没有头Teuku Nyak Graveyard的aceh指挥官的故事 ( the story of aceh commander without the head Teuku Nyak Graveyard )

in #history7 years ago

good afternoon steemit friends may we all given the health to beraktifitas.untuk this afternoon I want my blog about the story of a hero from aceh without the head of the commander teuku nyak Tombs.
this history I deliberately share my blog diblog so friends outside the aceh also other countries know about the history of aceh.mari moment we know in my blog follows.

下午好友steemit朋友们可能我们都在今天下午给予beraktifitas.untuk健康,我希望我的博客讲述一个没有指挥官teuku nyak Tombs头部的亚琛英雄故事。

In the city of Banda Aceh, there is a road that divides the area of ​​Lampineung, famous as a culinary trade center especially coffee shops, the largest hotel in Banda Aceh is Hermes Palace is located on the street as well. Jalan Panglima Teuku Nyak Tomb. Who is he? Maybe we do not find his name in the list of national heroes of the Republic of Indonesia. We feel strange, why the Commander of Teuku Nyak Tomb is named to be a path?

Commander Teuku Nyak Graveyard from small to teenager
Teuku Nyak Grave is one of the warlords of the Kingdom of Aceh who are known to be persistent against the Dutch. Teuku Nyak Tomb was born in Lamnga, Aceh Besar District in 1838. was born in Lamnga village XXVI Aceh Besar madim around 1838 AD, his father named Teuku Abbas Ujong Aron bin Teuku Chik Lambaro, son of Imam Mansur, bin Imam Manyak bin Teuku Chik Mosque , from generation to generation into Uleebalang from the mukim of Bibueh (Free) region directly under the Sultan of Aceh, there is also the power of a Ie Meulee Sabang mukim with 6 vast settlements. His own father Teuku Ibrahim Ujong Aron, and his cousin Teuku Chik Ibrahim husband Cut Nyak Dien Since the age of 6 Teuku Nyak Tomb has been handed over to study at Pesantren Ulama Teuku Chik Abbas (sister-in-law of his parents) in Lamnga, then continue his education to Lambada Gigieng at Tgk.Lambada pesantren, in addition to religious lessons, he also studied Pencak Silat, Social Sciences and guerrilla tactics on Panglima Paduka Sinara, and also the coaching of Tuanku Hasyim Banta Muda. At the age of 16 Teuku Nyak Makam went to Penang (Malaysia) to meet Teuku Paya (Chairman of the Eight Committee) as his father's family and in Pulau Penang he had learned English, then returned to Aceh.

在班达亚齐,有划分Lampineung附近,著名作为贸易中心的烹饪尤其是咖啡馆,在班达亚齐爱马仕宫殿最大的酒店坐落在道路上和道路。 Jalan Panglima Teuku Nyak Tomb。他是谁?也许我们在印度尼西亚共和国的民族英雄名单中没有找到他的名字。我们感到奇怪,为什么Teuku Nyak Graveyard的指挥官被命名为一种方式?

Teuku Nyak Grave是众所周知坚持反对荷兰人的亚齐王国的军阀之一。出生于Lamnga,亚齐在1838年出生的村庄在大亚齐二十六巫金Lamnga公元1838 Teuku Nyak Makam,父亲姓Teuku阿巴斯Ujong程度阿隆斌Teuku敕兰巴罗,伊玛目曼苏尔的儿子,伊玛目清真寺Manyak斌Teuku敕的儿子,遗传性在他那个时代成为居住区Bibueh(免费)状态Uleebalang直属亚齐的苏丹,也有动力与6即Meulee沙璜全面解决居住。他自己的父亲阿邦生物Teuku易卜拉欣Ujong阿隆,和他的表弟Teuku敕易卜拉欣的丈夫切Nyak奠由于Teuku Nyak Makam一直流传在Lamnga登机乌里玛Teuku敕阿巴斯(妹夫她的父母)学习6岁,然后继续教育伦巴达Gigieng上Tgk.Lambada学校,除了宗教题材,他还研究武术,社会科学和游击战术指挥官Sinara阁下,并且还执教东姑穆达哈希姆班塔。在16岁的年龄Teuku Nyak Makam去槟城(马来西亚)发现Teuku巴耶利作为他的父亲和他的家人在槟岛(八委员会主席),他能够学习英语,然后回到亚齐。

亚齐与东苏门答腊的荷兰之间的冲突 ( Conflict between Aceh and the Netherlands in East Sumatra )

Sultan Ibrahim Mansyursyah (1838-1870), was the greatest sultan of Aceh in the nineteenth century, at that time the Sultan and his princes had known the intent and purpose of the Dutch who were trying to take control of the territory of the whole Aceh kingdom. The Dutch at that time were just waiting for a good opportunity and the right time to manifest their evil intentions to rule the Kingdom of Aceh. Because according to the Dutch during the kingdom of Aceh is still standing, the Dutch will not be able to freely control the waters of the Malacca Strait. Therefore they must immediately occupy the region and center of the kingdom of Aceh.

In the opinion of the Dutch, they will be preceded by other rival Europeans, such as Britain, France, Italy, and what they are most concerned about is America. For that the Dutch must act quickly master the kingdom of Aceh before other Nations preceded it. Therefore, Sultan Alaiddin Ibrahim Mansyursyah in 1854 had ordered the death of Tuanku Pangeran Husain by using 200 trawlers following 1000 soldiers of Aceh to go to East Sumatra to consolidate and convince the local kings (Asahan, Kota Pinang, Serdang , Deli, Langkat and so on), that their territory is part of the kingdom of Aceh, and the Dutch would one day surrender the territory to be included in its colony, and from the beginning it must be realized that the Netherlands is the enemy of Religion, the enemy of the nation and the enemy of every human who love freedom.



Thanks to the illumination of Tuanku Prince Husein, finally the local kings realized that the success of their ancestors became kings and the great people in the place is because raised and raised by the Sultan of Aceh, not by others, and they also recognize that he is officer of the Sultan Aceh. To establish the position, Sultan Alaidin Ibrahim Mansyursyah gave them a new appointment, each with titles, rights and powers and regional boundaries, and accompanied by signs of greatness and so on.

In 1857, it appeared that the Dutch had succeeded in forcing the Siak Seri Indrapura Series to sign a letter of recognition that his country included all the rantau and his conquered colonies, in which the inclusion of Asahan, Deli Serdang and Langkat and Tamiang into it was under Dutch sovereignty and part of the Dutch colony.

Since what was previously thought to have been proven, the Sultan of Aceh Alaiddin Ibrahim Mansyursyah, in early 1858 appointed and appointed Tuanku Hasyim Banta Muda to be the Viceroy of the Sultan of Aceh for the areas of East Aceh, Langkat, Deli Serdang, in where Tuanku Hashim may choose his own staff. Then Tuanku Hasyim went immediately to his place of duty, to confront, to break, to thwart or at least to obstruct the Dutch rotten intentions of wandering the territory of the Acehnese kingdom far from the capital, especially the fertile areas of East Sumatra, acknowledged that the area is legitimate included in the sovereignty of Aceh Darussalam, even according to the recognition of the Sultan of Aceh own territory to the White Land Ayam Denak in Riau.

感谢主王子侯赛因的照明,akhinya国王当地人意识到,他们的祖先的成功为王,并在网站上的伟人是由于苏丹没有其他的任命,并提出,他们认识到,我是苏丹的官员亚齐。为了加强其地位,苏丹易卜拉欣Alaidin sarakata Mansyursyah给他们一个新的约会,每一个标题,权利和权力和区域界限,并伴有招牌等。


由于以前想什么,确实证明了,那么苏丹Alaiddin易卜拉欣Mansyursyah,在1858年开始就一直委任东姑哈希姆班塔扬成为了代理(总督)苏丹东齐,Langkat,得力沙登的领土, Tuanku Hashim可能会选择他自己的员工。然后,东姑哈希姆立即向自己的岗位,为了面子,断线,阻挠或至少阻止谁想要亚齐王国menggeranyangi区域犯规荷兰是远离省会城市,特别是在东亚苏门答腊沃土,而在此之前,英文,甚至荷兰人不止一次认识到它是包含在亚齐的主权合法面积,即使按照他自己承认苏丹领土延伸到土地的白鸡在廖内诱骗。

To carry out the tasks assigned by Sulthan, and to see the Commander of Teuku Nyak Tomb a talented and intelligent man, Tuanku Hasyim appointed Teuku Nyak Makam as his assistant and assistant. Although eventually the whole area of ​​East Sumatra that can be controlled also by the Dutch, but it does not mean Tuanku Hasyim not successful in his duties. This is evident, except for Langkat himself who was driven by his ambition and self-interest that openly took Holland to Bengkalis, then other kings during Resident Netscher from Bengkalis held a checking to Deli Serdang and Asahan no one claimed that Siak ruled over the country they.

Strictly speaking they reject Dutch sovereignty both directly and indirectly, let alone through Siak over their country. The conclusion either because of the factor of Tuanku Hasyim or the factor of loyalty to Aceh from King Deli, thus causing the Dutch plan to control East Sumatra in 1862 it has failed altogether, and the Dutch were forced to return to Bengkalis with empty hands.

In 1863 Tuanku Hasyim had received power assistance from the center with the Admiral Teuku Cut Lateh Raja Muda Meureudu bringing him, where the Young King Meureudu also stop the king's kingship in East Sumatra to Asahan. Except Langkat himself, then Deli moreover Serdang, more more more Asahan immediately welcomed the arrival of Panglima Aceh with feelings of joy and pride.

On the contrary, because of Tuanku Hashim Banta Muda, who has become the son-in-law of the prince, Musa Langkat who was his father-in-law who deliberately included the Dutch failed to sign Langkat's surrender letter to the Dutch. To face the possibility of a sudden and massive attack from the Netherlands, then Tuanku Hasyim along with Teuku Easy Cut Lateh, Tuanku Hitam (Hasyim's sister) and Commander Nyak Makam made the fortifications in Ham Bay, Kampai Island, Pulau Sembilan, Kuala Gebang, Pangkalan Siantar, Bogak, Tualang Cut and other strategic places.

为了执行分配给Sulthan的任务,见司令员Teuku Nyak Makam一个天资聪慧,东姑哈希姆电梯Teuku Nyak Makam当助手和助手。虽然最终苏门答腊东部的整个区域,它也可以通过荷兰的控制,但它并不意味着东姑哈希姆并没有在他的任务取得成功。事实证明,除了langkat本身的野心和个人利益驱动的公然挑荷兰望加丽,其他的国王时,居民Netscher从望加丽做了检查,德利沙登和Asahan没有人声称Siak规则在全国各地它们。


1863年,东姑哈希姆曾通过引进拉沙马那拉惹慕达Teuku切Lateh Meureudu,在拉贾慕达Meureudu也停在王为东苏门答腊王屑的位置接到增援中心。除了langkat自己,更不用说得力沙登,更加如此Asahan立即欢迎亚齐指挥官的喜悦和自豪的感觉到来。

相反,他们的东姑慕达哈希姆班塔法谁已经成为一个王子,摩西langkat这是一个在法律谁不小心进入了荷兰就范未能签署了一封信给荷兰langkat。为了对付荷兰的突然袭击和大规模的可能性时,东姑哈希姆沿Teuku易切Lateh,布莱克勋爵(哈希姆兄弟)和邦里玛Nyak Makam使海湾火腿,岛Kampai,岛森美兰,吉隆坡格邦,基地防御工事Siantar,Bogak,Tualang Cut等战略性场所。

At that time the Commander of Teuku Nyak Grave was assigned to defend the Nine Islands Island Fort opposite to Kampai Island, so that when the Netscher Resident tried to attack the Aceh stronghold in that place easily the Acehnese soldiers spewed the bullets from two directions to the Dutch warship, so the Netscher had to flee back to his base.

The following year the Dutch tried again to attack the Aceh defense in Ham Island Bay Kampai and Pulau Sembilan, but the result for the Netherlands was the death of some of its marine troops. Since then the Dutch have temporarily turned their attention to Asahan and Serdang who are considered stubborn Dutch, for being loyal to Aceh and refusing to surrender their country's sovereignty to the Netherlands. On May 23, 1863 Resident Netscher from Bengkalis sent his threatening letter to the two Kings. Teuku Sultan Basyaruddin Syaiful Alamsyah Serdang refuses to accept the letter, even expelling his carrier to leave immediately.

On the other hand, Sultan Ahmad Shah Asahan replied with spicy Netscher's letter and told his carrier: "I have no idea why the Dutch are so excited about Asahan, why do not they dare to attack and conquer Aceh right away if they are in power".

与荷兰政府的日期为1865年8月25日决定,日期为1865年8月20日成立了六级荷兰军舰通过直接由居民廖内Netscher队长帕文里斯,他的军队通过主要WEFvan Hemskreeck和政治领导人领导的指挥下加载的士兵1000 ,日期1865年9月12日,他们抵达Asahan和居民Netscher直接传达战争最后通牒Asahan苏丹,写在板上占碑,九月1865月12日该机构将要求苏丹,以便选择两种可能性,即放弃刨花或战争的主权。苏丹阿萨汉甚至懒得注意最后通。。


布尔汉丁·拉贾被送到岸上满足东姑哈希姆,这就是新的荷兰人知道,哈希姆与大多数的战士没有上岛Kampai已经离开首都存在。在坎帕岛和他周围的防守只交托给他的弟弟Tuanku Hitam。我的主布莱克受到Burhanuddin国王(也称为泰维威的忠实的荷兰军官Teuku Komando)的邀请与Netscher会面。我的领主布莱克拒绝了。尽管亚齐省一半的部队幸存下来,但荷兰人不敢登陆,他们被迫返回孟加拉国。

With the decision of the Dutch East Indies government dated 25 August 1865, on 20 August 1865, six Dutch warships were loaded with 1000 troops under the command of Captain PAvan Rees, his army led by Major WEFvan Hemskreeck and his political leadership directly held by Resident Riau Netscher . On September 12, 1865 they arrived at Asahan and the Netscher Resident immediately conveyed the ultimatum of war to Sultan Asahan, written on the Jambi ship dated September 12, 1865. The contents included asking the Sultan to choose two possibilities, namely to surrender the sovereignty of Asahan or war. Sulthan Asahan did not even bother to pay attention to the ultimatum.

As a result the Dutch attacked Asahan from two majors, some landed in the village Bogak Batubara to Asahan and sepasukan again new on 17 September 1865 managed to land his army in the village of Rawa. After sacrificing dozens of soldiers' lives and his officers in the face of the exciting resistance of Sulthan and the people of Asahan, the new Dutch succeeded in occupying Asahan. Then the mighty Sultan Ahmadsyah and his two younger brothers dumped Holland to Tanjung Pinang. But at the urging of the people, the Dutch were forced to put him back on the throne. After first conquering Asahan from Aceh's sovereignty, on October 8, 1865 the Netsher Resident with a full army transported by several warships had attacked Aceh's strongholds around the island of Sembilan and Kampai island, and docked in the middle of the sea just looking at the Aceh flag fluttering with magnificence.

King Burhanuddin was sent ashore to meet Tuanku Hashim, where the Dutch just learned that Hasyim with some of his soldiers was not on the island of Kampai because he had left for the capital. Defense on the island of Kampai and around him only entrusted to his younger brother Tuanku Black. My lord Black was invited by King Burhanuddin (also known as Teuku Komando, loyal Dutch officer in Betawi) to meet Netscher on board. My lord Black refused. Even though half of Aceh's troops survived, the Dutch did not dare to land, and they were forced to return to Bengkalis.

因此,1865年10月8日,驻地Netscher与几个军舰进行全面发力,其中也参加摩西的王子和士兵,已经焦头烂额环岛Kampai它亚齐堡垒。疯狂地冲击了几天后,于1865年10月14日被迫东姑黑色,以下年轻Teuku剪切Lateh Meureudu和Teuku Nyak Makam邦里玛辞职Manyak斯佩特。

在1865年10月14日也Cattenberg上校步兵指挥官荷兰的命令,由Lt海鲜面包车泰尔,摩西王子langkat辅助下的荷兰部队,取得了入河Temiang通过河流Kuruk,提供东姑老大海中Seuruwey到dirajakan ,作为副Roy Langkat和荷兰娃娃。


秋天Seuruwey到荷兰人的手中后,Teuku Nyak Makam邦里玛最初退到Meuku湖,然后Peureulak那里有很多家庭和人民自己的祖国的。在Peureulak几天与Teuku敕Peureulak讨论一下情况,然后前往新邦ULIM。在那里,他遇到了约翰Teuku磷酸酶林也说过同样的话,从新邦ULIM他去槟城岛的,岛上的槟城返回Lamnga,大亚齐。


由于1865年10月14日,日期,结束亚齐在苏门答腊岛,东规则,它也开始飘飘荷兰国旗1865年10月14日的日期。从那以后成长berkobarlah Teuku Nyak Makam邦里玛仇恨荷兰,谁的脸就开始,因为1862年之前,即11年亚齐对战荷兰王国,即在1873年国之间的正式开战。

Thus, on October 8, 1865, the Netscher Resident with a full army transported by some of his warships, in which also the Prince of Moses and his warriors, had pounded the citadels of Aceh around the island of Kampai. After pounding desperately for a few days, on October 14, 1865 forced Black Tuanku, along with Teuku Muda Cut Lateh Meureudu and Commander Teuku Nyak Tomb resigned to Manyak Paet.

On October 14, 1865 Dutch troops under the command of Captain Cattenberg of the Dutch infantry commander assisted by Sea Lieutenant van Thiel, as well as Prince Musa Langkat, had managed to enter the Temiang River through the Kuruk river, to deliver Teungku Sulung Laut to be rearranged in Seuruwey , as Vice Roy Langkat and Dutch doll.

From October 18, 1865 that started flying the Dutch flag in one corner in Aceh, which is on the island of Seuruwey. Despite succeeding in controlling Seuruwey, the Netherlands has not dared to attack other areas of Aceh for decades, until the outbreak of an official war in April 1873.

After the fall of Seuruwey into Dutch hands, Panglima Teuku Nyak Tombs first retreated to Telaga Meuku, then to Peureulak where there were many families and people in their village. A few days in Peureulak and discuss with Teuku Chik Peureulak about the situation, then continue the journey to Simpang Ulim. There he met Teuku Johan Lam Pase also convey the same thing, from Simpang Ulim he went to the island of Penang, from Pulau Penang back to Lamnga, Aceh Besar.

But when the Dutch troops tried to enter the river Yu, they had been assisted by Maharaja Lubuk (Uleebalang Sungai Yu), a Dutch bargas (iron battleship), succeeded in drowning by Datuk Panglima Muda, by only spewing a few cannon balls that hit his target . All of his personnel also sank to the bottom of the river along with his ships.

Starting from October 14, 1865, ended the power of Aceh in East Sumatra, and since October 14, 1865 it also began flying the Dutch flag. Henceforth the increase of the hatred of the commander of the Teuku Nyak Tomb to the Dutch who had begun in his presence since 1862, ie 11 years before the official war between the kingdom of Aceh Versus the Dutch kingdom, ie in 1873.

对Teuku Nyak坟园的荷兰复仇
在1893年后期这样的事件,在棉兰关于亚齐的巡抚,一般Deijkerhoff很失望荷兰军事指挥官正在对荷兰的敌人软是最危险的,因为指挥官Teuku Nyak Makam它。虽然他杀了很多荷兰人。他是一个非常灵活的前锋,一个谁担心管理员的花园,因为他们不断受到威胁的生命,每一个时刻只能刻录并在种植园组织破坏。如果辛勤工作的荷兰人打开种植园和我的地盘,那么Teuku Nyak Graveyard指挥官就会举行破坏活动和游击队袭击。

荷兰人面对这个现实不能做任何事情,荷兰声称,指挥官在东​​苏门答腊Teuku Nyak Makam被逮捕者进行完全忽略,因为荷兰期间仍然希望帮助特卢库·尤马尔。但是,对指挥官Teuku Nyak Tomb的荷兰报复不能消失。 1896年3月Teuku Umar在荷兰人背叛后很快就表现出了仇恨。

Dutch Revenge to Teuku Nyak Graveyard
Such was the event at the end of 1893, the Dutch Military Commander in Medan was very disappointed with the Military Governor in Aceh, General Deijkerhoff, who was soft against the most dangerous Dutch enemies such as the Teuku Nyak Tomb Commander. Though he has killed many Dutch. He is a very agile attacker, the man who is feared by the administrators of the garden, because their souls are always threatened, can at any moment burn and sabotage on the estate. Where the hard-working Dutch open the Plantation and Mine, then that's where the Commander Teuku Nyak Graveyard held sabotage and guerrilla attacks.

Faced with this fact the Dutch can not do anything, the Dutch demands in East Sumatra so that Commander Teuku Nyak Grave in capture is not ignored at all, because the Dutch at that time was still looking forward to help Teuku Umar. But the Dutch revenge against the Commander Teuku Nyak Tomb can not just disappear. The vengeful grudge soon stood out as soon as Teuku Umar in March 1896 turned his back on the Dutch.

Teuku Nyak墓地的死亡
因此,对1896年7月21日,荷兰鼻涕来到Kutaradja(班达亚齐现在)到荷兰报告,Teuku Nyak Makam首席其次是荷兰这么久了,现在在林牙重痛的状态,如果一定攻击被破坏。不浪费时间荷兰指挥大批士兵。荷兰意识到是谁他的对手,它在第一Tamiang打交道时,上校范·德·投票力量的经验已经向荷兰的指挥官Teuku Nyak Makam面临着巨大的力量。

听完一般J.W.Stemfoort民间总督的新闻和亚齐荷兰军队继续G.F.Soeters中校命令他的下属士兵部署到破坏碎裂Teuku Nyak Makam邦里玛这是它的主要敌人。

因此,在漆黑的夜晚黑暗的,这是正确的前进周二21,7月22日周一晚,1896年9米,10萨法尔1314 ^ h一致,去他的家乡荷兰Lamnga下G.F.中尉上校Soeters。这些部队由总队Marsose,步兵三营多达三家公司的步兵营,以6为营,以12作为部队Kafeleri与工程师的力量45人的各种组合,这些部队被带来与支队同时在组合集围攻在吉隆坡Gigieng进驻营(警备区),共计约2000名士兵全部。

有了这样的力量,新的荷兰毁灭性的笑容,敢于面对亚齐人,谁是身患重病,但荷兰人的经验,每亚齐等于100名荷兰士兵知道。但其罪指挥官Teuku Nyak Makam主要敌人和荷兰最可怕的,价值10倍以上,新比得上他的1000荷兰和假设有保镖10人,那么就应该由1000荷兰其他diahadapi试。这样绝决开始他们通过他的舌头等级,也是说在他的书来写,但历史事实的情况。

Death of Teuku Nyak Graveyard
Thus on July 21, 1896 a Dutch cecinder came to report to the Dutch in Kutaradja (Banda Aceh now) that the long-tailed Panglima Teuku Nyak Tomb by the Dutch was now in a state of serious illness in Lam Nga and if attacked would have been destroyed. Without wasting time the Dutch directed a large number of his troops. The Dutch realized who his opponent, the experience of Colonel Van de Poll's troops when dealing with him in Tamiang had convinced the Dutch that the Commander of Teuku Nyak Tomb had to be confronted with an enormous army.

Upon hearing the news, General J.W.Stemfoort Dutch Civilian Governor and military in Aceh continued to order his subordinates Lieutenant Colonel G.F.Soeters deployed his soldiers to disintegrate the Panglima Teuku Nyak Mausoleum who was his main enemy.

Thus in the dark night of darkness, which is exactly on Monday night Tuesday the 21st before July 22, 1896 M coincides with the 9 road 10 safar 1314 H, the Dutch went to the village of Lamnga under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel G.F. Soeters. This troop consists of various combinations of the Marsose Corps, a third Infantry battalion of 3 companies from the 6th infantry battalion by one 12th battalion of one Kafeleri army with 45 people from the Zeni army, this army was brought in by simultaneous arrest and combined with a detachment of the battalions stationed (garnizun) in Kuala Gigieng which numbered approximately 2000 soldiers entirely.

It was with such great strength that the Dutch were only able and courageous to confront a severely ill Acehnese, but the Dutch understood by experience that every Acehnese was worth the same as 100 Dutch soldiers. But against the commander of the Teuku Nyak Tomb of the main enemy and the most feared by the Dutch, is worth ten times more, a new comparable to him as many as 1000 Dutch people and if there were 10 people guard, then they must be faced by 1000 other Dutch people again. This kind of judgment must have never precipitated them through his tongue, it is said to be written in his books, but historical facts are the case.
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this is the history story aceh panglima teuku nyak tomb that I read in the link teungku puteh hopefully history we never forget.

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