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RE: Today I Bust A Couple Of Old West Myths

in #history6 years ago

howdy sir friendly-fenix! That post about the radiation sounds interesting, I've heard that cell phones can cause brain cancer but that's the only kind I've heard about, but then I haven't done any research either. Good for you to reach a thousand followers!


I lost just one... Follower... 😞 But yesterday I had 1087 followers, so Im not sure... Might be bots or users turning into dead-fish, then they disappear from the following...

The thing with these new smartphones is that you can never really turn them off, I always have my phone in my jeans front pocket, and now with the new cellphone networks with potentially stronger radiation I rather be safe then sorry... So I think Im going to make one just for the times when I want to turn it off properly and still have it in my pocket or for when Im sleeping...

I talked to this guy who was a former cellphone company employee not going to mention the name of the company but it rimes with "coca-cola", he told me that they could boil eggs, 3 feet from the "mast", you know the one they sometimes put on rooftops etc, but from a further distance it was not boiling the eggs and probably not dangerous or so he said, he was a bit drunk, and this was back in the 90ties... 🙄


Howdy today sir friendly-fenix! I'm not quite clear how you plan on handling the cell phone if you think it may be dangerous but you can't turn them off. How does that work? I don't know anything about them and I don't even carry a cell phone. But one reason is that I've been hearing about the dangers of them for years.

I know they used to sell those shields that you can attache to your phone but I haven't seen those advertised for a long time so I don't know if they still have them or if they work.

Yeah I remember those shields too...Have not seen those in a long time...

They have these bags for credit cards and passports you can buy in the airport, to prevent digital identity theft, I think one of those bags might work...?


That sounds like a great topic for a post sir friendly-fenix. I mean everyone has cell phones and many are concerned about them, I would research to see if there are any fixes and what the latest research on the cancer says, if there is any.

Yeah, good call @janton, Im going to do some research, I had so many friends getting cancer lately... I guess its normal, but I would be a lot happier if people could avoid getting it...


wow sir shouldn't be normal that so many friends are getting cancer, what's going on there? I'm not asking your age but you're what..under 40? So if your friends are similar in age you wouldn't think there would be much cancer as that normally strikes people later in life.