The Red Emperor

in #history6 years ago

China is the reputed birthplace of tea where, according to legend, Emperor Shen Nung discovered it nearly 5,000 years ago when a leaf from an overhanging tree fell into water he was boiling. He was intrigued by the smell and upon tasting the brew, became aware of its invigorating effect.

Guo Xu album dated 1503 (2).jpg

The legendary Red Emperor is also accredited with first teaching the Chinese of the benefits of hemp in the twenty-eighth century B.C., teaching them to cultivate “ma” (hemp) for cloth. and medicinal purposes. He is said to have invented the hoe, plow and axe, and first taught the people to store seeds, dig wells and irrigate crops.

Image result for red emperor shen nung

In the Huainanzi it is reported that the Chinese people were sickly and diseased, so Shen Nung (or Shannong) was sent to teach them about plants and agriculture. Legend has it that he came about much of his herbal knowledge by eating hundreds of plants and testing their effects on himself. On one occasion he was said to have consumed seventy poisons in one day. The lucky circumstance of the falling tea leaf is what saved him... and that is how tea came to be known as an antidote to seventy different poisons.


Wow! 5,000 years ago.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a pretty neat legend. I wasnt aware of who discovered tea. I think eating random plants that you arent familiar with is a generally poor practice. It's a good way to get poisoned. I guess he was quite lucky as well :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Good info. Thanks!

WOW! Great Post,Many years old history which was never known to the people of tea and did not know about some has been discovered since then.

Great post,old history 5,000 years ago all people did not know about tea and people could not do the work of agriculture.