolved into another casualty of the cold war between democracy and communism.

The United States has had a strong military presence in South Korea ever since August 17th, 1945 and while the Soviets have long since left, the North has a military pact with China that they will intervene on the North's behalf, should they ever be attacked. I can't imagine why and I hope that this never happens... because it might be the end of the world if it does.
Friend @gooddream, even if you don't believe it, I'm hearing about this story. I didn't know it at all, in fact I had never looked for some kind of information about it.
But it seems interesting to see how South Korea has advanced in its economic and technological development, unlike North Korea.
It is one of the reasons where we can see how the socialist systems only destroy countries. My Venezuela is in this situation of destruction because of these government systems.
It sounds contradictory but I would like more progress and if that means having an alliance I would do it with the United States, and I would never do it with Russia or China.
I am sorry that the Japanese tried to erase the entire history of Korea, for some reason they were the things that in one way or another of something bad came out something good for that nation.
Amazing!, It is true, It is one of the reasons where we can see how the socialist systems only destroy countries. My Venezuela is in this situation of destruction because of these government systems.
Hopefully Korea will soon be united. The artificial division is the division that the people who rule the world want to see, in order to continue to rule.
It is amazing that this has been going on for such a long time. It is also amazing how every couple of years things flare up and we all get a little nervous. Then we forget about it again for a while and then things flare up again. You would think the people would eventually revolt given the conditions, but with the backing of China the military is strong enough to shut most of that down. I hope one day the people of North Korea can experience freedom.