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RE: Philadelphia Travels - Happy Independence Day (Part 2)

in #history6 years ago (edited)

The people are innocent mostly. It is the elite bankers who control the politicians that have made America into the warmongers who are wrecking the planet. And history is written by those victors. American history is tainted with crimes against humanity, like the Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Vietnam (based on false flag Gulf Of Tonkin) etc. The list is long of those crimes. I learned this from an American historian called Oliver Stone. If you want to know the real history of America then watch his 10 part series on it. He does not judge but states the crimes factually.

Don't worry, my country is built on the crime of Apartheid. I'm beyond nationalism and patriotism. We are all citizens of earth. And my current government is made up of corrupt criminal thieves too, just like yours.


Now you say this, I was hoping this is what you meant. I just hate when things become political and hatred is spewed. That is pretty strong from me as I was raised with HATE being the 4 letter word I got in trouble for. 'You can dislike something, but hate is a strong angry word that destroys.'

I have watched Oliver Stone's series it's amazing. I always recommend it to someone when they question things. Just like the very first scene in the first episode of Newsroom. The speech that Jeff Daniel's character gives is spot on. People do have this idea in their heads of how they think things are, which they are not. I do have a very realistic view of things, that is why when I do a post like this I keep it to what it's purpose was.

I'm beyond nationalism and patriotism. We are all citizens of earth.
I think is the best way to be. That is why I love this platform.

Yes, I understand your motivation being to keep the post strictly to the point on the day. Good to hear you have watched Oliver Stone's history series.