World Early Inventions, Events, Things that Change Life Faster.

in #history8 years ago

We live today in a world of rapid changes brought about by advances in technology and information. Ideas keep pouring out every minute. We talk of speed in nanoseconds. Obsolescence is so fast that as soon as a product comes out of the factory, it is on its way to uselessness.

So fast are changes nowadays that we tend to assign to this period most of the new ideas. In truth, many of the inventions that have become common devices were devised long time ago.

As a tribute to our ancestors who have thought of ways to improve life, let us go through some of the inventions.

As early as 20,000 BC, needles made of bones were already made. Stone tools were also made. During this period, the Ice Age reached its coldest period.

(needles made of bones)

(Ice Age)

In 15,000 BC, harpoons, basket weaving and pottery vessels were invented. The Ice Age came to an end. 


In 10,000 BC, fishing nets, grindstones, combs, dugout boats, spindles, bricks and wheels started to appear. Crop farming bean in the Middle East.

(Fishing nets)

By 5,000 BC, sailing vessels, plows, cuneiform script, abacus, barbed fishhooks, horse riding, iron smelting, calendars and coins appeared. The Bronze Age began. The first city state was established in Mesopotamia.


In 1 AD, domed roofs, horseshoes, wheelbarrows, paper, stirrups and astrolabes were invented. In this period, the Romans started trading with India and Sri Lanka. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.


In 500 AD, the windmill, paper money, wheeled plow, book printing, and gunpower were invented. Islam spread throughout the Middle East. The Tang dynasty rose to power in China.


(Tang Dynasty)

By 1,500 AD, spectacles, mechanical clocks, lacemaking, standard yard, oil paints, lenses, camera obscura, printing press, padded horse collar, magnetic compass, sternpost rudder and musical notations appeared.

(Camera Obscura)

In the 1500's, the watch, flushing toilet, knitting machine, pencil and compound microscope and mercator projection map were invented. Around this time, the Mogul Empire was founded in India. The trans-Atlantic slave trade was established. The Ottoman Empire in Asia reached its peak. Francis Drake set sail on his round the world voyage.

(Mercator Projection Map)

(Francis Drake)

In the 1600's, the refracting telescope, Pascal's calculator, stagecoach, submarine, pendulum clock, improved microscope and reflecting telescope made their appearance. In this period, Pilgrims landed in America. The Manchu dynasty was founded in China. The Ashanti kingdom of West Africa was established. Halley spotted the comet that is now named after him.

(Pascal's Calculator)

(Halley Comet)

Toward 1700 more inventions came up. In this period, Franklin stove, Newcomen's steam engine, flying shuttle, mercury thermometer, centigrade scale, octant, piano, oil lamp with hollow wick, vaccine, Watt's steam engine, cotton gin, lightning rod, spring balance, metric system, sextant, hot air balloon and propeller came into being. Around this time, the Russian Academy of Science was founded. The Chinese took over the state of Tibet. The Social Revolution began in France.

(Newcomen's Steam Engine)

(Social Revolution in France)

By 1880's, matches, lawn mower, electric light, compact motor, jacquard loom, reaping machine, powered wool clippers, steam turbine generator, battery, postage stamps, anesthetics, typewriter, telephone, radio, steam locomotive, pedal bicycle, iron ships, motor car, diesel engine, saxophone, plate camera, phonograph and gramophone appeared. Napoleon was beaten in Waterloo. The Opium War began between Britain and China. Potato famine hit Ireland. Russia was defeated in the Crimean War.


(Opium War)

From 1900 to 1920, household conveniences such as safety razor, washing machine, hair dryer, pop-up toaster, domestic electric refrigerator and zipper made their appearance. In this time, also invented were stainless steel, assembly line, synthetic rubber, electrocardiograph, thermonic valve, nuclear model of the atom, antibiotic, disk brakes, Wright flyer, car seatbelt, electric traffic lights, windshield wipers, highway, teddy bear and television. Significant developments occurred around the world. Marconi radios crossed the Atlantic. Work started on the Panama Canal. World War I broke out. Einstein developed the theory of relativity. Gandhi started the movement against British rule in India.

(Washing Machine)

(Gandhi started the movement against British rule in India)

(Einstein developed the theory of relativity)

From 1930 to 1940, new discoveries included nylon, instant coffee, aerosol can, microwaves, polyethylene, photocopies, nuclear reactor, electron microscope, ballpoint pen, circuit board, computer, transistor, jet engine, cat's eyes, radar, radial-ply tires, electric cutter, stereo recording, scuba and long playing record. In this period, civil war erupted in Spain. World War II began. Atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima. Apartheid began in South Africa.

(Electron Microscope)

(World War II)

(Atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima)

From 1950 to 1970, more inventions came out in the marketsuch as steam iron, Velcro, lycra, Teflon cookware, flymo, credit card, nuclear power station, industrial robot, birth control pill, silicon chip, communication satellite, word processor, space satellite, hovercraft, Jumbo jet, transistor radio, video recorder, skateboard and cassette recorder. In this period, scientists revealed the DNA structure. The Cultural Revolution started in China. US astronauts landed on the moon.

(Birth Control Pills)

(Cultural Revolution started in China)

(US astronauts landed on the moon)

In the 1970's, food processor, digital watch, bar codes, x-ray scanner, personal computer, catalytic converter, home video games and Walkman made their appearance. The first test-tube baby was born.

In the 1980's, we were introduced to smart-card, post-it-notes, space shuttle, Rubik's cube and compact disc. The nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded. The Berlin Wall came down.

(Rubik's Cube)

(Nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded)

(The Berlin Wall came down)

In the 1990's we see self-heating cans, nuclear fusion, videophone, voice recognition and virtual reality.

(Self-heating cans)

It is a big wonder how things we thought were recent inventions were actually invented a long time ago. It is even a bigger wonder how many of the household appliances invented between 1900 and 1950 such as refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves and stereos are yet to find their way in most homes in developing countries. Unable to experience such gadgets, it is no wonder that the technological awareness of many children in developing countries is low when it comes to gadgets children in developed countries take for granted.

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Summary of @lapilipinas


Nice analogical break down of cool things through out time.

I must mention the Romans their engineers were amazing. Firstly prior to the Roman legionnaires soldiers could walk over stone bridges. Roman soldiers would march over a bridge and the regular rhythm wave of their steps would shake the bridge apart.

Roman engineers worked out the cause and officers would order half the soldiers to march out of step so to counteract the shaking to protect the bridges, this was only 4,500 years ago . . .

During their northern conquests the Romans planned a river crossing, this river crossing was 999 feet wide. The Roman general ordered a boat bridge built in 10 days. This meant under combat conditions the bridge had to progress 100 feet every day in a swift flowing river using improvised materials.

This was achieved and the overall campaign a major success and strategic victory for the Romans. Ancient abilities were truly amazing ! ! !

What if I told you that in the last ten years there was more change than in the last one thousand?
What if I told you that in the next five years there will be more change than in the last ten thousand?

Can't wait what will happen in the next five years...