This article is inspired by Michael Tsarion's latest broadcast in which he asked those of us who care about seeing mankind "Unslaved" to begin expressing our creative talents in order to reveal hidden knowledge. In the broadcast "Eastern Illuminati" it is stated that Israel and the Vatican are in cahoots @ 46 minutes. Mr Tsarion (2017) also explains that the hexagram represents the Priesthood of El who put a hex on us as demonstrated by the symbolism of the two triangles. 'Eastern Illuminati" (2017) also explains that the origin of the Judaic priesthood is the Fallen Angels, and that Satan is not in early Hebrew scripts. Enki and Enlil will be summarized next.
Scholar and Author Michael Tsarion
Enki and Enlil play key roles in the bible without people even realizing it. Robert Morningsky (2010) relates the "myth" of the extraterrestrial brothers Enki and Enlil in an interesting speech. He explains that the Annunaki half brothers Enki and Enlil were sent to planet Earth by their father, Anu, in order to mine gold. Robert explains that Annunaki means those who came from heaven to the Earth. The life work of Zecharia Stitchin has graced us with some fascinating information from ancient Sumerian clay tablets in which their version of the creation of homo sapiens is recorded. Mr. Stitchens (2012) explains that Enki created the modern humans by making a hybrid species from the Annunaki and Indigenous hominids of Earth so they could work the gold mines. It is reported that gold was needed in order to repair the atmosphere of the home planet of the Annunaki brothers. (Stitchen, 2012). Please remember that the bible plainly states "let us create mankind in our own image and our own likeness" when god was creating men from dust.
"The Ancient drawings include Neptune, Uranus & Pluto (planets unknown by modern peoples until 1846) describing the earth rotating around the sun."
Mr. Stitchen (2012) relates that there has been strife between Enki and Enlil since before their father sent them to Earth because Enki was the senior yet Enlil was given the kingship because his mother was Anu's wife while Enki's mother was a concubine. When listening to Mr. Morningsky relate the Native American knowledge of the Star Elders we learn that Enki grew angry with Enlil for his harsh treatment of the human slaves so he gave the humans knowledge which deeply angered Enlil. Robert suggests that Enlil then made the commandment "I am lord, thy god, and thou shalt have no god before me" which makes a lot of sense because the bible tells us god is jealous. Next, information about the Brotherhood of the snake will be displayed.
(This meme was located on bing a couple of years ago; however, it has since been removed so that it could not be located to cite. Other evidence will be presented in this article to demonstrate that Solomon, Abraham, and Jewry are of Enlil's tribe instead of Enki's as represented by this meme. What if someone did not want this meme to be seen and had it removed from bing? All the more reason to include it in this presentation of my theory.)
The Brotherhood of the Snake or Dragon is one of the oldest secret societies that is dedicated to guarding the secrets of the ages, and to the idea that Lucifer is the true god. The Brotherhood of the Snake seems to have evolved to various secret societies throughout time. Cooper (2011) reveals that the snake is associated with wisdom and that Lucifer is the personification of wisdom such as the serpent in the garden who offered Eve knowledge. The Sumerian tablets explain that kingship/civilization was brought down to Earth from the heavens both before and after the great deluge/flood (Stitchen, 2012). It seems logical that the Brotherhood of the Snake is Enki and Enlil. More information about the absence of Satan is early script will be presented next.
(Mr. Tsarion takes care to explain that the "reptilians" were just scientist from another Planet who wore the conduces symbol to represent DNA. Mr. Icke calls them reptilians because they are reptile people from another Planet. Idk, but i believe there is a foul and evil blood line that has been actively inferring with mankind for thousands of years, and there is more research coming on this subject so please follow me, and i will follow you back.)
Although the tale of the Garden of Eden makes the Serpent out as evil, it is possible that Enlil was angry because Enki gave knowledge to the "slaves". Bill Cooper (2011) states that it is believed by some that Enlil was holding men hostage in the garden of Eden and that Enki/Lucifer/Prometheus gave mankind knowledge to better themselves until they became their own gods. Mr. Cooper thinks that slavery to Enlil is preferable to learning to create for ourselves with the guidance of Enki. The creation of organized Christianity will be discussed next.
Christian, Bill Cooper (2011), explains that Christians were a secret society that was persecuted in Rome until Emperor Constantine made the emperor the pope and the Roman gods into Saints in order to conquer the Christian movement. He also states that the Free Masons are in cahoots with the Vatican on the higher levels and that the Christian movement of the day was combined with Roman Paganism by Emperor Constantine to create the Catholic church from which all other Christian churches evolved. Next, the connections between Judaism and the Knight's Templars as well as the Masons will be revealed.
First the Knights Templars will be discussed. Ancient Origins (2015) states that "according to the modern Templar historians, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Christopher Knight, the knights who banded together as the Knights Templar were part of a wave of European royalty descended from Jewish Elders that had fled the Holy Land around 70 AD, when it was invaded by the Romans" (para.1). Michael Tsarion revealed "as we have learned from the previous article, there is no mystery about where the original Templars found their wealth. It was not from any pit beneath the Dome of the Rock. It came from the elusive descendants of the even more ancient Atonists, probably via the Gaonim (elite Judites) who required a cover as they relocated their headquarters and theater of operation to Europe, Britain and America. Some quotes about Jewish and Masonic connections will be presented next.
Judaism, Zionism and Freemasonry (n.d.) has some interesting quotes revealed. "Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."----Rabbi Isaac Wise (para.1). “GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)(para.2). The July 1928 issue of the French masonic magazine Le Symbolisme admitted that "The most important duty of freemasonry must be to glorify the Jews, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom" (para.5). Mr Bill Cooper (2011) has already explained that the Vatican conspired with the Masons and now we see that the Masons are connected to Jewry. The reason for exhibiting these connections is to demonstrate that the there are ties between secret societies and monotheistic religions.
Idk for sure, the bible states that "the devil sends the beast with is a human number, its number is 666".
The element carbon that builds life has these numbers as well.
An informative meme from bing
The cube of Saturn/Star of David/ symbol of the "elite" hex on the low citizens/hexagram provides evidence of symbolism of the connections between religion, secret societies, the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the Annunaki in order to demonstrate that monotheistic religion is a control mechanism of the "elite". The bible tries to name Enki/Ea/Lucifer/Prometheus as the "evil one" yet Sumerian text and Native American legends reveal that Enlil/Yahyew is no angel. This author proposes that the Serpent was evolved into Satan in order to further promote Enlil's desire for mankind to remain ignorant. This is a theory only, and i am still building on it. Next, i will show you scary evidence. My concern is the poor kids who are the victims above all other concerns besides my own children.
I do know the hexagram is used for Molech who Hilary Clinton mentioned sacrificing a chicken to. I also know that this is one twisted ritual and that drinking blood is Vampire stuff. A bit of an article has been added that says this ritual is 5 thousand years old. It seems to be more evidence to my theory as they do this to their own in public.
A newspaper article is presented here.
"Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City
Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted from the religious practice
Two deaths and two babies suffering brain damage have resulted
Department of health warns there being no safe way to perform the ritual that dates back more than 5,000 years
By Nina Golgowski
PUBLISHED: 18:32 EDT, 5 April 2013 | UPDATED: 03:13 EDT, 6 April 2013
Two more infants have been infected with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City.
The latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly spread throughout its body.
The ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus.
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They tell us that Vampires are not real, but could they be lying???
The definition of Vampire is "
Vampire definition, a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night." @
Idk exactly what's going on, but it sure seems strange to me.
I've been looking into this stuff for years. It really is, what nightmares are made of. Though if we don't apply our attention to these taboo subjects, then they may continue, like this,.... forever.
when reality is stranger than fiction huh, #jamesilverstack :( exactly my thinking so that's why i make blogs to relay what Michael and others say as well as what i find in a condensed manner...they are pushing for WW3, so i figure may as well publish what i have even if it can be a touchy subject, but evidence is overwhelming... i followed you...please follow me back so we can f*&k and fix the system as a team
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