James Cook discovers Hawaii
It was January 18, 1778 when the Britisch James Cook found Hawaii and called the islands: "Sandwich Islands."
Captain James Cook was an explorer and was the first European to discover the Hawaiian Islands. The reason naming them "Sandwich Islands" was in honor of John Montague, who was the earl of Sandwich and one his patrons.
Apart from being an explorer Cook was a skilled navigator, cartographer, who created detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean where he also discovered Hawaii.

Sadly he also died on Hawaii where he got attacked and killed in 1779 during his third exploratory voyage in the Pacific while trying to kindnap a chief of Hawaii. Cook left a broad legacy of scientific and geographical knowledge that influenced the society even in the 20th century.

Now they can add the unfortunate false nuclear threat to their history too!
unfortunately you are right - speak about US, not England?