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RE: Why did Hitler want to destroy the Jews?

in #history8 years ago

I beg to totally differ with your report my friend. Hitler was the only man in europe to try stop the jewish monetary control. they had ridden Germany with filth and degraded the society into a drug, sex and perversion haven. they controlled the education as well. There is no evidence whatsoever of the gasing of jews neither were there gas chambers. Have you read or searched about the Leuchter report? Why do people always conditioned into how hitler was bad and not ask about what the jews did to Germany? hitler cared about his people. If he had won, the whole world would have been free of the debt created fiat currency run by Jews. Did you know Jews controlled USA, hollywood, created the FED and ensured the whole world is enslaved by the dollar? Why was Gaddafi murdered by USA? He wanted to create a currency for africa backed by gold. How about every revisionist ends up incarcerated, tortured, bankrupted illegally and sometimes even murdered? Only an open mind can see the truth. the Jews manipulate the world finance, make americans and allies fight their fake wars to create unrest in the middle east and keep expanding Israel territory. Who cares about palestinians? If Jews suffered as you say, would they massacre palestinians, grab their land,kill their men and put them in concentration camps? Who massacred 100 million russians under bolshevism?JEWS funded by jewish american bankers, Do you know Trotsky, Lenin and Karl Marx? Who controlled and sold african slaves to americans for 400 years?Jews...So please my sir/madam, kindly stop indocrinating the world with this never ending hoax. The Jews coarse the whole world to keep tyranny going. Who created ISIS? Why havent ISIS attacked Israel or Saudi Arabia, there sworn enemies? Why is Phillipines now battling to contain ISIS terrorists killing their people? Is it because their President Duterte decided to quit the ever manipulative west for Russia and China? Who funded mao zedong? who killed Jesus? Who controls all history? They do love hiding beneath goyims (gentiles) changing their names and dividing the people into factions hence always surviving being noticed behind the curtains. One love my friend and peace to all humanity. We are ll one race. Just wanted to point some few guides for all to research and learn more for themselves. Do you know people like David irving and Ernst Zundel? or even others? Look them up and check their stories...truth shall out one day, and truth sets us free. so its better we forgive and embrace each other but SPREAD THE TRUTH. Hitler was a good, strong and ambitious man who wanted the best for his people. Just check Germany history before Hitler and immediately after. The said gas to kill jews, Zyklon B was an insecticide to kill lice.


I've never learned much about Hitler in school so I purchased a copy of Mein Kampf. The only place I could find it was at The Strand in New York City. It's an alternative bookstore selling publications out of print. From what I've read so far, Hitler did not believe in race but used the construct to further his own ambitions of making Germany powerful.