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RE: Here's A Female Outlaw You've Never Heard Of

in #history6 years ago

Wow, that really was a Wild West Life she lived hey Lord Janton! If only she could look after the children she brought in to this world then it may have worked out better for her but the itchy feet of the adventure grabbed her... sounds familiar...

Naughty Sheriff I'd say for "allowing" her to get pregnant again. Thanks for sharing the misfortunes of poor decision making of this young and badly influenced young lady!


Howdy again sir nickyhavey! I know she made many dumb mistakes and I left out a few of them just so the post wouldn't be too long! lol. But anyway, at least she settled down after she married the rancher and I think she got her children down here from Canada but I can't prove it. Researchers think she changed her name so they lose track of her when the trace back in time to find out about her. Thank you for the kind words and for commenting sir nickyhavey!

Haha maybe you could have done a series on her mistakes, like a trilogy! Sounds like she was pretty elusive in more ways than one!

Posted using Partiko Android

ha! yes sir nickyhavey, well sir...I did leave alot of stuff out but I was told by several people that readers have a short attention span. Like about 1,500 words so I try to make mine short. Do you have a theory about that or you don't have to worry about it because your popularity is so great that it overwhelms any length issues? lol.

I don't know about a special number of words. I think if you just keep it entertaining and break up the text and make it flow, it's all fair game.

You may have misjudged my popularity there Lord Janton Haha! I just write whatever I feel I would like to read in a way I would like to read it, which seems is not the same as the next person, which is fine as we are all different 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! I think you might be underestimating your massive popularity sir nickyhavey! lol. But on the other subject, I bet we could find out how many words on average a person pays attention to when reading before they start skimming. Of course I hope the number would be higher for steemit users. I might do that if I have time tonight.

Lol, well I appreciate the sentiment Lord Janton, even if it may be a gross exaggeration of reality 😀

I don't know how you would be able to uncover how many words people will read but I think on a blogging platform it would probably be a bit more than on other non-blogging ones. Let me know how your tests go young beaver!

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy today sir nickyhavey! lol. "young beaver" about "a gross exaggeration of reality 😀!" lol.. Hey that's what this platform is all about ain't it? Making make believe money and all that? I think some people are not at all what they have portrayed to us on here! lol.