What is your fault that you are forgotten by your own people, what is your fault that you are humbled by another nation, whereas this is your land of your nation and your homeland but the grave of kafir laknatillah is upright, beautiful and beautiful but your beautiful tomb is ignored and even Your headstone is revoked and moved next to the house to be used as a grindstone.
This photo was taken from teungku,muda.com
But many of the messages you want to convey but your grandchildren to pull out your headstone and make as a tool to sharpen the knife / sword, where our brains as grandchildren of the next generation of aceh nation, even indatu also give knowledge and message through manuscript but some of us put it Under the house, in the sacks and the worse worse in the chicken coops. What makes me sad when some people are saving this historical treasure, some stupid people say:
"hana meupeucap awak nyan adoh kurek-kurek bate jrat ngoen peusapat kertah brok”
which mean:
"No man's work is cool prying-tacking the tombstone and collecting ugly paper"
These are the words that make my blood pressure as if I want to head her head to be a little intelligent to appreciate, love and save her national identity.
This photo was taken from a post from faceebook muhammad khairul amri
This photo was taken from a post facebook lueng putu manukrip.()
But some of them must really mine head so that his ignorance and lethargy spilled into the ground. You must be bigung why I say some stupid people that I have to corner?
The cause there are several factors:
First some of the fools were deliberately destroying the treasure trove as tombstones and manuscripts.
The second half of the fool made the restrictions on the tank with the tombstones.
The third part of the fools deceived a bunch of caring people and saved history.
The fourth swarm of people who are considered as part of the government that boasted said they were activists savior nation's history, but when we look at the facts so much that what he has to say.
And the last factor is that there are some lecturers / academics of history who are highly respected by the students but they do not know how the history of their own nation and that makes me annoyed they just want the spaciousness to examine the history of their nation if they are paid by the government.
What is it like to keep our nation who only think of eating for stomach only. If you do not want to change your old nation, do you want this? And forget the history of your ancestors.
Know a nation that does not appreciate the history of his people as he has no identity and future because history is the foundation of the present in the future toward a better future.
I really hope for those who read this post consciously and transform themselves into more and useful for the nation because God will not compromise the fate of a nation, but the nation changed its own sincerely and expect the pleasure of God. AMINN
Good article
Well done!