I would like to confirm who this is, and know the context of the photo.

Does anyone remember, and are you willing to re-tell the story that was told when the image first appeared? I never heard it, and finding details seems to be difficult... Thanks^^
no idea.. but why are you interested in this specific nazi?>
Seems confirmed, so I can say now... (See the comment from @old-guy-photos and my reply.)
yup.. Canada said no Jews , Blacks, or Dogs at one point.
Have you searched the photo in Google photo search??? Sorry if it seems obvious but not every one knows u can.
I did and seems to possibly be future prime minister Pierre Trudeau...
However I assume you knew this?
Yeah. Thank you. That's the problem, the story is old and has many variants.
Prussian helmet, nazi uniform, etc.
The searching led me to other credible info though, a scapegoating, anti-Jewish play supposedly written by P.E. Trudeau in his school days, named in French; "Dupés." (Duped, or The Duped.)
It is known and publicized, with dates, school performed at, etc, but... I can't find the script itself, so far... (I may put out another call similar to this post about finding the play.)
Either way, it seems like it may explain a few decisions around here...
Despatch Rider. A military Messenger. Used by the armed forces to deliver urgent messages between HQ and units.
Ok very good, that's a good start, thank you!
A quick search with those terms doesn't (yet) yield info about this specific image and person, but I'll see what I can find.