From the very beginning of our interest, and our first early moments together with our beloved ones, we have deeply planted our resolve to love this country. The country that became our blood spilled, and devoted to exalt it with the Islamic shari'ah that has come here with our ancestral da'wah .
My country ...
When I love you
I raise those who have died
The voices behind the curtain of the era were heard again
The rolls of the story were unraveled
They fall like fingers
Unforgettable story unimaginable story
In order to reconnect your history
In order to tapaki the path of your destination
Because when I love you
I do not want to get rid of you
I want to be immortal with you
Silam, today and front
In one thread
Then this is a vision, duhai my love!
Meugahku, I miss you positively
It's okay if you do not like it, but that's it
And still do I greet my love
Even if you look away
Though you are only a form in my imagination
For longing is my strength to challenge and crashing.