The benefits or usefulness in studying the history of education include two things that are general and academic . The history of Islamic education has its own utility such as exemplary, mirror, comparison, and self improvement. In the Qur'an as a source of Islamic teachings contain many historical values as an example. It is contained in the Qur'an: It means: " There is indeed in the Messenger of Allah be a good example to you all ..." (Surat al-Ahzab: 21)
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Meaning: " Say if you (really) love God, follow me, Allah will love and forgive your sins .... "(Surah Ali-Imran: 31) Meaning: ".... And follow him, that ye may be guided . "(QS Al-A'raaf: 158) Under the above verses, as Muslims we can emulate the Islamic education process since the prophetic era of Muhammad SAW, Khulafaur Rasyidin, great scholars and Islamic education activists. As a reflection of history, we need to reflect on or take lessons from past events so that the resulting history can be utilized especially for the development of Islamic education.
As a comparison, an event that lasts from time to time, over time has some similarities. Therefore, the results obtained from the comparison process between the past, present, and future will be expected to contribute to the development of Islamic education because in essence history is a reflection of the comparison for the new period.
As an improvement, that is, after interpreting past experiences in various activities we try to improve the previously less constructive situation to be more constructive.
The academic benefits of Islamic education are:
Know and understand the growth of Islamic education, from the time of the birth of Islam to the present; Taking advantage of various Islamic educational processes, can solve the problems of Islamic education that are happening in the present; and Have a positive attitude towards all changes and renewal of Islamic education system.
Science Closely Linked to the History of Islamic Education
The history of Islamic education is not an independent science but part of the history of education in general. The history of education discusses the development of education from the past until now. Therefore, the history of education is closely related to several other sciences, among others, namely:
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That is an interaction that occurs both between individuals and between groups, where in this circumstance will cause a dynamic. These dynamics and changes lead to social mobility and all of them have an effect on the Islamic education system and the wisdom of Islamic education which is run at a time.
Historical Sciences
discussing the development of some important events or events in the past also discussed all the (big people) in the structure of political power because in general the big people are quite dominant influence in determining a system, material, educational goals, applicable in those days.
History of Culture
In relation to education means a transfer of contents of culture in completing all the skills of students to deal with various problems and cultural expectations, Islamic education is an attempt to pass on the values of Islamic culture from generation to generation to come. Therefore it is important to study the history of culture in order to understand the history of Islam.
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Taking advantage of various Islamic educational processes, can solve the problems of Islamic education that are happening in the present.
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