Vaccines have been found to be the most successful and cost-effective public health measures that prevent illness and save lives. This is especially true between children around the world. During the latter half of the 20th century, diseases that used to be all too common became scarce in the developing world, mainly due to extensive immunization. Hundreds of millions of lives have been rescued and billions of dollars in public health expenditures have been rescued with extensive vaccinations.
thank you for your post @reddust, may be useful
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Actually hygiene methods and the disease burning itself out giving communities real herd immunity have been more effective. If you have read about the history of vaccines more people are harmed then helped. Today if you research vaccine injury this hard fact still holds true. As in the past vaccines don't work giving real immunity even if given multiple times.
I am hijacking your text in this paragraph (with links) to be used in another argument...this is a pre-apology