Weather. I guess there were tornado warnings down there. They had already turned in their rental car. At first it was a 20 min delay, then 2 hours then canceled. It was a direct flight and tomorrow they are sending them from Jacksonville to Miami and then from Miami to Chicago, they will be traveling all day and not get here until later in the evening.
Weather. I guess there were tornado warnings down there. They had already turned in their rental car. At first it was a 20 min delay, then 2 hours then canceled. It was a direct flight and tomorrow they are sending them from Jacksonville to Miami and then from Miami to Chicago, they will be traveling all day and not get here until later in the evening.
oh no! like two days gone! And I hate being routed all over the country like that. dang. They'll be SO glad to get home!
Plus lots of expenses that they were not counting on.
oh that's for sure, that's going to bite. Kind of a lousy end to a beautiful time down there.