How I know history is being changed even today.

in #history8 years ago (edited)

When I was in High School History was the only subject I was good at. In fact the student counselor wanted me in the History Honors class. The truth was I was more interested in spending my free time playing Galaga which was one of the first video games placed in stores around the city. So after a few days being given a lot of reading and history assignments I went back to the office and got out of the class.


The reason I was considered "extraordinary" (Miss Sacharia's words pardon the spelling) is because to me history was like a long story and I do mean story, because one of the things that becomes patently obvious is the fact that history is told by the murder's and not by the dead. There is a source that claims to be:

The journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyage, 1492-93) and documents

I loved to read the journals from real people and Christopher Columbus's West Indies logs fascinated me. Today however they are lost, right! What I see online these days are Excerpt, which if you know history is really the best way to leave out information you don't want known and for that reason alone such is suspect.


So how do I know history is being changed even today. Well when I went to read the west indies logs they were nowhere near as long as they are today. So there is more data then there was, which turns the suspicion of Excepts into a knowing based on previous experience and knowledge.

So what do you think about history?

Do you think history is being changed today?


It's bizarre, isn't it? Once I realized how much was a lie...I started seeking answers. In pre-colonial America, alone, there are dozens of "curious" things unexplained and/or ignored. Mistakes are one thing...Agendas are another. It's wild to see them pulling these stunts in live time. Audacious to say the least. They can't erase our memories, though... (I hope). I enjoyed this. thanks for it.

Glad you enjoyed it. You are right that they cannot destroy our memories, but they can give fictional ancestral memories to our children. That is why I wrote the post. So that there would be a record from someone. lol

Hi @masoncerritos, maybe this will go biased because i´m portuguese but I think Columbus was not the first to discover America (the portuguese were the first lol), i mean, in his diary he tells he was followed by portuguese ships during half the journey. But if we go even back the Vikings were the first to reach the continent by sea, they called it Vinland!

History is written by the victors, not the loosers, that´s why there is so much history been changed everyday.
Peace, Carlos

The vikings reaching America is documented history, but really there were people here before even the vikings. This of course begs the question who? The fact that we know what is taught to American's in indoctrination schools is a large part of the reason for making this post. Thanks for you recording of your own understandings.

Since the beginning of oral tradition all cultures taught concept of creation of universe. AT the turn of the 20th century was the first postulation of evolution that is still theory. It seems like there is always something that wants to hide facts that state the case for many reasons. This comment is just an example , it is not to suggest any ones belief is wrong.

The theory of evolution is fraud because they put theory in the name specifically to confuse the issue. It is a form of predictive programing like the hypothesis called the Big Bang Theory. When you ask to see the repeated experiments, they say all kinds of ologies studies coincide with these theories. When you point out that is not how natural science works they get all huffy and walk away.

It is not by accident that these actions have been taken! It is a purposeful plan to deceive and that is why I call it a fraud. lol

I agree 100% masoncerritos.

Glad you agree. I so often wonder what to do about it and realized today a post on it wouldn't hurt. lol