Adolf Hitler - 7 interesting secrets about Hitler

in #history8 years ago

Hey Steemers!

Sadly known character, Adolf Hitler has kept some of his little secret habits for many years. Today, the whole truth about the passions, the personality and the projects of the person responsible for one of the worst genocides known to mankind is revealed. Here are 7 interesting facts about Hitler.

Hitler, from 1942 until his death in 1945, was addicted to crystal meth.

The man who created the design of the secret bunker of Saddam Hussein was the grandson of the woman who imagined the one of Hitler.

Hitler was afraid of the dentist, loved eating sweets, slept with his dog, had a particularly feminine writing and was suspected of being gay.

Hitler took 28 different drugs to fight chronic flatulence, including cocaine and amphetamines.

Hitler carefully collected art objects and photos made by Jews to keep them in a place he called "The Museum of the Extinct Race".

In 1938, Time Magazine elected Hitler "Man of the Year".

Hitler's plan for Moscow was to kill all the inhabitants and replace the city with a lake.


I am so weird because I actually like him. I hate what he did but I love his passion and intelligence. Don't hate me.

I don't hate you LOL you are free to think whatever you want :) I personaly don't like him and I also hate what he did, but yeah, we all have passions :)

Thank you! I just believe that Adolf had a great mind which he didn't really use for the common good. But as I have heard, "Hate the action but not the person." I try my best to still look at the good side of the most hateful men in the world.

I do like watching documentary on Hitler, you should watch "Hunting Hitler" it is a great one ! :)

Will do. Thanks!

Imagine how much history would've been different if Hitler had gotten accepted to the Vienna art school