The verdict is in: Nicolae Ceausescu you have been found unmemorable! Nobody gives a damn that you ever existed! Few even remember you ever existed...
To our beloved leader, the nation's warmest wish: Happy Birthday, Ceausescu!
It had completely slipped my mind – the dictator's birthday! Born 100 years ago today! Wow! People in more or less normal countries cannot understand this. Who knows Bill Clinton's birthday? Or Angela Merkel's birthday? But these are regular leaders, not like the great dictator. For the first two decades of my life, January was a bloody nightmare as all you ever heard on TV or read in the newspapers was about our most beloved leader, whose wise guidance brings us ever closer to accomplishing mankind's golden dream, a socialist blah-blah-blah. Conferences, exhibitions, concerts, popular gatherings – everything was for and about him!
Nicolae Ceausescu was a megalomaniac, his personality cult was unparalleled in Eastern Europe. Only North Korea's Kim Il Sun, the current leader's grandfather, was as crazy as our former infamous leader. He was by no means dumb and he was probably well aware of the fact that all the public displays of admiration were staged by lower-ranking dignitaries trying to outdo each other. Still, he loved the applause and the chants.
And yet, 27 years after his death, nobody cares about him. Just a handful of old communists gathered today to honor him, but their breed is dying. Ten years from now even these small pathetic gatherings will be a thing of the past. We don't even hate him anymore. And we did hate him up to the point of cheering his execution, unlawful as it was. Personally, I still think his execution was a good thing, although I understand now it was a convenient way for the new leaders to shut him up quickly. But don't feel hate anymore. Because I don't care anymore. The whole country, his whole country doesn't care anymore. 100 years since Ceausescu's birthday?! Come on, we have more important things to do today – a new government being sworn in, a high profile funeral, a tennis player doing something.
As I was reading a historian's cool and dispassionate assessment of his regime I realized that this is the worst punishment for a megalomaniac – being forgotten. No longer relevant. No longer interesting – except for scholars. That's all that remains of Nicolae Ceausescu – a footnote in the great book of history.
In all honesty, he did live in a highly competitive century – when your competition is Stalin and Hitler and Pol Pot it's tough to be memorable. An evil man, but not evil enough to make it to the top.
This brings me to one of my favorite topics – why do people crave power? I can understand money – up to a point it makes sense to want money, than you simply cannot stop, that's what you do, you make money. But power!? How does it work? Those that dwell in the shadows, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, the Koch brothers?
Only this morning I was reading what George Soros had to say at the Davos conference. The guy is going to be 88 this year. At this age, any day you wake up is a good day, any day you don't wet yourself is a good day, for crying out loud! What's more power (or money) going to do for you? Does it keep arthritis away? No. Does it help with digestion? No. Will it keep the Grim Reaper away? No. You're still going to die and in just a few decades no one will remember your name.
In the end, it was the fact that he was incapable of relinquishing power that killed Ceausescu. The other Communist leaders of his time just stepped down, went on to live the rest of their lives in peace and die of natural causes. After all, it was written on the wall, the Berlin Wall, in big fiery letters – you're time's up! How does one become so wrapped up in his delusional ideas that he becomes unable to save his own life?
Those that are playing with our lives today and making us miserable have nothing to fear, they won't be sharing the fate of Nicolae Ceausescu, gunned down in front of a stupid wall, but, nevertheless they, too, will be forgotten. Completely.
This is George Soros in Davos.
As the Great Lemmy said: 'All I see is a slimy lizard, in an expensive suit.'
Maybe in Romania is not remembered, but in Venezuela yes, and not by the socialist government, but by its detractors, everyone is waiting for Maduro to end in the same way, and I would not be surprised at all if he did.
The type of things like the execution of Ceauşescu are remembered in the collective imagination when a government becomes oppressive, what they did in Romania is a historical example and its meaning transcended borders.
I wouldn't be surprised, either, but I don't think it would solve much.
No, I would not do it, since there are no cheap tricks or easy exits to the problems, a revenge only temporarily satisfies people, but it does not fix anything, however, sometimes this kind of thing, however bloodthirsty and cynical they may seem , they end up leaving a very strong message to people and let politicians know that they are not untouchable or unattainable.
I guess the difference between the old leaders like Nicolae Ceausescu and the (somehow) new ones is that the old leaders cared about their people. Ceausescu cared about the faith of his population, he provided some minimum food and shelter for the people at that time. I can say that in defense of my words, even if many are saying that when he was leading, people had less food than they have now, well... Right now the entire supply of food on the entire planet has increased with about 50% in a couple of decades. So for that time, people had pretty much food and shelter.
As a difference, today, neither the president, nor the government care if some people are starving or not. Nobody cares about homeless and they are a lot. The number of hospitals and schools being built is nothing compared to the number of churches. I can go on like that for a while but I am trying to make just one point:
There are always bad parts and also good parts related to one thing!
And so was Ceausescu's leadership... it was not perfect, actually it was far away from that point, but it had its good parts that some people forget about. For sure that times were bad for the country but they were not entirely this way.
I am not a communist, but I don't think that the communist is entirely bad and neither that capitalism is entirely good.
The perfect system does not exists and if some people think that they are living in a total democracy right now, then there may be some bad news they should hear:
It looks like democracy, it feels like democracy, but is it really democracy?
That was what I had to say, hope you don't mind and understand my point, even if you can disagree with it :)
PS: contributed from my phone, if there are any mispells, I will edit them later.
No reason to disagree with you. It was not the point of my post to discuss the Ceausescu regime as compared to our present situation, as I don't think many outside our country are interested. Fortunately, we have come to that point when we can talk about this without any passion. Many of his wrongs can be understood when you take them into the wider context, the times he lived in.
As for democracy, the truth is, I think, we do live in a democracy, only we had a different idea about democracy.. we thought, back then, democracy - by Western standards- must be Heaven on Earth. Well, it isn't - neither here, nor in the West...
Some may care, and there are others from our country here also. About that democracy, I don't really believe we are living in it. Democracy is when the people, the majority of the citizens of one state are having control over how the things are going and what decisions are made.
I don't believe that neither in the most advanced countries, we are facing a good and healthy system without people manipulation, corruption or just a few taking decision in their favor, neglecting the masses that voted for them.
No, there is no such system.
I remember , a little bit, about your home-grown bad guy. It was on the newz here.
by the IS power. The more money you have the more power you have. Some billionaires do stupid things ...(like Soros)...some people do things that are not so stupid...Like Elon Musk.
It takes a lot of money to go to mars..
I think I remember you mentioning Elon Musk before and his plans do sound nice, a rich guy doing something worthwhile with his money, but I don't know... I cannot say I trust him as it falls under the too good to be true tag for me. I'm too much of a pessimist, I guess.
If a 'rich guy' spends his money he can't HELP but doing something worthwhile. Suppose he does something that you do not approve of...oh...say he buys a fourth (or fifth) mansion that he only lives in a few days a year. Well guess what! He did something GOOD by doing so. The money that he spent goes to pay the guys who built it, the guy who sold it, the taxes where it is...the people who maintain, and secure it when he's not there....and a bunchaton of other stuff.
People like you and me. (plumbers, electricians, painters, real estate brokers, policemen, teachers (school taxes)...and a LOT of other people. They take that money and buy beer, booze, bacon, rent...educated their children...
Which in turn goes to pay other people doing other things.
You've heard of 'trickle down?"....guess what? IT WORKS.
So be nice to your 'rich person' who spends lavishly on ANYTHING. He can't HELP but do good.
I don't have a problem with the rich guy buying a new house or bigger boobs for his mistress. I do have a problem with guys like Soros setting up tax-exempt foundations and paying a bunch of asshole opinion makers to promote all kind of sick ideas, like they do in the US and in Europe, as well. It still 'trickles down', these assholes make a living, their kids get toys and all that, but in the meantime they mess up the world my kids live in.
yup...I don't care for Soros either.
Actually...I'm an anarchist...
actually...I've done quite a bit of research on behavioral sinks, the monkesphere, the iron laws of bureaucracy and
fill in the blanks..
retributive justice is still justice, even when other motives are there
law is supposed to support justice
justice takes precedence over law
Heh...Adolf Hitler's birthday got more airplay than Ceausescu's
Well, he did have more to show for himself :)
all of us will die someday, but only the love ones will be remember and the true saveour of humanity
great news of history, nice blog, thanks for sharing
Brilliant. A megalomaniacs worst fear, being forgotten. Lol. Not even evil enough to make it into the top ten. Great perspective. I barely recognize his name. And I’m in my fifties.