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RE: Butch and Sundance: Harry Goes to the Big House

in #history6 years ago

howdy this fine Friday sir dandays! you weren't able to throw together a food post were you? Some exotic dish they have down there? Well maybe next week.

Yay! you have a vehicle!! Praise God! And it's a great one. Is it new? Those are fantastic cars or trucks, probably the classification is truck. That sure didn't take long.

lol, the only time you have the tv on is to use it to fall asleep? You love Judge Judy but just to fall asleep with? lol. Never heard of such a thing, that's very unique. Do I have a favorite show? I guess I'd have to say Survivor because it's real people experiencing real things and interactions. I'm not a fanatic or anything but Mrs. J and I like to watch it and talk about strategy and what we'd do.

The jail...oh my gosh. Well first of all, she knew from the first day she walked in how dark the spiritual atmosphere and influences were. But one of the Gifts of the Spirit, and we are both Spirit-filled, is The Discerning of Spirits. And she has that. She has seen demons, angels, and can read a person instantly to know what is going on in the spirit realm with them.

So she knew instantly. In fact, like I said, this is an INFILTRATION into the enemies stronghold. An undercover operation. When you go through the psychological testing they weed out anyone who has any Faith or religious beliefs. So how did she get past all that without lying?

That was another indicator that this was God's direction for us. The morning she was to go for the psychological testing God gave her answers for the questions concerning this subject. She didn't know what the questions would be but God gave her the answers, how to answer those questions in such a way that she wouldn't be lying but she could past their screening.

And of course, that's exactly what happened, she could tell that they were trying to weed out any Believers. And like I said it was immediately evident when she showed up for work that there were no Christians there. Well, except a lady who is in charge of scheduling pastors and church for the jail,

Mrs. J was talking to her and the lady asked her what church she went to. Well, at that moment one of the guards, a really mean, nasty, woman who hates Christians and is just a bitter old lady, walked up. As soon as she heard Mrs. J answer that question she turned around and walked away.

That's when the spiritual battle started because the word spread all over the jail that Mrs. J was a Believer so she was immediately labeled as weak, soft, wimpy, couldn't carry herself with authority, and on and on. When they saw that she didn't scream, yell, demean, call names, and cuss like a sailor it got even worse!

So that's how she knows there are no Christians there. Very sad. She has met some really nice people though and her shift now if composed of really good people who have each other's backs. there are 4 shifts, she's worked 3 of them with no sign of Christians so we can't say for certain as there may be one on that 4th shift, but not likely. So she is totally alone in this spiritual battle but not alone in the Spirit of course because while she's at work you know what I'm doing, I'm a prayer warrior.

Also she has the ladies in her Bible study who are praying for her. The difference she's making is astounding. By walking in love. She told me yesterday that I wouildn't believe what happens at times. For instance, the other day the guards had the Feds(inmates who'd commited federal crimes) out in the hallway lined up with their hands on the wall. These are the biggest, toughest, worst and most violent offenders, all of them huge, mean looking black men. Got the picture?

So she goes walking down the hallway past this group and they were ALL calling out to her. They sure weren't talking to the other guards but when she showed up they were greeting her and asking her how she was doing and if she could be on their hall today! lol. From hardened criminals to perfect gentlemen. that's the love of God in action. She treats them with respect and to them respect is everything. She said if anything happened they'd have her back more than most of the guards.

When she enters a hall the enemy scatters before her. When there's a fight, the people suddenly calm down when she shows up. The bosses are probably already watching this and taking note. I think they'll make her a trainer soon but that's just my guess, God's in charge of the direction. Did I tell you about that lady that she prayed for through the glass?

sorry this is so long, I'll let you go!


@curie I’m nominating @janton for the best response of the week with this one, thank you!

What an incredible read! You just opened my eyes to a whole new scene, that was amazing. And, for the record, that’s the first time I’ve ever asked curie to come read a response. What an amazing story.

When I began reading it, I had my doubts, seriously. From the beginning just seeing the words believer and non-believer I was expecting an overhyped rant from a couple and I mean that in the nicest, non judgy way. Quite the contrary. Fascinating stuff.

A jail housing inmates full of specifically chosen, non-believers is gross neglect at best, at worst, evil. Thank God for Mrs. J, you keep doing what you’re doing and I got it on my end. She just got a prayer from Costa Rica and you know what they say about a prayer from a righteous... you know how it goes!

Would you ever consider writing a post about that janton? I promise I won’t call you out, I won’t do that to you anymore. But have you ever considered writing a post about your wife’s life right now? I think it would be good for the community.

Talk to you soon, janton.

howdy sir dandays! Is it morning already? Now I'm all messed up. lol. I forgot that curie even does that. Thank you for the kind words, yes it's an incredible situation. Especially the part where all those big mean guys were standing there facing the wall and when they see her they all start calling out to her..Miss A! Miss A! When are coming to see us? can't make this stuff up. Thank you for the prayers, we covet those. Ya know..Mrs. J is one of the strongest people I know, WAY stronger than the typical person, male or female, and for the other guards and sargeants in there to accuse her of being weak is such a joke. They have no idea who they're dealing with.

But those tough guys in the fed section of the jail know. At first they tried to scare her and intimidate her. And she's not big. She's about 5ft 3" but after awhile they found out that she was not only not scared of them but had something they really wanted to be around and that was Joy.

What the jail house needs is a revival but more for the guards than the inmates because quite a few of the women at least, are saved, they're the ones that keep asking for prayer after that incident when Mrs. J prayed through the glass which I don't remember if I told you about or not.

About doing posts about her work. Not at this time anyway. She doesn't want anything to do with steemit and doesn't want people to know that much about what she's doing so I've already said too much!

I started this hours ago, we've been outside working on getting the water shut off, the yard is full of water from a burst pipe, had to have a neighbor come down and help with that, anyway, big problems with the water line, we're going to have to replace the line from the house to the street. Fun times!

Is it morning already?

See what I mean? You always have me laughing. Eh, good one! Actually, we didn’t try to jump through so many hoops today. I had a few minutes to check out Steemit. We even snapped a few pictures of our dinner for a late #fff entry tomorrow.

Enough said about not sharing her story on Steemit, some day if you change your mind, I’d like to be among The first to know. 👍🏿

About the water line, is it broken between your house and the meter, did you have to shit your water off? According to your reply, it’s been about 2 hours since you told me about it, is it still in need of repair?

Howdy sir dandays! sorry for the late reply. I haven't been away from steemit this much since I started!

Regarding sharing Mrs. J's work, I'd love to, she's the one that says no. I think it would be very interesting for people, especially those who've never been to jail and don't know what it's like. Hopefully that is the majority of steemians?

And it would give me something else to post about. I don't really have a problem with finding things to post about, it's all a lack of time because of how much commenting I do but I guess I need to trim that down.

Yeah there's a break in our water line somewhere between the house and the street. A plumber is coming out tomorrow morning, I was out there last night and today working on clearing a path through the trees for his ditch digging machine. He'll lay down PEX so it won't be a problem again. The current pipe is 40 years old. Probably copper.

"did you have to shit your water off?" haha, yes we had to do that! lol. couldn't get it with our tools though but one of our neighbors is a contractor and has a tool that turns the valve so he ran up and shit it off for us! lol. I'm just so thankful that this happened in the winter time when there's no critters like bugs, spiders, ticks and snakes out in the woods that I'm working in, it's a grove of trees from the street to the house so I was out there with my machete going crazy on vines, and thorny bushes and small trees etc to make a path.

What's the progress like there?

Oh my goodness gracious!!! I haven’t laughed that hard for a long minute. I can’t believe my phone typed that wOrd!! laugh WAY out loud! That’s gotta be the typo of the year. And then to read you repeat it twice, I literally was laughing way out loud! Oh my goodness that was funny.

Only thing I know about plumbing is “shut” runs down hill and don’t bite your fingernails.

I just saw you put up another one—let’s go see what Butch gets himself out of this time. I put up a food fight contender earlier today of our dinner in “Santana” last night.

howdy tonight sir dandays! lol....that was awful funny for sure! The most unintended ones are the funniest. Bad phone! lol. Did you get alot done today or did you talk about that in another comment that I haven't gotten to?

No, heck no. Costa Rica isn’t like the US. Everything closes down on the weekends. Even the places that close early on Saturdays are closed on Sunday—the way it was supposed to be.

(I just read it again... and laughed, again)

edit see, I get’em all the time—nothing to worry about!