Brutal times! (Actually it went: arm crushed by train --> amputation --> infection for two days --> death)
Most of the time their solution was to cut the limb off and 75% of those times it led to death from infection! I wonder why it took so long to come up with something else?
We have some dental action coming up. Here's a teaser from 1865:
Sarah has had a hard time with her teeth. I told her I should go to Dr Bowers and have them fixed, so she went and he has pulled one and killed another, and filled 14 cavities. It cost her 23 dollars.
What a horrible way to go, and $23 that was a huge amount, I find dental work now to be miserable. I can't even begin to imagine it back then. I had heard that few survived amputations and it seemed to be their solution to any badly damaged limb. Bowers, I have family with that name. Thank you for the kind upvote.I hope you have a great weekend.
Brutal times! (Actually it went: arm crushed by train --> amputation --> infection for two days --> death)
Most of the time their solution was to cut the limb off and 75% of those times it led to death from infection! I wonder why it took so long to come up with something else?
We have some dental action coming up. Here's a teaser from 1865:
This was just after Sarah's 18th birthday.
What a horrible way to go, and $23 that was a huge amount, I find dental work now to be miserable. I can't even begin to imagine it back then. I had heard that few survived amputations and it seemed to be their solution to any badly damaged limb. Bowers, I have family with that name. Thank you for the kind upvote.I hope you have a great weekend.
Dental work will always be painful and expensive! It seems some thing will never change...
Same to you, re: the weekend!