Archaic Greece Timeline (c.900 - 470's BC)

in #history5 years ago (edited)

The history of the Archaic period of Greece is much more well documented and preserved for us today than any other part of Greek/Aegean history before it. With a lot to cover, it's definitely best to first lay out the key dates of major events throughout this time of new and growing cities, internal conflicts, developing warfare and looming threats on the horizon that would lead to epic battles that would shape the Greek world for centuries to come.

c.3,000 - 1,450 --- Proto 'Greeks' + Minoans
c.1,600 - 1,070 --- Mycenaean Greeks
c.1,150 - 800 ------ The Greek Dark Ages


(* = Major events outside of the Greek world)

875 - 735 ----------- Geometric pottery
c.820 ---------------- Birth of Lycurgus, Sparta
8th C. --------------- Foundation of Megara Hyblaea + Pithekoussai + Rhegion, Italy. Emergence + spread of Hoplite warfare
800 ------------------ Foundation of Al Mina, Egypt
776 ------------------ First Olympic Games held at Olympia
775 ------------------ Trading settlements founded at Pithecusae
*753 ----------------- Traditional foundation date of Rome
750 - 700 ----------- Invention + spread of the Greek alphabet from Phoenicians
*744 - 612 ---------- The Assyrian Empire
743 - 724 ----------- 1st Messenian War
735 ------------------ Foundation of Naxos, the first Greek colony in Sicily
734 ------------------ Foundation of Corcyra and Syracuse
734 - 680 ----------- The Lelantine War
728 - 700 ----------- Foundations of Catana, Croton, Cumae, Hyblaea, Leontini, Megara, Sybaris, Taras + Zancle
725 - 700 ----------- Early Proto-Corinthian pottery
*720 ----------------- Sargon of Assyria conquers Cilicia and Syria
c.700 ---------------- Life of Homer + Hesiod. The Cimmerians attack Asia
*c.700 --------------- Deioces founds the Median Dynasty. Etruscans adopt their language from Greece
c.700 - 660 --------- Foundation of Siris, Italy
c.700 - 650 --------- Spartan reforms
7th C. --------------- Foundation of Kaulonia, Lokroi, Medma + Metaurus, Italy
*696 ----------------- Assyrians sack Tarsus
*695 ----------------- Destruction of Phrygia. Median monarchy founded
687 ------------------ Lydian Kingdom founded by Gyges (reigned until 652)
685 - 668 ---------- 2nd Messenian War
683/2 --------------- Athenian archonship starts
680 - 645 ---------- Geiges of Lydia founds the Mermnad Dynasty
680 - 640 ---------- The poets Archilochos of Paros + Kallinos of Ephesus
*670 ---------------- Decline of Assyria
669 ----------------- Battle of Hysiai (Argive victory over Sparta)
*664 ---------------- Saite Dynasty of Egypt founded under Psammetichus I
660 ----------------- Foundation of Byzantium
652 - 627 ---------- Tyranny at Corinth under Cypselus
*650 ---------------- Rise of Median Empire + reign of Phraates (650 - 625). Chigi Vase
650 - 620 ---------- 2nd Messenian War - Spartans conquer Messenia
650 ----------------- Tyranny of Orthagoras of Sicyon
640 ----------------- Tyranny of Theagenes of Megara
638 ----------------- Birth of Solon, Athens
632 ----------------- Attempted tyranny of Kylon at Athens, Origin of Alcmaeonid Curse
630 ----------------- Foundation of Cyrene, Start of Battiad Dynasty. Foundation of Metapontion
630 - 550 ---------- Ripe Corinthian pottery
627 - 587 ---------- Tyranny at Corinth under Periandros
*626 ---------------- Independence of Babylon under Nabopolassar
*625 ---------------- Reign of Cyaxares, Media
621 ----------------- Drakon, lawgiver at Athens
620 ----------------- Naucratis is founded, Egypt
620 - 570 ---------- Tyranny at Mytilene. Alkaios, Sappho + Pittakos
*612 - 609 --------- Fall of Nineveh by Cyaxares; Assyria divided between Media + Babylon
612 - 550 ---------- Sappho, poet of the isle of Lesbos
610 ----------------- Thrasyboulos, tyrant of Miletus. Foundation of Naucratis
*610 - 595 -------- Reign of Nekos II, Egypt
610 - 525 ---------- Attic Black Figure pottery
600 ----------------- Kleisthenes, tyrant of Sicyon. Massalia founded by Phocaeans
*c.600 ------------- Rome adopt their alphabet form the Etruscans
Late 7th C. -------- Lyric poets: Tyrtaios + Alkman, Sparta. Mimnermos, Colophon. Stesichoros, Himera. Foundation of Hipponion + Poseidonia, Italy
*597 ---------------- Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon captures Jerusalem - Jews exiled
595 ----------------- Aegina mints the first Greek coins
*595 - 589 --------- Reign of Psammetichus II, Egypt
595 - 586 ---------- First Sacred War (Delphi V Kirrha), for control over Delphi
594/3 -------------- Solon's archonship, Athens
*591 ---------------- Psammetichus II's expedition to Nubia; Abu Simbel inscription
*589 - 569 --------- Reign of Apries, Egypt
*585 - 500 --------- Reign of Astyages, Media
28th May 585 ---- Solar eclipse, as predicted by Thales of Miletus
582 ----------------- International Games circuit established
• 582 - Pythia
• 581 - Isthmia
• 573 - Nemea
580 ----------------- First Greek stone temple: Temple of Artemis as Corcyra
580 ----------------- War between Cyaxares + Alyattes (Media V Lydia)
572 ----------------- Kleisthenes of Sicyon - marriage contest
570 ----------------- Anakreon of Teos born
c.570 - 550 ------- Construction of the Hekatompedon, Athens
*569 - 525 -------- Reign of King Amasis, Egypt
566 ----------------- Panathenaic festival reorganised
561 ----------------- Peisistratos' first tyranny, Athens
560 - 550 ---------- Spartan-Tegean War - Alliance under Anaxandrides + Ariston
560 - 546 ---------- King Croesus of Lydia
559 - 556 ---------- Miltiades the Elder, tyrant of Chersonese, Thrace
*559 ---------------- Cyrus II of Persia becomes king of Anshan, unites Persia + revolts against the Medes
558 ----------------- Death of Solon in Cyprus
*557 ---------------- Start of reign of Cyrus II (Cyrus the Great)
556 ----------------- Birth of Simonides, Keos, lyric poet - dies 468
555 ----------------- Tyranny of Miltiades the Elder, Chersonese
*550 ---------------- Cyrus conquers Astyages + the Medes
548 ----------------- Temple of Apollo, Delphi, burnt
547-6 --------------- Cyrus conquers Lydia under Croesus
546 ----------------- Battle of Champions at Thyreatis, Sparta V Argos (ended in a draw)
546 - 528 ---------- Peisistratos' final tyranny, Athens
*545 ---------------- The year the Mede arrived
545 ----------------- Ionians revolt from Cyrus, suppressed by Harpagus
Late 6th C. -------- Theognis of Megara, poet. Xenophanes, poet + philosopher. Pythagoras
540 - 535 ---------- Foundation of Hyele, Italy
*539 ---------------- Cyrus conquers Babylon
*538 ---------------- Cyrus returns the Jews to their promised land
c.535 --------------- Tyranny of Polycrates, Samos - Allies with Egypt. Spartan + Samian exiles failed attack on Samos
*535 ---------------- Battle of Alalia (Carthage V Etruscans)
*530 --------------- Death of Cyrus - ascension of Cambyses
530 ----------------- Attic Red Figure pottery
530 - 540 ---------- Late Attic Black Figure pottery
528/7 -------------- Death of Peisistratos, Athens - ascension of Hippias
525 ----------------- Birth of Aeschylus
*525 ---------------- Persians conquer Egypt - Death of Amasis. Aborted Persian expedition to kingdom of Kush, Ethiopia
522 ----------------- Oroetes murders Polykrates, Samos
522/1 -------------- Revolt of Magi
*521 ---------------- Death of Cambyses - ascension of Darius I
520 ----------------- Ascension of Kleomenes I, Sparta
*518 ---------------- Darius begins building of a temple complex, Persepolis
518 - 438 ---------- Pindar, lyric poet from Thebes
514 ----------------- Harmodios + Aristogeiton kill Hipparchos, Athens
*513 ---------------- Darius campaigns in Scythia + Cyrene
*512 - 510 --------- Megabazus subdues Thrace for Persia
c.510 - 460 -------- Foundation of Laos + Terina, Italy
510 ----------------- Expulsion of Peisistratids + Hippias, Athens
510 ----------------- Persian ambassadors are murdered after demanding Macedonian submission
*509 ---------------- Romans overthrow Etruscan kings, start of Roman Republic
508/7 -------------- Isagoras' archonship + Kleisthenes' reforms, Athens
505 ----------------- Start of tyranny at Gela
505/4 -------------- Spartans attempt to reinstate Hippias, Athens - beaten by Athenians + Corinth
501/0 -------------- Institution of 10 Athenian generals
c.500 -------------- Hippias stirs Persia against Athens. Enmity of Athens + Persia
Late 6th C. ------- Herakleitos, philosopher at Miletus
*500/499 ---------- Artaphrenes' failed expedition to Naxos
499 ----------------- Start of the Ionian Revolt - Aristagoras appeals to Athens + Sparta - Athens + Eritrea send aid
498 ----------------- Ionian rebels burn Sardis - Athens + Eritrea leave. Pindar writes his first poem: Pythian 10. Battle of Sepeia (Sparta V Argos)
498 - 454 ---------- Reign of Alexander I, Macedon
*497 ---------------- Revolt in Cyprus suppressed by Persia
494 ----------------- Battle of Lade (Persia defeats Ionia). Sack of Miletus. Cleomenes at Battle of Sepeia (Spartans defeat Argos)
*493 ---------------- Persians encroach on Chersonese. Battle of Malene, Ionia
493/2 -------------- Themistokles' archonship, Athens. Phrynichos prosecuted for "Sack of Miletus" play. Mardonius of Persia's failed expedition to Europe - Mt. Athos storm
492 ----------------- Miltiades returns to Athens + prosecution for tyranny
491 ----------------- Tyranny of Gelon, Gela. Cleomenes plots to remove King Demaratus, Sparta - Demaratus flees to Persia - ascension of Leotychidas until 469. Athens + Sparta kill Persian ambassadors - Athens appeals to Cleomenes against Aegina
490 ----------------- Madness + death of Kleomenes, Sparta - ascension of Leonidas. Fall of Eritrea
Aug/Sep ---------- Hippias leads Persians at the Battle of Marathon against Athens + Plataea
Early 5th C. ----- Parmenides of Elea, philosopher
490 - 489 --------- Miltiades' failed attempt to conquer isle of Paros - dies
490 - 480 --------- Birth of Herodotus (484 BC?)
488 ---------------- Gelon wins Olympic chariot race
487 - 483 --------- Yearly ostracisms, Athens
487/6 -------------- Athens' archonship chosen by lot
*486 --------------- Egyptian revolt against Persia. Death of Darius I - ascension of Xerxes
485 ---------------- Start of Gelon's tyranny, Syracuse
*485 --------------- Xerxes puts down Egyptian revolt
484 ---------------- First victory of Aeschylus
*484 --------------- Babylon revolts against Persia. Xerxes prepares for 2nd invasion of Greece
483 ---------------- Athos Canal dug by Xerxes, Greece. Laurion's silver mines found - Themistokles builds his fleet
481 ---------------- Loose Hellenic League formed in Sparta - Athens + Aegina end hostilities + 31 city states unite
480 ---------------- 2nd Persian invasion of Greece. Carthage invades Greek Sicily
9th-11th Aug ---- Dual battles of Thermopylae + Artemisium - death of Leonidas
Sep ---------------- Battle of Salamis - Athenian naval victory over Persia - Xerxes leaves Greece + leaves general Mardonius in charge
Autumn ---------- Battle of Himera - Syracusian victory over Carthage
June 479 --------- Mardonius reoccupies Athens
Aug 479 ---------- Battle of Plataea - Greek victory over Persia - Mardonius is killed
27th Aug --------- Battle of Mycale - Greek victory over Persia - Persian armies leave Greece
478 ---------------- Athenians rebuild their city walls. Persians driven from Chersonese + Byzantium
478, Winter ------ Delian League founded by Athens
431 ---------------- Death of Herodotus in Athens

• Herodotus, The Histories, pages xlvi - li (46 - 51) + pages 595 - 721
• Plutarch, Greek Lives (Robin Waterfield translation, 1998),pages xxxi - xxxii (31 - 32)
• Oswyn Murray, Early Greece, Second Edition, pages 309 - 314
• Nic Fields, Thermopylae 480 BC, Last Stand of the 300, Osprey, page 12
• Texts, Readers and Writers (CL1TR) lectures, by Professor Eleanor Dickey + Dr. Christa Gray, University of Reading
• Greek History: War, Society and Change in the Archaic Age (CL1GH) lectures, by Professor Emma Aston, University of Reading

OverlySarcasticProduction's Summary on Ancient Greece (I DO NOT own this video)


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Who was or were the Cimmerians and why why were they attacking Asia? I'll assume they were conquering Asia. Did they kill a bunch of people? Did they impregnate Asian women like that one man (Genghis Khan) who conquered a bunch of Asia?

From what I know, they were Indo-Europeans originating from north and north-east of the Black Sea, near Scythia.
They invaded parts of Asia Minor, some of which belonged to the Neo-Assyrian empire.

I don't know much about the Assyria Empire, meaning I know even less about the Neo-Assyria Empire. Actually, I've never heard of the revised version. That is another thing I should research, particularly in how some empires may revise, may resurrect, may reincarnate so to speak by another name to continue again. I love looking at patterns.

Honestly that's as much as I know XD not many people's specialty if we're honest. Would be interesting to look into tho ofc