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RE: Belle And Sam Visit The Federal Courthouse

in #history6 years ago

howdy Melinda! oh yeah I hate those kind of conditions that you are describing there, icy conditions yuck. Well we have little of that here anyway and we don't have to travel a long way like we used to do everyday in real estate.


I have no where that I have to go, but they do a good job here with keeping our roads in good winter driving condition.

howdy again Melinda...oh that's good. Well in Akron and the surrounding areas it depended on the neighborhood. In other words the nice ones had great service and they ignored the poor ones, that's why we had to buy a 4 wheel drive because we always went into the poor ones!

I have not noticed that happening here. I know it doesn't in my town, but we are pretty rural. I wonder if it does in Milwaukee.

I bet ya anything that it does. It was terrible in Akron, there were streets that had 8 inches of ice on them because they'd never been salted all winter. lol. It was crazy.

One of my friends rented in a very marginal neighborhood in Milwaukee, partly because she wanted the experience all of the diversity that a neighborhood like that would provide. She lived there for 3 or 4 years and I never heard her complain about not being able to get out in the winter, only that the plows would come by and leave that big ridge of snow in her driveway. But we all have had that problem!

Oh that's interesting. Well maybe it was just Akron! lol. I wouldn't be surprised. Does the Packers play this weekend?

They don't play this weekend. Sunday the 25th against the Vikings is the next game.

Okay it is after midnight and I need to call it a night. I'll talk to you tomorrow!