Howdy today sir madgoat! I sure agree about the history and how amazing it is. Did you like history in school? It was my favorite subject so I was wondering if it was the same for you.
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Howdy today sir madgoat! I sure agree about the history and how amazing it is. Did you like history in school? It was my favorite subject so I was wondering if it was the same for you.
English was my major in College and my passion in high school, hence the storytelling. History is my second favorite subject thanks to a funny/not funny story. When my twin brother and I were in 6th grade my brother didn't feel like putting awway his tray at lunch so he just put it on his chair and tucked it away. A teacher saw him do it and gave him a warning. Instead of doing the right thing, he did it again and ran away. The teacher chased him through a crowd of kids and grabbed me. I got lunch detention for six weeks for his crime. They didn't believe me when I said I didn't do anything.
At lunch detention you had to bring a lunch, but I couldn't make a lunch in the morning because I would have to tell my dad that it was for lunch detention and he would have beat the shit out of me. The class I had right after lunch was History. So for six weeks I'd just sit there every day during lunch, reading my history book. It made me really appreciate how history is just a bunch of stories, which also happen to be true, and are usually horrible and bloody.
lol! howdy today sir madgoat! wow what a story, that is amazing and funny at the same time. so you have your brother to thank for your love of history, and your dad too! lol.