I've explained everything you need to know in this post, but basically the best bet is to use google image search --> tools --> Usage rights --> labeled for reuse:
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I had no idea!!! I have always writing content for websites but I rarely had to find the photos. You learn something new everyday!!! Thanks for the notice, mate...Now that's what I call constructive/useful feedback. Cheers🤙🤙🤙
It's mah job =P
Awwww, I knew it was you Clark 😍😛
OK, last reply and I let you do your job. I just opened your profile and saw your image! BY FAR the best film of 2017 in my opinion. Then again, I am VERY biased as Blade Runner has been MYTHICAL to me. The "bible" of all sci-fi films if you ask me.
If you check my "wacky facts" are named after K from Blade Runner 2049. I've watched it 12 times so far (4 in the movies, one inside the plane to NY and seven more in my PS4). I even bought the Blu-Ray to watch it again and again. A true VISUAL MASTERPIECE.
Of course, I was sad that K died in the end, but I am really happy that Denis Villeneuve didn't try to "repeat" the legendary soliloquy of Roy Batty as the specific scene is UNMATCHED! The end of K, even though totally sad and heart-breaking, was another masterpiece of modern-day cinema! No more tears in rain with my images from now on...I promise ;)
In case you think I am lying....

Lol, the banner was practically put there out of spite because most people I spoke to just said they fell asleep, boring movie etc. Which angered me. Until now only one other person has agreed that it was great, and you're the only other one who's regarding it as highly as me. Actually I've been going around saying it's my favourite film ever.
Aside from its visual mastery, the philosophy behind almost every scene is deeply moving and despite being more profound than most other movies, (implanted memories; what distinguishes humans from AI if not childbirth etc) and often just a casual narrative side-tool (like hologram romance, global blackouts etc).
Also, musical mastery. Put it all together and my psyche kinda lost it, and I cried a bizarre amount like a baby. Not necessarily sad, It just hit me somewhere within... confusing really
Sigh. swoon. So happy you love it too =D
PERFECTLY said! Well, because I am a romantic fool, I still rate the original Blade Runner just a tiny bit higher (after all, it was the "mother" of Blade Runner 2049), but visually speaking (effects, cinematography - not that it matters to me, but it won Oscar for both categories - the incredibly cool in a dark way dystopia Denis created) is superior. I mean one was shot in the late 2010's and the other in the early 1980's.
And EXACTLY! Just like Blade Runner (1982), this film was another philosophical manifesto; not just another film. The existential questions both films BEAUTIFULLY raise are the same questions some of the greatest thinkers in history (Socrates, Nietzsche, Tesla and Shakespeare among others) have failed to answer with confidence. Of course, Ridley Scott and Denis don't give any certain answers either, but they make you cry (as you admitted too) rivers and rivers seeing these "soulless" replicants becoming more human than human in their desperate attempt to learn: Where do I come from? Why do I have to die? Why do I only have a certain number of years to live? Is there a meaning after all?
PS. HELL YEAH! The Hologram romance scene is the most epic scene I've seen since Tarkovsky's "levitation" scene in Solaris (the original, not the Hollywood crap with George Clooney).