On this day fifty years ago, Bolivian army caught and executed a revolutionary legend — Ernesto Che Guevara.
Che Guevara has become an icon. You can find his face adorning T-shirts, pins, and even beer coasters. His name can frequently be seen blinking in neon lights above trendy clubs and coffee houses. It is unlikely, however, that the young hipsters and professionals that frequent these establishments in the world’s capitals of capitalism and consumerism could tell you much about the life of the man behind the name.
This is a documentary that reveals his last days and events during the hunt, ordered by CIA, in Bolivia.
Duration: 27:25
This film features the stories and impressions of people who met or had contact with Che Guevara during his Bolivian campaign. Through these snapshots of memory, you’ll have the opportunity to piece together a broader picture of the final months and days of this enigmatic, yet iconic figure, and gain insight into his legacy among the Bolivian people.
Hmm Its Very Nice..
And much more beautiful..
Well i Resteem Your Post :)
Thank you very much for your support @r45h3d.
Thank You Too :)
Excellent @lighteye
Thank you @deepweeb.
I think in general Che was a good guy, had good intentions but it may have not turned out as smooth as it should have gone.
Che lived and died in a world without Internet. Today he may have choose more efficient way of an ideological struggle.
And one little correction: He was never general. He fought against generals. He fell fighting against the Bolivian general Rene Barrientos who performed Bolivian coup d'état in 1964.
Che was always comandante.
Hasta siempre comandante…
Catched= Caught, I guess. This man is inspirational, nevertheless. A long time back, I googled about him to read more about him. And then,I read elsewhere, had Fidel Castro helped Che prior to Che being captured, Che would have escaped the execution. Thank you for the post, buddy!
Thank you for the correction @jeetendra.
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