But that's a discussion for another day.
Blessings!Ha! makes one to wonder about the free speech that we have today Sir @janton. There's two sides to a coin and it has become a powerful weapon for character assassination.
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Very ture. Well, people insult each other all the time and we just blow it off because it's so common.
Simply because words have lost their meaning and their value my friend!
Exactly! Now nothing gets notices unless it's hyped and over dramatized.
Ha! With the social media like jackals and the printed media like a pack of Adrican wild dogs my friend. Anything bad and juicy that they can sell.
That's a great analogy with the African dogs. They smell blood and attack mercilessly in packs!
That is exactly what happens when you have a pack of journalists sniffing around Sir @janton
Yes, they all run with a story, most of the time before it gets investigated.